Help...My Wife is a Spy

Baby Wu, Where Are You?

Baby Wu, Where Are You?

0The early summer sun shone in through the window, naturally waking the Wus from their sleep. The weather was perfect at this time of the year: warm but not yet hot and humid.      4

Halia glanced at the bag that was sitting by the door and rubbed her stomach. It had been 2 weeks since they first packed that bag, but Baby Wu had not arrived yet.     

She got out of bed and walked into her office to have a brief meeting with her agents. Due to their time difference, this was the best time to get everyone together. The last time she spoke to them was a week ago when they had just settled into their new locations.     

"Any progress?" Halia asked as she sat down in front of her computer and checked her notes. It had been 2 weeks since the 4 BTAs had been sent to hunt down the 5 Super Soldiers that were on the loose. Based on the information that Orca found via hacking into Amun's computers, 1 was in the USA, 1 was in Colombia, 1 was in China, 1 was in India, and 1 was unknown.     

Halia had been tracking down the unknown one, while the 4 BTAs went to look for the other 4. It seemed as though the unknown one had traveled by land; either south into another part of Africa, or north into Europe, but she had not found any trace yet.     

Hummingbird chimed in first like she always did, "I finally found my target last night. She's been mingling with some celebrities here in LA, but I'm not sure what she's up to. I will be following her to a pool party tonight. Hopefully, I will discover something."     

When Wolf heard her mention a pool party, he furrowed his brows. He remembered how she looked in her bikini when he first met her by the pool in Morocco and became a little protective. "Be careful at those pool parties. They can get a bit crazy," he warned.     

Hummingbird blushed a little when she heard the man's voice but she did not respond to him.      

Sasquatch cleared his throat. He knew that Wolf liked Hummingbird, but this was not the time to involve personal feelings. "My target arrived in Beijing and caught a train to Tibet. Lotus gave me some tips on how to find which train he boarded and where he got off. I have just located him. He seems to be working with a paramilitary group here."     

Getting Sasquatch's hint, Wolf immediately turned serious and said, "My target is here in Medellin working with a newly formed drug cartel. I am having trouble investigating him because they seem to have eyes and ears everywhere."     

Hummingbird frowned. How could he be worried about her attending pool parties when he was in a much more dangerous situation. The drug cartels in Colombia were famous for being highly dangerous and ruthless. In fact, Medellin was once the most dangerous city in the world because of these cartels.     

"Be patient. Don't do anything reckless. Now that we know the Super Soldier is involved with the cartels, I'll contact the local Interpol. They have an ongoing investigation there so you can work together with them. This is too dangerous to investigate on your own," Halia instructed.     

Hummingbird breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Halia's response; Wolf definitely needed backup.     

"OK, I'll lay low until they contact me," Wolf replied.     

After Wolf was done speaking, Orca finally spoke up, "I still haven't located my target. As soon as she landed in India, she disappeared. I have not been able to trace her at all. The only footage I found of her was of her leaving the airport in Mumbai and boarding an auto-rickshaw. Clearly, she chose this option because it's harder to trace. There were no cameras onboard and the auto-rickshaw did not have a GPS system installed. Finding her has been a long process."     

Halia furrowed her brows. "Let's try investigating from a different approach. Rather than tracing the route she took, let's predict her destination. I want you to investigate local gangs, cartels, and paramilitary groups to see if they're up to something and whether they've been working with a foreigner. I'll send you some backu...ahhh....!"     

Halfway through her sentence, Halia suddenly started screaming in pain. A moment ago, while she was talking, she suddenly felt a pop, and water started gushing down her legs!     

Her water had just broke!     

Hearing her scream, Jackson ran into the office and saw what had happened. He immediately ran over to his wife, picked up the microphone, and said, "Agents, I will get Captain Hua to contact you and continue this meeting."     

Just before he hung up, Hummingbird asked worriedly, "Did something happen to the Captain? Is she OK? Is she hurt?"     

Without beating around the bush, Jackson quickly replied, "Your Captain is giving birth!"     

He then hung up the phone, grabbed the bag that had been waiting, helped Halia out to the car, and tried to drive calmly to the hospital as his wife screamed in the backseat.     

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the hospital. As soon as they arrived, some nurses quickly helped her onto a bed and pushed her to the labor ward.     


Meanwhile, inside a private room in the same hospital, Avaleigh lifted a cup of water to her pale lips. She had just come out of surgery the previous day and she was finally regaining some strength.     

She looked around the empty room and grabbed the remote control to turn on the television. She didn't want her friends and family to worry about her, so she did not tell anyone about her condition.     

As soon as the television turned on, she saw an entertainment news reporter on the set of a show. "We are here at the filming of 'Let's Go!" the reporter said.     

Avaleigh's eyes opened wide with interest. Due to her condition, she had no choice but to quit her position on the variety show. She never explained the real reason to the cast and crew, but many of them had contacted her to show their concern. Especially the cast who had grown to be like family.     

The reporter walked over to Herbert Fang, the leading cast member, and asked nosily, "We heard that Avaleigh suddenly departed the show and there are rumors that she got kicked out of the show because she broke up with Emerson Wu. Is that true? Did she originally get a spot on the show because of her connections to Emerson Wu?"     

Avaleigh furrowed her brows and turned off the television. As she did so, she glanced at her bare hands and thought about what had happened in Emerson's car 2 weeks ago. That day, Emerson had pulled a small box out of his pocket.     

And, in that box was a beautiful diamond ring...     

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