Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 486: None of Them Was Right

Chapter 486: None of Them Was Right

2Even Avery didn't know when she took the pictures.     

Did she get her pictures taken while she was asleep, played with Lucky, or in Zuri Hotel?     

But she was the only person in all these pictures wherever the background was. There were no exceptions.     

"How do you get all my photos? When do you take them?"     

Evan took secret photos of her!     

"What? Didn't you take secret photos of me too?"     

Evan said like he had every right to do so. But the corners of his mouth slightly pointed up. He smiled. He took photos from different angles of Avery, stored them in his phones, and looked at them whenever he wanted.     

Avery frowned because she saw a picture of when she was asleep, her mouth was slightly open and drooling.     

She reached out to take the phone to delete it. She needed to destroy it. How could he take such ugly photos of her?     

"Will you delete it?"     

Avery didn't want Evan to keep any of these photos. But Evan used the pic when she and he kissed at the open-air restaurant in Zuri Hotel. Then he added a very difficult code to his photos, and gave Avery his phone.     

"If you could open it, you can delete whatever phones you like. I'll also promise you one thing."     

Avery tried different sets of numbers. They were her birthday, Evan's birthday and their anniversary.     

None of them was right.     

At the presidential house     

After Andrew received Avery's texts, he divided his security team in two. One headed for April Webster's, and the other followed Andrew.     

Andrew finally understood what Avery meant by making things worse.     

Andrew asked the bodyguards to guard the door, and he walked into the gym. In the farthest end stood three treadmills. A man in a tracksuit was jogging in the middle one.     

Andrew took off his black coat, stepped on the treadmill on the right, and started running.     

The man cast Andrew a look but didn't say anything.     

"Mr. Webster, I see you're a sporting type."     

Andrew decided to talk to William first.     

William only hummed as an answer to Andrew's question.     

"Can I talk to you for a second?"     

"Go ahead," William didn't stop. He only slowed down the speed.     

Andrew took out a piece of paper the size of a business card from his trouser pockets.     

"I believe you dropped this."     

There were four pictures on the paper which vividly recaptured the disfiguring process of the character.     

William took a peek, "Mr. Clifford, you're wrong. This isn't mine."     

Andrew knew William wouldn't acknowledge it. He eyed James standing next to him. James immediately found a pile of manuscripts.     

"If this piece of paper doesn't belong to you, these signatures are written by you, right?"     

William stopped the treadmill and turned at Andrew, "What do you want?"     

"The suspect has identified Avery as the one who put her to it. But that's far from the truth. And you, William, are the only ones apart from Rebecca who knows the truth. I hope you could testify. I want you to say that Avery acted in self-defense because Rebecca wanted to disfigure her first."     

"Mr. Clifford, you're barking up the wrong tree. I don't know exactly what happened."     

Andrew even knew he would get rejected. He put on a nice smile, "as far as I know, you're a Christian."     

"So what?"     

"William, do you really want to overlook justice and let the evil win?"     

"I don't need lecturing from you. I know how to act like a good Christian. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to keep exercising."     

William didn't have a chance to get back to his exercise before a bodyguard came in a hurry.     

"Mr. Webster, I just saw Mrs. Webster being chased by some guys in black hoodies. We went there to save her but are outnumbered."     

"Send our men there."     

Andrew ordered while hiding the cunning look. He soon led the bodyguards to save April, followed by William.     

They ran to the back garden. The guys that went after April started fighting Andrew's bodyguards. Some kicked April, who was on the floor. When they saw the rescue coming for April, they left quickly.     

April had bruises and cuts all over her elbows and legs. She was vomiting blood on the floor. She couldn't stop trembling while covering her belly.     

William ran over to check her wounds. Andrew was in charge of chasing the men who just fled the scene. Andrew's security team moved fast and started fighting them. The grass and flowers were crushed completely.     

"Mom, are you okay?" William held his mother up. She had blood around the corners of her mouth. She could barely keep breathing, but still said weakly, "William, they want to kill me."     

"Who are they? Who wants to kill you?"     

The bodyguards retreated and reported to Andrew, "Sir, they're Your Highness's men."     

April suddenly recalled what Avery said to her. Did Rebecca really send them to silence her?     

William bit his tongue so hard, and the fire of anger lit in his eyes.     

"Rebecca?" He punched the grass, "I will not let her get away with it."     

Andrew cast a look in April, who was lying on the ground. His men seemed to go hard on her. But if they didn't, how could he awaken William's hatred for Rebecca?     

Thinking of this, Andrew grew more and more pleased. Avery's little scheme worked.     

Avery planned to divide Andrew's security team in two. One pretended to go after April Webster, convincing her that Rebecca had the intent to kiss her since the arson at the presidential house.     

The other team saved April from being "killed". So, William would willingly work with them to testify against Rebecca.     

Rebecca slapped the table, "What did you say?"     

"When our men arrived at the presidential house, William and April had already left. Their whereabouts were unknown at the moment. Could it be that we spooked them, and the other side took them?"     

Rebecca tightened her fingers on the hospital bed. The quilt was clenched in her hands.     

If it were true, April and William would close ranks and testify against her.     

Rebecca stared at the empty white wall of the hospital. She squinted and suddenly smiled. It sounded spooky. Avery thought she could turn the situation around by getting April and Webster on her side. That was stupid. Also, she underestimated her capability.     

She still had a champion card.     

She would not let Avery go so easily after she disfigured her.     

There were two knocks on the door. A woman in a baggy dress wearing a mask came in, followed by a bodyguard.     

The bodyguard lowered his head, "Your Highness, we brought you the woman you asked for."     

Rebecca stared at the woman and said gently, "Take off your mask and let me see your face."     

The woman took off her mask slowly. Rebecca stared at her in shock. She looked exactly the same as Avery!     

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