Help...My Wife is a Spy

Emerson's Message

Emerson's Message

2On the day that Avaleigh realized her potential to help others, she had actually invited Steven and Danson to her home. Over dinner, she told them that she wanted to go public about her condition and to use it as an opportunity to raise awareness and educate the public. Danson and Steven were a little surprised at first. They both knew how harsh the entertainment industry could be and didn't want her to get hurt. But her intentions were clear and she was set on her decision, so they were slowly convinced.     

"Are you sure?" Danson asked. He had worked with Avaleigh for quite some time now and he viewed her as a younger sister so he was quite cautious.     

Avaleigh nodded her head. "I don't think there's anything to hide. It's not like I did something wrong. I was just unlucky. Besides, I'm already recovering."      

Danson glanced at Emerson. He was, after all, his boss. "If this is what she wants to do, then I will support her 100%," Emerson approved. Since the boss approved, then Danson had no reason to object.     

So, that night, as they sat around the dining table, Steven held an impromptu interview and wrote down everything about Avaleigh's condition and the message she wanted to send.     

Natalie read through Steven's article, and the shock on her face slowly faded. It was a tasteful and well-written article that beautifully documented Avaleigh's journey to recovery and there were a lot of gentle reminders for the public to check their bodies. At the very end of the article, there was even a small message from Emerson that Avaleigh didn't know about.     

Emerson had actually spoken to Steven in private and asked him to add it as a surprise.     

Halia also read the article and saw the message that Emerson left. With a smile, she walked over to Avaleigh and said, "I think all the reporters in the entertainment industry have just received a huge face slap..."     

Avaleigh looked at Halia and raised an eyebrow in confusion. Was she referring to the article? She didn't really think of it as a face slap...     

But, Halia was referring to Emerson's message. She held her phone in front of Avaleigh with a knowing smile and showed her the message that Emerson left. "Did you know about this?" she asked.     

Avaleigh looked at the text that was written in Italics under the article about her and her eyes opened wide in surprise:     

"Dear members of the public and the media,     

It has come to my attention that there has been a lot of speculation and misleading information regarding Avaleigh Song and I. I would like to remind everyone, not to believe everything that you read. While some very hurtful articles were going around and people were questioning Avaleigh's moral integrity, Avaleigh was going through the toughest time in her life. I watched as this brave woman put everything on hold and faced her cancer head-on while everyone was slandering her. She could have easily revealed the truth and played on everyone's sympathy, but she chose to shoulder her illness on her own because she didn't want to make everyone sad.     

Avaleigh is the strongest, kindest, and most selfless person I have ever met, and she inspires and amazes me every single day. Never once have I considered leaving her. My love for her is genuine, and I am 100% certain that her love for me is genuine too. I don't want to hear any more doubts regarding our relationship.     

I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that Avaleigh has never asked for anything from me. I am in no way affiliated with the production of 'Let's Go!' nor was I involved with the endorsement of Fengtai. Both projects were secured by Avaleigh herself and AE Entertainment merely represented her. She has more than enough capacity to achieve great things on her own. If anything, I am the selfish one that wanted her for myself, and I am the one that's benefiting from her fame. Sure, I opened an entertainment agency for her, but I am also a businessman that never invests in a loss. I saw an opportunity with Avaleigh, and I grabbed onto it. I'm sure any businessman would have done the same.     

AE Entertainment is nothing without Avaleigh Song...     

And, I am nothing without Avaleigh Song...     

If any of the rumors are true, then it has to be the one about her not being my girlfriend anymore...     


Avaleigh Song is now officially Emerson Wu's fiancee and I can't wait to make her my wife!"     

Avaleigh turned to look at Emerson as tears formed in her eyes. "I can't wait to make you my husband too," she smiled as she placed a kiss on his lips.     

Everyone looked at the couple and sighed in admiration. What a lovely sight.     

But, just as they were focused on the newly engaged couple, a sharp cry immediately drew their attention away.     

The little baby girl in Halia's arms was crying as though she was upset that everyone had forgotten about her. That was right! This was meant to be a party for her.     

Pumpkin immediately ran over and started pulling funny faces at the little girl and her crying slowly subsided. "Look at me, Lolly. I am your big brother, Pumpkin. I will take good care of you and Watermelon," he said gently.     

Laurie looked at the little boy and made a few random noises as though she understood and Pumpkin naturally placed a kiss on her forehead.     

Halia giggled and looked at Natalie. "I think your son just stole my daughter's first kiss," she joked.     

"That doesn't count. It wasn't on the lips. Her lips are reserved for my little Watermelon," Natalie chuckled as she rocked the baby in her arms.     

Halia rolled her eyes and laughed as she looked at her daughter. As she looked at her tiny face, she couldn't help but wonder how her daughter would be like when she grew up. Who would she actually give her first kiss to and who would she eventually marry. Would her husband be as handsome as Jackson?     

As she thought this, she slapped herself on the forehead. Where was her mind wandering off to? Wasn't she getting too far ahead of herself? Her daughter was only one month old!     

Halia shook her head and laughed.     

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