Help...My Wife is a Spy

Worthy Information

Worthy Information

1It was past visiting hours in the maximum-security prison, but as the head of Interpol, Trisha was an exception. So, when she showed up to see Boginya, the guards nodded with respect and quickly led the way to the underground cell.     

It was the second time that day that she was visiting this prison. She didn't expect to return so soon...neither did Boginya.     

As Trisha walked in, she noticed Boginya chewing on her nails, obviously looking less comfortable than she did that morning. For a moment, she wondered if her words that morning had actually made the woman a little nervous.     

But, as soon as Boginya saw Trisha, she quickly pulled her hand away from her mouth and sat up calm and confidently as usual. "Why are you back so soon? Are you that desperate for information?" she laughed smugly.     

It was true that Trisha's words earlier had gotten to her a little. She knew how The Organization worked. Anyone that was captured, was killed. They had already shown her mercy by trying to help her escape once. They weren't going to waste resources on trying it again. But, would they actually kill her? Who would dare kill her? She was one of the leaders of The Organization and an ex-KGB agent. Even if they put a price on her head, who would take that risk. If one wanted to survive in prison, wouldn't they want to get on her good side instead? So, after much thought, she dismissed all doubts and insisted on keeping her mouth shut.     

But, to her surprise, Trisha looked at her and laughed as well. "I'm simply here to give you one last chance to cooperate before we find out everything ourselves and you become useless..." she said in a carefree manner.     

Boginya glared at Trisha and ignored her as she grabbed a book. Lately, she had been reading science books. Especially ones about the human brain...     

Trisha smirked and sat down on a chair opposite the cell. "We've discovered that Amun is in Fez, Morocco..." she said as she watched the woman's face for the slightest reaction.     

Boginya's eyebrows twitched a little but she did not look up.     

"What is he doing there? What is his real identity?" Trisha asked. "We will find out sooner or later, but if you help us speed up the process, I can make sure that you live comfortably down here for the rest of your life. I'm sure you've thought about what I said earlier. If we release you back upstairs, I wonder how long you'll survive."     

Boginya put down the book in her hands and looked into Trisha's eyes, "If you release me up there, I will become their boss and have plenty of people to serve me for the rest of my life. After all, they know who I am and they're afraid of me. Who would dare to touch me?"     

Trisha smirked, "I wonder if they will be more afraid of you, or more afraid of the person that ends up killing you..."     

Trisha knew how the prisons worked. It was just like an ancient kingdom where the person that killed a king would naturally take their throne. Did Boginya really think she could hold onto the throne forever? She had the biggest target on her head!     

Boginya started to look a little flustered as she thought about what Trisha said.     

Knowing that she had gotten to Boginya, Trisha stood up calmly and said, "Since you're so confident with yourself, I guess I should stop wasting my time here... This will be the last time I visit you..."     

She then turned and started walking to the door.     

But...just as she reached it, a voice called out behind, "Wait!"     

Trisha smirked.      

"If I tell you what I know, what will I get in return?" Boginya asked in a hesitant tone.     

Trisha looked into the woman's plain cell. All she had was a mattress, a hole in the ground for a toilet, and a desk with some books.     

"How about a television and a sitting toilet?" Trisha offered.     

Boginya pointed to the chair opposite her cell, gesturing for Trisha to sit back down.     

"What I'm about to tell you is worth more than that. How about a softer bed and a quilt as well," she negotiated.     

Trisha sat down on the chair and crossed her legs, "Let me hear what you have to say first and I'll decide if it's worth it."     

Boginya looked at Trisha confidently. Her information was definitely worth it. " one of the other leaders of The Organization..." she said.     

Trisha leaned back with a pleased expression, "That is indeed worthy..."     


Meanwhile, back at the orphanage, Lotus and Sasquatch had just finished washing the dishes and were getting ready to tuck the children into bed.     

Because of the cold weather, Lotus had her scarf and gloves back on from earlier that day.     

Sasquatch watched as Lotus patiently tucked each of the children in. Some wanted hugs, some wanted kisses, and some even wanted to hear lullabies. He dazed off for a moment as he watched her. For some reason, she seemed so genuine that it warmed his heart. If he had children one day, he would want a wife that was as patient and loving as Lotus to tuck them into bed...     

Wait a minute!! Why was he even having this thought? His cheeks began to heat up with embarrassment.     

Sasquatch quickly shook his head and snapped out of his daze. That was it! He had enough! The moment they left this orphanage, he was going to grab her, remove those gloves by force, and get on with his mission instead of having ridiculous thoughts.     

At that moment, a little voice beside him said, "Bernard, I'm not feeling well..."     

Sasquatch glanced down at the child that was tugging on his shirt. The child looked a little weak. Sasquatch leaned over and placed his hand on the child's forehead with concern. He then compared the temperature to his own forehead. Did the child have a fever? Because of his embarrassing thoughts a moment ago, his temperature was a little hotter than usual, so he couldn't tell.     

But, just as he furrowed his brows with uncertainty, a soft, gentle voice suddenly said beside him, "Let me check..."     

Sasquatch watched as Lotus walked past him with a comforting smile. For a moment, he was mesmerized by her angelic presence. But then...     

...he saw her slowly remove her gloves...     

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