Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 737: She Felt She Was Lost

Chapter 737: She Felt She Was Lost

2The bodyguard said, "Mr. Howel, dozens of representatives of Ancient Country, are protesting through different channels. They suspect the president is fake."     4


The bodyguard paused and said, "So they commissioned the closest people to the president to determine his authenticity on behalf of the public. She has arrived at the presidential palace."     

"Who is coming?" Avery wanted to stand up, but she was tightly held in Evan's arms, so she could only rest her chin on his shoulder.     

"It's the president's sister, Maeve Black."     

"Maeve Black? The president has a sister?" Avery got close to Evan's ear and whispered, "Is Mr. Black fake?"     

"What do you think?" Evan slightly turned his head. They were so close to each other and felt each other's breath.     

"He looks like the real Mr. Black." The first time Avery saw the fake Mr. Black, she was stunned.     

That's why she was suspicious.     

Looking at her serious expression, Evan smiled and said, "Mr. Black not only has a sister but a twin brother."     

"So you mean he is Mr. Black's twin brother."     

Evan acquiesced. This was to her surprise. She thought the fake Mr. Black wore a skin mask and did not expect he was Mr. Black's twin brother.     

Even Avery couldn't tell whether he was real or fake.     

Would Mr. Black's sister recognize him?     

"Where is she?" Evan asked.     

The bodyguard hurriedly said, "She is taking selfies in the woods."     

Avery, "..."     

Avery couldn't resist laughing. When it was so serious, Mr. Black's sister was taking selfies in the woods.     

"Who let you permit her in?" Evan's reaction was very different. There were small white worms in the woods, which were related to the life of the little baby. Evan had sent bodyguards to strengthen the defense.     

"But that's the president's sister. I'm afraid she'll be suspicious if she doesn't get in."     

Avery was suddenly put aside by Evan. Then he lifted his feet and kicked the bodyguard's abdomen.     

As he continued to walk towards the bodyguard, Avery stopped him, "What he did is not wrong."     

"It's not wrong to let others in the woods?"     

"Ancient Country belongs to Mr. Black, and his sister has the right to get in." Avery knew that this man would not take anything seriously.     

But sometimes he didn't have to be tough.     

Besides, they were now in other people's territory. If it weren't for the white worms, they would not stay here."     

"Mr. Black's sister went in to take a selfie. She didn't do anything wrong."     

Evan looked at Avery, who liked to speak for others recently.     

"Ask someone to watch her over." Evan ordered the bodyguard and casually asked, "Where is the president?"     

"He is playing games in the study."     

Avery really could not hold back this time. They were really twins.     

It seemed that Ancient Country's prosperity had nothing to do with the president.     

Evan frowned, "Inform him and let him over to deal with his sister."     

Robert handed him the Ipad. The news pages were all about protests.     

Avery leaned over to see how serious the situation was.     

If there were riots, could the guards suppress the riots?     

Moreover, they stayed here for the sake of the little baby. If the riots couldn't be suppressed, would it affect the treatment of the baby?     

Avery shook her head. It was not easy to see a trace of hope. She could not let Mr. Black's sister find out Mr. Black is fake.     

Evan naturally guessed what she was thinking and put her head into his arms, "You think I will let this happen?"     

Avery was worried as long as it was involved in the business of their baby.     

Suddenly, she looked up at him, "Let's have a look?"     

"Where do you want to go?"     

"The woods."     

Evan stared at her. They held together. The woman's eyes were filled with prayer.     

"Finish lunch, and I'll take you there."     

Avery obediently sat back to the table and ate her food seriously. During the lunch, Evan was unable to hold her hand.     

After lunch, it's the hottest time. Avery changed her clothes. She was wearing a long dress, which was elegant. There was a pink ribbon around the waist.     

Her hair was tied up too, and the loose braids were on the shoulders.     

Evan darkened his face, "You need to dress up when you are going to see that old woman?"     

"Old woman? How did you know she is an old woman?" Avery looked at him in a funny way, "She's Mr. Black's sister. I have to show my respect."     

"You don't need to respect her."     

Avery has already figured out his words and reached for him, "It's mainly to please you."     

Sure enough, the man held her hand more tightly.     

Two horses were brought by the guards, and the woods were near the presidential palace. It was not convenient to drive through the woods, so they could only ride horses.     

Evan helped her on the horse. When he was about to ride on the same horse, Avery ran out.     

On the back of the horse, she said, "You ride your own."     

Evan immediately stepped on another horse and went after her.     

Soon Avery arrived at the woods, where there were unknown wild grasses and flowers on both sides of the path.     

Deep in the shade of the dense trees, some birds chirped, echoing the clatter of a horseshoe.     

This intricate path was the easiest to get lost. Avery was not familiar with the road conditions.     

Looking back, she found they didn't catch up.     

She stopped the horse, which was very obedient to drop its head to eat the roadside grass.     

She looked around, and there were no obvious signs except the trees. There were many cross junctions.     

She felt she was lost.     

When Avery took the horse and went back, she heard the looming cry for help.     

She straddled the horse, chased the crying. As the horse ran forward, she heard it more clear.     

She stopped and looked closely at a man who was floating on a river and waving his arms.     

Avery guessed it was a woman who wore bright yellow clothes.     

Avery asked the horse to run fast so that she can save the woman.     

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