Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 555: How Did You Get Them Here?

Chapter 555: How Did You Get Them Here?

0Avery was doubtful. Public opinions were different about the witchcraft that has become popular these days. Some people said it's really effective, while others said it's a trick of deceiving money.      1

Avery whipped the wizard on the side of his body, scaring him.     

The shifty-eyed wizard was afraid of death but would use different tricks to make money.     

The wizard though Avery didn't trust him and continued to say, "All I'm talking about is true. If you don't break the witchcraft, Mr. Howel would be in love with Diana soon."     

Avery sneered, "Can you tell me how to break the witchcraft?"     

The wizard raised his head and was proud, "I won't tell you unless you let me go."     

Avery smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Do you think I'll believe it? I don't care."     

With that, she told the bodyguards, "Take care. Don't let him go."     

She wanted to keep the wizard, wait for Evan to come back, and show him what Diana has done.     

Seeing Avery turned around to go, the wizard was a little anxious, and shouted, "You are really not afraid of your husband falling in love with others? If you don't break the witchcraft quickly, your family will break up."     

"If he really loves me, it's useless for you to do any witchcraft. If not, I'd rather leave him."     

Avery walked out without looking back.     

The wizard laughed when he heard Avery's words.     

Avery went back to her bedroom to call Gabrielle. When she dialed Gabrielle's phone number, it said that the subscriber she dialed was out of service.     

It's really strange that others couldn't pay the phone bill for Gabrielle. Gabrielle could only use Facebook to maintain contact with the outside world through a wireless network.     

Avery thought that her sister was so weird that she refused her offer to pay her debt. Did Gabrielle fall in love with Jackson?     

Avery called Gabrielle on Facebook, and the background at the end of the phone was the sound of the girls and the guests in the club.     

"Gabrielle, are you in the club?"     

"I just came back from the shooting scene, and I saw the headline about Evan's grandmother."     

"She won't be satisfied unless she does something to me. Leave her alone. Are you free today?"     

Avery heard the sound of footsteps at the end of the phone. Gabrielle was walking while answering the phone.     

"Sorry. Maybe we'll have a date another day." Gabrielle didn't know whether Holly had helped her pay off her debt.     

Tightening her white down jacket, Gabrielle wanted to go into the room. Why was it so cold? She found that the door of the courtyard was open and that Jackson was in the room. No wonder it's so cold.     

In this case, would she freeze to death when she went into the room?     

She'd better go back to her own apartment.     

She would have a date with her sister another, and then she hung up the phone.     

She buried her frozen red face in her clothes and wanted to leave. It was a pity that the sound of a familiar person came from behind her, "Gabrielle."     

Gabrielle turned back discontentedly and stared at him, "Hill, please pretend you don't know me."     

"Gabrielle, I..."     

"Shh! We don't know each other. Repeat my words a couple of times. We don't know each other." Gabrielle was very patient to wash his brain.     

She remembered that everything in the universe could sense each other.     

It was her understanding that Hill would really don't know her if he repeated her words a few more times.     

Hill was very obedient and repeated her words a few times. Then he found it's wrong and he remembered what he wanted Gabrielle to do.     

Gabrielle patted him on the shoulder, "Do you remember it? We don't know each other. You haven't seen me either. Tell Jackson I'm not back, okay?"     

Hill really shuddered when he heard his boss's name, "Gabrielle, Mr. Oliver wants to see you."     

"Gabrielle? Who is Gabrielle? You got the wrong person." Gabrielle was going to walk to the door of the courtyard. At this time, a few bodyguards holding white dresses went in.     

To be accurate, they were holding wedding dresses.     

The white and luxurious dresses were covered with a transparent dust guard.     

"What is this?" Gabrielle put her hands in the pockets of the white down jacket and got out of their way.     

"Mrs. Charles designed several wedding dresses and kept letting Mr. Oliver take Holly to try them, but Mr. Oliver never went. Mrs. Charles sent the wedding dresses here directly."     

"Wow, they're for Holly? They are gorgeous."     

Hill, "..."     

After finishing speaking, Gabrielle stopped the bodyguard who walked at the end, "You stop."     

The bodyguard was confused and stopped, "My lady, what can I do for you?"     

"Give me the wedding dress, and I'll get it in." With that, Gabrielle reached for the wedding dress. She was shorter than the bodyguard, and couldn't get the wedding dress.     

The bodyguard, hesitantly, took a look at Hill, lowered his hands, and handed the wedding dress to her.     

Gabrielle did not think that the wedding dress was so heavy. When she took it, she was crushed by the wedding dress. If she was not against the wall, she would fall to the ground.     

It's good. This wedding dress aroused her desire for conquest in an instant.     

She held up the wedding dress and easily blocked her whole body. As she blocked herself, she quickly followed the bodyguards in front of her.     

She followed the bodyguards into the room. When the bodyguards stopped, she stopped as well.     

Then she heard the bodyguard standing in front of her say to Jackson, "Mr. Oliver, these are from Mrs. Charles."     

"How did you get them here? Send them back to Mrs. Charles." As soon as Jackson spoke, the temperature of the room was lower, causing Gabrielle to shiver all over her body. Fortunately, the wedding dress in her hand was raised above her head and blocked her whole person from head to feet.     

"Wait a minute." The dangerous footsteps sounded. Gabrielle heard the footsteps were approaching her.     

In fact, such a line, at a glance, was very strange. Four or five bodyguards were in front of the line, while Gabrielle suddenly disappeared.     

Gabrielle thought that she would be scared to death if it were in the middle of the night.     

A big hand covered her and pulled down the wedding dress. Jackson found that the person behind the wedding dress did not accept the fate of being found.     

"Let your hands go," Jackson commanded.     

Gabrielle really let go of her hands.     

The wedding dress was pulled down. Gabrielle's fair face was covered with pink, and she was like a blooming rose in winter.     

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