Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 558: The Terms Are Up To You

Chapter 558: The Terms Are Up To You

2Gabrielle was surprised to look up at Jackson, and Jackson had already rushed over angrily, holding her shoulders, and severely pressing her on the wall, "Who is it?"     

Who was it?     

Holly seemed to be clever, and she has not been found out by Jackson.     

Gabrielle's shoulders continued to be painful, and a pair of innocent big eyes staring at him, "My debt is paid off. You're not happy about it?"     

"Happy?" Jackson pressed her harder, and he wanted to kill someone, but he had no idea why he wanted to do so.     

"You're getting engaged. You want to keep me warming your bed?"     

The fact that couldn't be changed made Jackson helpless, "Stay with me. The terms are up to you."     

"I don't want to." It was the first time that Gabrielle refused him so directly, "I don't like to share a man with another woman."     

She had her own principles. Once the man belonged to another woman, the man was like a cookie that had been bitten by a stranger.     

The point is that Gabrielle couldn't eat the cookie again.     


Jackson punched on the wall to vent his emotions, and the white wall was left with shockingly red blood.     

Jackson lowered his eyelashes and turned his face elsewhere, "You go."     

He hated the feeling that he could not control himself, and his mood was easily affected by the woman, but he had no way to marry her. The position of his wife was too dangerous.     


Not long after Avery stayed in the cafe, she received Charles' text message in which he said he would be late because of a temporary operation.     

Avery searched for news about the witchcraft. There were a lot of differences of opinions. Some said that most of the effective witchcraft was profitable and was particularly popular in Country T.     

She searched it on the Internet out of curiosity and wanted to find out whether there was a way to break the witchcraft. Unfortunately, there was little information about this. Some said the effect varied from person to person, while some said it's useless.     

Avery looked at the terrible ideas on the screen: let him can't leave you and be romantic.     

None of these ideas were clearly suitable for her.     

Evan was on a business trip now. It's impossible to talk about romance with him.     

What were these ideas?     

But she could give him a surprise.     

After a sip of coffee, she got up and walked out of the cafe.     

The cafe was in a mall. She had made an appointment with Charles to buy a gift for his blind date, but she decided to go around herself first.     

In the lingerie store, a sales girl was holding a sexy sleeping dress in hand.     

The sleeping dress was sexier than sexual uniforms.     

Avery touched the sleeping dress, which was almost transparent. She could even see her fingers clearly through the dress.     

"It's just for dressing in the bedroom." This was the most expensive one in the store, so the salesgirl recommended it to her.     

Avery did not hesitate and let the salesgirl pack it up.     

When she went to buy other lingerie, she heard the whispers behind her.     

"That's the woman. I heard she gave birth to a freak, so Mrs. Howel invited a wizard to do the witchcraft."     

"Is it really that evil?"     

"It's real. The pictures of her baby are spread out, and that woman's temper is bad. Maybe there are evil spirits on her."     

"We'd better leave here. She touched all the lingerie here."     

"Why are we leaving? If she wants to go, she should go." With that, the woman called another salesgirl in the shop, "Go and tell your manager that there is an evil woman in the store. If you don't let her out immediately, I'll have my dad buy your store."     

The other woman next to her was pulling her sleeve, "Don't do that. After all, she is Mr. Howel's..."     

"What are you afraid of? They are divorced. She is probably not welcome in the Howel family. Otherwise, how could Mr. Howel's grandmother do this to her?"     

The woman spoke loudly and said that to her on purpose. The salesgirl stood awkwardly, wondering what to say.     

Avery has experienced a lot of these things, and she didn't care about what others said, but it went too far for the woman to drive her out of the store.     

She had been ready to check out and leave. Seeing the woman was so arrogant, she was interested to see how the woman drove her away.     

The salesgirl was worried when she saw that Avery was still choosing her lingerie. The two women were frequent visitors here. One of them was a lady from the Webster family, while the other was from the Conor family. Both of the families were wealthy, and they could easily buy the store.     

If, as they said, the customer standing next to her had a low status in the Howel family, she would probably be bullied.     

At this time, the female manager rushed out of the office. Taking a glance at the scene, she went to Monica Webster, "Miss Webster, what can I do for you?"     

"Didn't your salesgirls tell you? The woman has polluted the air, and I want you to drive the woman out. All the lingerie is dirty, and give me all the new lingerie."     

The manager was in a difficult situation, "I'm afraid that's not right."     

"Aren't you afraid I'll buy your store?"     

The manager smiled, "If you buy our store, the lingerie here is left to you."     

What the manager meant was clear. She was not afraid of Monica to buy the store.     

The manager's response obviously made Monica angry. She darkened her face, had to take out her phone angrily, and dialed a phone call, "Dad, I was bullied, and you have to help me."     

"Who dares to bully my sweet girl? Tell me, and I'll ask justice for you."     

"It's the lingerie store where I often go shopping."     

The phone was quiet for several minutes. Monica said discontentedly, "Dad, are you listening to me?"     

"The company to which the store belongs was acquired by the Howel Group an hour ago. Don't cause trouble, and get out of there."     

"What are you talking about? I want you to buy it for me."     

The phone was hung up. Monica was shaking and trying to throw the phone away. Several bodyguards walked to her and dragged her out.     

"Who are you? Why are you pulling me? Let go of me, or I'll call the police."     

Instead of letting her go, the bodyguards hurled her out of the door, "Mr. Howel said you are not welcome here."     

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