Help...My Wife is a Spy

Love Rival

Love Rival

4"Halia?" a voice called out from the doorway of the private gym room.     

Halia's heart almost jumped out of her chest when she realized her and Sean were in a very ambiguous state and someone was at the door.     

She quickly pushed the man off her body and looked towards the doorway. It was Eric, it had been a long time since they saw each other.     

Eric looked at Halia awkwardly and said, "Dr. Li and I were asked to take you to the lab for a few checks before you fly to Hong Kong tomorrow. Am I interrupting something? Should I come back later?"     

"Errr, no, let's go right away."     

Halia quickly shook her head and got up. Without saying goodbye to Sean, she hurried Eric out the door with her.     

Sean watched as the woman left. With a slight smile he touched his lips and tried to calm down his rapidly beating heart. She didn't resist this time either. For him, this was a good sign. He was going to confirm their feelings in Hong Kong and he had a promising feeling about it.     

After leaving the SPU headquarters, Halia jumped into Eric's car with furrowed brows. Something was definitely not right. Sean was her handler and friend; almost like an older brother. Why did she kiss him back? Especially when she already had a boyfriend? She had never been the promiscuous type.     

As Eric drove, he winked at Halia and teased, "I sense some romance in the air."     

"It's not what you think," Halia quickly denied.     

"Come on, if I didn't interrupt you earlier, who's to say what you two would have done in that room," Eric laughed, while thinking some really dirty thoughts.     

"I don't know what we would have done either," Halia began to feel worried. She was about to spend an entire week with Sean. If she lost control again, what else would she do with him? Every time he got close to her, it was like she became another person.     

"Eric, you said Sara's memories will remain in my mind for 3 months. Have any of your previous test subjects experienced any odd effects during that time?" Halia suddenly asked.     

"What odd effects are you referring to?" Eric sensed something was off with Halia's voice so he looked at her uncomfortably.     

Halia had thought of many possibilities for her loss of control, but it all boiled down to one highly likely conclusion: "Eric, I feel like I'm being possessed by Sara..." she said nervously with a slight tremble in her voice. Was that even possible?     

As soon as Eric heard this, he immediately stepped on the brakes. With a worried expression, he looked at Halia and said, "Why do you say that?"     

Halia sensed that Eric knew something, so she took a deep breath and simply said, "Sean and Sara were lovers..."     

Before she said anything else, Eric started driving again. This time, his expression was a lot more serious as he focused on the road, "We need to see Dr. Li immediately."     


Over in France, Amelie poured Jackson another glass of wine. "I know I shouldn't be drinking on the job, but we really need to celebrate our reunion," she said as she took a sip.     

"After Interpol faked my death, I was sent here to watch over witnesses in this safe house. Since my target was never caught, it was too dangerous for me to walk around in the open. At the beginning, the Chief told me it would only be for a month. But, one month led to another...and another - it's already been a year since I've been here!" Amelie complained as she emptied the wine into her mouth.     

"You don't know how happy I am to see a familiar face. Especially you. We have no contact with the outside world here and it gets extremely lonely, even though we get new people to protect all the time," Amelie wrapped her arms around Jackson and hugged him again.     

Jackson hugged the woman back comfortingly, but after hearing what she said, he began to worry. Amelie was told that she'd be here for a month, but she had already been here for a year. What if he wasn't staying here for just a month either? He began to miss Halia. What was that woman doing while he was gone?     

Meanwhile, not too far away, the tall and strong Agent Dupont glared at the two unhappily. He had been in this safe house with Amelie for almost 6 months and loneliness was their biggest enemy. Not knowing when they'd leave, they relied on each other to keep the other sane. This meant long chats about life, comforting hugs...and even some hot and steamy nights when they couldn't contain their desires. They were both mature adults and understood the situation they were in, so Amelie treated their relationship like a counseling session or exchange. But, Alexander Dupont was different. He gradually developed real feelings for this woman. He even tried to express his feelings by treating her as more than a friend. However, just as he thought he was making progress and she was responding to his affections...along came Jackson.     

Alexander had heard many things about Jackson; Amelie often talked about him and he could tell that she was in love with him. But, he never expected to meet the man in real life.     

Now, he was forced to live under the same roof as his love rival for an indefinite time. Was he about to lose Amelie to this man?     

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