Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 574: Find A Way To Let Evan Have It

Chapter 574: Find A Way To Let Evan Have It

4In his first attempt to persuade Avery to stay in Country B, Logan had long wanted Avery to marry a person in the country.      0

Now, as Avery has returned to Country B, the whole country was celebrating. Logan, as her father, naturally was willing to give her the best.     

Although Avery was divorced and had a little baby, her beauty, and her identity would still attract many gentlemen in the country.     

Evan couldn't suppress his anger and kicked over the coffee table, "That's impossible!"     

How could his woman marry someone else? He wouldn't allow it.     

He paced back and forth fretfully, knowing that Avery was still angry with him, so she cut off every chance he could find her.     

She was not going to give him any chance. How much did she hate him?     

Put him on the blacklist?     

Evan's ferocious eyes suddenly looked at Robert, "Prepare another identity for me."     

In order to see Avery, he probably wouldn't hesitate to dress up as a woman.     

Avery, if I knew I would fall in love with you, I would love you at first sight.     

I would never let you suffer if I knew I would fall in love with you.     


Avery opened her eyes in a daze and looked out of the window. What went into her eyes was the vast sea, and the blue sea reflected the sparkling light.     

She inexplicably remembered that Evan had taken her straight to the seafood market when they came to Country B for the first time.     

He had said he had wanted to catch seafood for her, himself, and make dishes for her, himself.     

Half a year later, things were different. If she had known the truth, she might have left more firmly.     

She told herself that it would start all over again.     

Her little baby must be well.     

A soft hand behind held Avery's hand. Avery looked back. Her mother was holding the baby with one hand and used her other hand to hold her hard.     

It was as if to give her courage.     

"Avery, you're home." Olivia was telling her that she had a family and a home.     

Avery was not lonely, and she would be happy in the future.     

Avery burst into tears and nodded hard.     

Sarah unfastened her seat belt and hurriedly held up the little baby.     

Olivia held Avery's hand and followed Sarah. When they came out of the cabin, Avery, with a little surprise, looked at the flowers beneath.      

Olivia said to her, "People in the country know you are going home, and some of them have spontaneously turned this place into a sea of flowers."     

In addition to the important responsibility for diplomatic relations with neighboring countries, the princess of Country B has played the role of a charitable hub, so the princess had a high reputation.     

Because of Rebecca's affairs, Avery had been attacked by the people of Country B. After Rebecca was exposed, they learned that Avery was the real princess, and they had their love for Avery.     

"Wow, it's our princess. She is so gorgeous."     

Avery waved to the people. Sarah held the little baby and got into the car first under the escort of bodyguards.     

Elegantly, Olivia nodded to the people, but she did not notice that there was a woman with messy hair staring at them viciously in the crowd.     

Avery felt the vicious look, looked around, and did not find anything wrong. After all, there were many bodyguards around them.     

Avery and her mother then got into a car, and people enthusiastically rushed up and were finally stopped by bodyguards.     

A team of cars drove to the presidential palace.     

White buildings, towering into the clouds, were majestic.     

The plants on both sides were lush, the red carpet extended all the way to the inside, and the army whistled and greeted them with the highest courtesy.     

Logan, in a green military uniform, stood on the steps in front of the presidential palace, handsome and serious.     

With his hands behind his back, he said only a few words, "It's so good to see you come back."     

At the moment, he said these words as a general father, not as a president.     

Avery couldn't smile at him when she remembered the things he had done before.     

Sure enough, Logan continued to say, "You know what it means to be back?"     

Avery raised her chin, and of course, she knew what it meant.     

Logan had only one daughter and an adopted son, so he needed someone to share responsibilities for him.     

"Logan, our daughter just got home. Are you trying to scare her away?" Olivia glanced at him, discontentedly.     

"As a princess of the country, my daughter was born to be extraordinary."     

Avery looked around but did not see James. As her father's adopted son, he was her brother, right?     

Andrew had mentioned that Jessica had lost the memory about James and that it would no longer have Jessica in James' memory. Avery was very curious about whether James forgot Jessica.     

Could a person lose his memory so thoroughly?     

"Avery has a lot to learn from tomorrow. Otherwise, how can she deserve to be a princess in the country?"     

"She will learn these things a few days later. If she doesn't learn these things, she won't be a princess?"     

"Don't you want me to find her the best man in the country?"     

"Well, I think it's good to learn these things tomorrow."     

Avery, "..."     

The baby's cry interrupted their conversation. Olivia and Avery were in a hurry to hold the baby, but Logan stopped Avery.     

"I stopped Evan's planes and cruise ships when he tried to enter the country."     

"There's no need to pay attention to him."     

"What happened between you two?"     

Avery shook her head and did not want to say anything. Logan didn't ask her again. Letting her marry a man in the country was Logan's hope, so it would be better if they broke up.     


Diana, who was in Country H, got rid of Evan's bodyguards and ran out of the hospital. As soon as she got off the plane, she heard from Charles that Avery had returned to Country B. Diana thought Avery could not bear the fact that Evan had tried to hurt her.     

Even God was helping her this time.     

Diana excitedly held the small porcelain bottle hanging in front of her chest with a rope, inside which it was edible oil. It's said that a man would fall in love with a woman as long as he took it for seven days.     

The absence of Avery was the best opportunity.     

She would find a way to let Evan have it.     

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