Something Beautiful and Wicked

Finally Here: 18+

Finally Here: 18+

118+       1


When Yuan Ning and Wu Genji returned to the Shi-Yuan estate, they found Shi Yen propped comfortably against Yuan Shun. Their backs turned to them. Yuan Shun turned his head slightly, placing one finger to his mouth to let them know to be silent, indicating that Shi Yen had fallen asleep on him.      

Yuan Ning and Wu Genji smiled briefly before they made way to their suite of the estate. Yuan Ning washed up first, and Wu Genji had followed into the bathroom right after.      

When she emerged, the steam had escaped from the doors. Yuan Ning had peered at her. She wore a thin tiffany-blue short chemise, and it clung to her skin. Her blue-black hair was wet, her cheeks flushed. She looked so…beautiful and shy? Yuan Ning wondered how the same woman he fought many battles with, who only ever looked at him defiantly and unwaveringly—as if looks could bite—be looking at him differently now, with such a sheepish expression. She was so dainty and lovely, yet everything beneath that face was so raw and powerful.      

But if looks could bite, he wasn't afraid.      

Yuan Ning stood, her heated gaze following every step he made. She didn't look at him, but he could see the harsh rise and fall of her chest. His heart raced too.      

He approached her slowly, placing a hand gently to her face, lifting her chin to face him.      

Her eyes were filled with something like vulnerability and longing. He wasn't sure.      

He stroked this thumb across her cheek, and she shuddered.      

"Genji," Yuan Ning said thickly.      

"Ning," she answered. And that's all it took for both of them to fall into it.      

Their mouths collided fiercely as if they wanted to desperately hold onto each other, as if they wanted to crawl into each other's skin as if they were crashing waves against the land. Ning tore from her swollen lips, holding her face in his trembling hands. "Genji, tell me..."      

She paused. "Tell you what?"     

He looked pained, and Wu Genji could not believe it when he said, "That you don't feel indebted to me."     

Wu Genji's mouth gaped. She then flicked his forehead, knocking sense into him as she furrowed her brows. "Are you really that dense?"     

"Pardon?" he asked dumbfounded, but his lips curved into a slight smile.      

Wu Genji crossed her arms. "I appreciate what you have done for my nephew and me, truly, but I don't want to fuck you because I feel indebted." Her cheeks flushed a bright red as she continued. "I want to fuck you because…well because I want to. It's our choice, right…and I find you attractive…oh, Ning, I don't want to keep explaining myself to you. It's embarrassing, but answering your question, no, I'm not offering myself because I feel like I owe you. I'm actually quite offended you'd think so."      

Wu Genji turned away, pretending to be angry.      

She then heard Yuan Ning chuckle behind her. She turned quickly. "What's so funny?"      

He was smiling, and it caught her breath. "I'm sorry," Yuan Ning said. "It's sometimes hard to believe that someone like you is with a man like me. I'm not a good man, but I'd do anything to make you happy just know that."      

Wu Genji's eyes widened. She reached out to him, looking into his eyes. "My hands have been sullied since long before I met you. I've done terrible, unspeakable things, too, because of the circumstances we were born into, and we'll live with our choices forever, but it doesn't make you any less deserving of happiness. That's all I want for you, too."     

Yuan Ning felt a wave of relief as if a heavy burden had drawn back—not entirely gone, but it felt lighter, his shoulders relaxing.      

He pulled her to him, and he kissed her feather-soft. Yuan Ning tucked some strands of hair from her face. "We have to be very quiet," he said against her mouth. "The last thing I need is my brother to kill me because we woke his wife—or worse, him looking absolutely smug."     

Wu Genji chuckled. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders lightly, facing him. "I'm glad you're hitting it off with your family." She looked so genuine when she said it, and yet pain crept in his heart. He had such a wonderful family, and it continues to grow with the Shi's, possibly the Fang's in the future, and whoever may stumble in their paths. How desperate was he to want to tell Wu Genji that she was a part of it too, but he couldn't—not yet.      

They lightly tumbled over the bed with Wu Genji atop of him, dragging kisses across Yuan Ning's mouth, his jaw, his neck. She lifted her head to say, "You know I don't feel like I'm indebted to you or anything, but you don't understand how much I appreciate you for what you've done for me," her eyes darkened. She was reunited with her nephew, and he was in safe hands, somewhere her family couldn't find him.      

Wu Genji then lowered her voice into a whisper. "But there are many things I want to do to you to express my appreciation."      

Wu Genji then lowered her hands and then her mouth onto him.      

Sweet bliss as Yuan Ning titled his head back.      

His mind went blank and only thought of Wu Genji.      

Yuan Ning let her take control, and she expressed her gratitude in many thoughtful and clever ways to him.      

After some time, he flipped her over, and he sheathed himself inside her, giving what they both wanted. He made love to her slowly, and then he fucked her. Wu Genji nearly screamed with pleasure when he clamped his hand around her mouth. "We can't let them hear you."     

She took his hand and stifled her cries into it as he drove himself inside her until they climaxed, but that did not stop the noises from escaping their mouths.      

When they finished, they clung to each other. Wu Genji closed her eyes from exhaustion, and she cuddled against him.      

Yuan Ning caressed her hair until exhaustion claimed him too.      


There was a prosperous and lively village at the bottom of the mountains, surrounded by water, limestone, and terraced homes. Shi Ailin breathed next to Luo Wanting as she said, "We finally made it."     

"Yes," he replied. They've reached the place most suspected to find Shi Ailin's parent's whereabouts, but something ominous had crept up on the back of his head.      

He glanced around at the locals, all of who looked ordinary.      

As they walked toward a place to stay for the night, Shi Ailin froze, and her eyes widened. Beneath the street lamps, a flash of wavy brown hair and another head of pitch-dark hair passed them quickly. Luo Wanting didn't see anything, but he saw her dazed expression.      

"What is it?" Luo Wanting asked, looking all around them. Many locals rushed past, crossing each other to get to where they needed to go.      

Shi Ailin stared, unblinking. "I—nothing. It's dark, but I swore I just saw…never mind. I think I'm just tired."      

"All right. Let's stay at this inn for the night," he replied.      

Shi Ailin remained dazed, and memories chased her until morning.      

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