Something Beautiful and Wicked

Imminent Battle

Imminent Battle

3Shi Yen, Yuan Shun, Fang Qi, and the rest of her team had split up from the others, searching for Shi Ailin's precise location. She had received word that some of her comrades met dead ends, while others didn't respond.       1

What was going on? She wondered. She didn't have time to waste, so she kept moving. She trusted the other teams to stand on their own. She believed in them.      

Making a sharp turn, Shi Yen followed the path she engraved in her mind of the narrow alleys and passageways. She smelt salt and iron in the air and noticed they were nearby a water treatment facility. "We're close," she said, running at the head of the group.      

Taking a corner, they saw a few scouts posted at the corners of the back entrance, so Shi Yen lifted a finger and sent three of her people to take them each out stealthily. She caught up to them as the scouts were getting tied up. "Good work," she said to her teammates. "There will be more. Keep your guard up. But unfortunately, this is where we split up."      

Yuan Shun's eyes widened. "What?"     

Her eyes met his. "I need our comrades to wipe out the others posted throughout the vicinity. Otherwise, all of us will be trapped and surrounded. If it's just me, slipping through, then no one would raise the alarm," she told him. "You can come with me. If you're willing to watch me fight one-on-one."      

"Don't think for a second I'm splitting up with you," he said.      

Shi Yen managed to give him a subtle smile.      

"I want to come too!" Fang Qi said.      

Shi Yen looked at her friend. "Fang Qi. You are going to lead our team outside the building. I trust that you will come to us when we need you."      

Fang Qi nodded, despite not liking the idea of splitting up. "I won't let you down!" He said.      

Shi Yen smiled at him before she dashed away. Yuan Shun followed Shi Yen to make their way towards the center of the Emperor's fortress. The outside of the building looked normal, but inside, the walls were rotting away. They ran through the halls, slipping past some henchmen by knocking them on their heads with the hilt of their knives, or by slashing their thighs so deeply that it made it painful to walk.      

Together, they were as fast as lightning.      

Left. Right. Shi Yen and Yuan Shun slashed their way until their blades drenched in blood.      

Someone had come from hiding, trying to strike Yuan Shun. He deflected by tilting his head back, grabbing the arm of his attacker, and sending him against the wall. Yuan Shun punched him across the jaw, and the man fell flat on his face, unable to get up.      

They kept running. Shi Yen received reports from an earpiece that the dragon organization provided them. "The sixth level is clear," said Fang Qi. "No sign of Shi Ailin on the third," said another voice. Shi Yen found a flight of stairs. "Let's go down," she told Yuan Shun. Yuan Shun nodded, following her lead.      

On the last landing, Shi Yen and Yuan Shun stumbled upon a large and heavy blue door. "Let's find a window. I want to know if Shi Ailin is here before we go inside."      

Yuan Shun and Shi Yen turned down a hall, finding narrow slits that would be impossible to climb through but big enough to see. Yuan Shun lifted her over his shoulders. Shi Yen could see her sister strapped to a chair, her head lowered. Shi Yen gritted her teeth. Placing a finger over her earpiece, she said, "She has been located on the lower level. Please regroup."      

Nothing came from the other side except for the sound of static. She repeated again, "Shi Ailin is located. Please regroup."      


"Does anyone copy? Can anyone hear me?" she asked.      

"We can," said a group of approaching henchmen. Shi Yen slid off Yuan Shun's shoulders, and they positioned themselves back-to-back.      

"Do you think we can take most of them?" Yuan Shun asked.      

"I've taken out eight once," she replied. "I think I can do that again if you watch my back."      

"And let you take the fun?" he asked.      

Shi Yen smiled, but he couldn't see.      

"Don't think about it," the Emperor said, stepping in with Shi Ailin behind him. A man had a knife kissing her bare throat. "Unless you want your sister to bleed before you. I suggest you comply with what I say and follow me."      

Shi Yen's eyes widened.     

"Yen!" Shi Ailin said, her voice shaking. "Forget about me. Just go!"      

Shi Yen lowered her knife. "I'm sorry, Ailin," she said, dropping it.      

One of the Emperor's henchmen hit Yuan Shun on the lower back, and his arms were pulled back. The man tied his wrists, forcing him to follow them. The Emperor didn't do anything to Shi Yen. "I trust that you're coming with me, willingly," he said.      

Shi Yen clenched her jaw. "Yes," she replied.      

"Yenni!" Yuan Shun shouted.      

Shi Yen balled her fists, not turning around. I'm sorry, she thought. Please don't hate me.       

Shi Yen followed the Emperor until they were in a wide and empty space that gave them room. She noticed the sword strapped to his back. It was long and sharp, black on the hilt and silver on the rest.      

Shi Yen watched as Yuan Shun and Shi Ailin were escorted aside. Bound by bonds, they were forced to sit on the sidelines, helpless and afraid. One of the men placed sacks over their heads, blinding them.      

The Emperor walked towards the center until he came to a halt. He turned and bowed to her. "It's an honour to fight you in combat, Empress Shi," he said.      

Shi Yen faced him hard. She removed the crown from her head and placed it aside. "I can't say the same for you. Mr…?"     

"Lord Emperor," he said.      

"You haven't won the match," she spat.      

"Not yet," he said, unsheathing the sword strapped to his back.      

Shi Yen didn't hesitate to unsheathe her long blade, positioning her guard. She faced him long and daring. "I noticed that you placed sacks over the faces of my companions so they can't watch. How considerate of you," she said sarcastically.      

He laughed. "I did it, so they don't plan an escape or rescue. It's difficult to flee if you can't see."      

Shi Yen gritted her teeth. She was the first to make a move. She launched herself, her sword glistening like quicksilver in the air. She struck at him, and he defended as their swords clashed, making a metal clanging sound.      

Shi Yen pushed forward, trying to force him to fall or withdraw. He fought back with a brute strength she never faced before. "Why don't you take off the mask?" she asked.      

"I will when you are defeated," he said, backing away. Shi Yen struck at him again, but his sword met hers effortlessly.      

"The man you came with—" he said as Shi Yen attempted to strike vital parts of his body. Usually, it took up to three moves before she defeated her opponent, but so far, she was at twelve, and he dodged them each gracefully. He also didn't seem to be growing tired. "The man you came with. Is he your lover?" he asked.      

Why was that his business? Did he want to distract her?      

"He's my husband," she told him, slicing through the air, grazing the side of his arm, cutting through fabric and skin. It wasn't a triumph. She barely touched him, and some part of her knew that the Emperor hesitated, but for what?      

"Does he know?" he questioned and lunged forward, piercing her leg. Shi Yen back away, but not after he stabbed her. She felt warmth rush to her skin and pants. Blood.      

"Know what?" She replied, pushing through the stinging pain. She lunged forward and whirled around at the last moment. She kicked him on the back, and he staggered forward. Shi Yen lowered her blade, and he raised his sword at the same time, clashing once more. She twirled her long blade over his, hoping to pierce his throat. But the Emperor was faster—he moved his head, whirling out of her trap.     

Shi Yen breathed out softly. She didn't want to show him that she was growing breathless and tired. She had been forced to make the attacks. For that reason, she had become slower with each of her moves. It wasn't a good thing.      

She faced him, and there was no sign that he was becoming worn out. Judging from his swiftness and agility, he had years of experience and training just like her. But his skills were far beyond what she honed. He was on a whole other level.      

"Know what?" she asked him again, growing impatient.      

The Emperor lunged forward. "That you killed his brother," he said, knocking her off her feet, digging his sword into her shoulder.      

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