Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 480: There Was No Evidence

Chapter 480: There Was No Evidence

3More and more people took water to fight the fire, and the red firelight was reflected on Andrew's face.     

He looked angry, and his eyes were red.     

Avery saw Andrew being so serious for the first time. She blurted out and explained, "The more people want to kill her, the more I want to save her."     

It didn't know how long it was. After a sigh, Andrew finally let go of her hand and stopped a bodyguard, "Give me a quilt."     

The bodyguard did not react and was soon kicked out by him.     

The quilt was handed over to Andrew. As he covered the wet quilt, he said to Avery, "Wait here."     

Then he told the bodyguard, "Take good care of her."     

With that, he covered the wet quilt over his body and rushed in, followed by several bodyguards.     

In the smoke, Andrew could not help coughing violently. The heatwave rushed to him from all directions, burning and suffocating.     

There was a crackling sound in his ear, and he tried to move the obstacles on the ground and rushed into the house, regardless of the pungent smell of smoke.     


Suddenly a weak cry for help sounded. Andrew could not see her clearly and heard a continuous cry for help.     

"Help me. Somebody help me."     

Looking for the voice, Andrew soon saw the figure falling to the ground in a corner.     

Through the burning flame, Andrew recognized the woman who wanted to pour sulfuric acid on Avery at a glance.     

"William, William..."     

The woman shouted her son's name in her mouth.     

At this time, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the smoke was getting heavier and heavier. Andrew bit his teeth and rushed out to the lawn outside the house with April on his back.     

April was finally rescued.     

It's almost dawn. Under the gray sky, black wreckage was vaguely smoky.     

April was carried away, followed by the noisy crowd. Andrew raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and a black print was immediately painted on his forehead.     

There were some dirty ashes on his face.     

Avery pointed to his nose, "It's dirty here."     

Then Andrew snatched her mobile phone and took a selfie to himself with the ruins of the building as the background.     

Avery was accidentally into the camera and was also photographed by Andrew.     

After taking the selfie, Andrew was afraid that Avery would snatch the phone back, lifted the phone high in the air, and played her phone.     

He was much taller than Avery, and his hands were long. Avery could only stand where she was and looked up at her mobile phone screen.     

She saw that he had replaced the picture of the caller ID with the one he had just taken.     

"It's so handsome. I'm afraid Evan will delete it. Just keep this one." Andrew said, with the mobile phone still in the air, "You will not delete it, will you? For the sake of helping you save that old woman today."     

"Give the phone to me. I won't delete it." Avery said.     

When she got the phone, her face was darkened. Andrew had opened her Facebook and sent the picture to Evan.     

It had been for a while, and it was impossible to delete it.     

"I'll see when he'll be back. Avery, when a man did not return all night for another woman, you have to consider whether he is worthy of your love."     

Avery paused and wanted to explain. She didn't want to think whether Evan was worthy of her love, and she didn't know how important Diana was in his mind. What she had to consider now was how to make herself happy in a limited period of three months.     

Maybe Evan just had something knotty.     

"Do you want to take the opportunity to alienate me from Evan? Or do you want to take advantage of me?"     

"Don't think about that. Can you not be so smart?"     


As they spoke, they went back. A servant not far away hurried up and called them, "Miss Peters, Mr. Clifford, the President, wants to meet you."     

When they got to the hall, a lot of people gathered there.     

In addition to Logan, April and William were also there.     

There was a circle of servants standing around.     

"Everyone is here. Tell me what's going on with the fire."     

Logan's majestic voice had a kind of inviolable domineering. No one dared to answer, especially the servants. They lowered their heads and were afraid that their answers would bring them disaster.     

"This is not just an accident. Someone did it." April gave her opinion when she saw that no one was talking. Her hoarse voice was a little weak.     

Andrew nodded secretly, and it seemed that the old woman he had saved was not too stupid.     

"Do you have any evidence?" Logan stood between them and paced back and forth. The handmade leather shoes made a slight noise on the carpet.     

"The regular maintenance of the lines of the presidential palace has ruled out the fire caused by the aging of the lines. Besides, how could the fire suddenly occur in the middle of the night?"     

With that, a servant brought an information report, which showed that the lines had been renewed two days ago, so it confirmed the statement of April.     

When April saw that her guess was confirmed, she was very proud.     

Suddenly, she pointed to Avery, "It's Avery. She did it."     

The people present all looked at Avery.     

Since Avery entered the hall, April has stared at her, as if to see her through.     

Andrew also felt that look, and he was very unhappy about it, using his body to block the line of sight, but he was pushed away by Avery.     

What's wrong with Avery lately? Why was it always about the story of the Snake and the Farmer?     

The farmer saved the snake but was bitten back by the snake.     

Was it reminding her not to do such stupid things all the time?     

Or has she recently given people the impression of easily being bullied?     

With a sneer, Avery blurted out, "You said I set the fire. Do you have any evidence?"     

"You hold the grudge about what happened before. Your residence is far from where I live, and you're supposed to fall asleep at 03:30, but the servant said you were at the place of the accident at 03:40. It only took ten minutes to get up and get dressed. Do you think it makes sense?"     

There was some truth in what April said. It would take two to three minutes to get dressed quickly, and it would take at least ten minutes to trot all the way to the place of the accident, but Avery could not say that she knew something was going to happen because no one would believe it.     

"Who else could set the fire? It must be her. She holds the grudge about Max scratching her."     

"Mother." William wanted to interrupt April. After all, there was no evidence.     

Avery noticed the man standing next to April. William was wearing black sportswear, and a necklace on his neck was accidentally revealed. Avery took a look at the necklace pendant, which was a cross.     

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