My Crazy Housemate



0Mia had a long dream. She dreamt about when she was younger. Joe Lucas had just returned from a business trip. Unfortunately or fortunately, she was the only one at home. Linda and Mary had gone shopping for Mary's outfit to wear during her recital in school.       3

"How is my little princess?" Joe asked as he lifted her from the floor into his arms and hugged her. She giggled and hugged his neck tighter.      

She had come to realise that he treated her better when the other two women were not around so she always tried her best to enjoy the attention to the fullest.      

"Welcome back daddy." She said.      

"I heard your mother and sister are not in."      

She nodded affirmatively.      

"I got you something. You must not show the others okay?" He whispered mischievously.      

She nodded again.      

She took note of the large envelope he dropped on the table when he entered. He picked it up and handed it over to her.      

She noticed it had the outline of a book. She excitedly took it out of the envelope and read the title: 'Politics in its simplest form.'     

"Wow!" She said in awe.     

"You always asked me about the details of my job and said you would like to be a Politician. So I believe you would be able to learn a few things. If you want, I can take you with me some times to see how some bills are passed. But we will have to sit separately. So you will be able to watch from a different side."     

"Really?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.      

He nodded. She was so happy she embraced him with her hands around his waist. "Thank you. I love it!"     

"You are welcome my little Politician princess." He said with a proud smile.      

"I will make sure not to let anyone else see this book. Whenever I say I want to be a Politician, people always frown at it saying all Politicians are corrupt."     

"But you won't be." He said.      

"I know. Are you?" She asked, looking up at her father's face.      

He only laughed but did not answer. "Oh my God! You are, aren't you?"      

He laughed heartily again and shook his head.      

When they heard a car pull up in front of the house, Mia realised Linda was back and ran inside her room.      

"You are awake?" A voice asked.      

Mia turned her head slightly to the side and saw a blurred vision of a lady in white who was smiling at her.      

"Where... am I?" She tried to sit up but the nurse held her down.      

"My name is nurse Daisy. You are in King's hospital. Please remain like that for a while until you are fully conscious before you consider sitting up again." She advised.      

"Ho-spi-t-al? Wh..y?" Mia asked weakly as her eyes kept opening and closing.     

"You fainted and was brought in here by Doctor Louis. Please remain calm and try to go back to sleep. I assure you, you'll feel better when next you are awake."      

Mia managed to nod. She didn't have the strength to say much or even sit up. Her eyes closed again and she slept off.      

The next time she woke up, she felt a little bit better.      

The door opened and Louis entered inside the room. His face lit up when he noticed her eyes were open.      

"You are awake? Good!" He said with a smile as he moved towards her bed, looking down at her face.      

"How are you?"     

She stared at the ceiling blankly without responding.      

"Please, I need to know how you are and if you feel pain or discomfort anywhere." He said.     

"My heart."      


"It hurts." She said with a sniff. "Please take it out. Stop the pain." She pleaded. Her eyes were still on the ceiling while tears fell down from the corners of her eyes into the bed.      

"Well, we cannot take it out for you." He sat beside her on the bed after checking her stats and writing a few things down.       

"But with time, I promise you will feel better." He assured her. She finally turned to look at him. She looked so weak, so vulnerable, so broken. He wondered what must have happened to cause her such heartache.      

"Sure?" She asked uncertainly but hopefully. Looking at that face, she had the feeling she could believe him.      

"Sure." He said with an assuring smile. "Listen Mia, you are in a very dangerous condition. I do not know what happened and I won't pressure you to tell me. But I would have to force you to take care of your health. Things aren't looking too good for you. You need to be on medication and also need to feed well for at least a month."     

"Good thing you are done with school. You have to go through with this." He advised.      

She shook her head. "I don't have the money. I will be fine."     

"You won't be fine." He said firmly. "You are going to receive treatment for your physical body while we think about your emotional and psychological health. You were on anti-depressants for a while right?" He inquired. "Do not worry. I'm not writing it down. This is between the two of us."      

"How did you know?" She asked but not because she was surprised. She was only curious because she didn't tell anyone except Leo. Did Louis call Leo to ask?      

"I am a doctor. Doctors have their ways of knowing about their patients." He stood up.      

"A nurse will bring you something to eat. Please eat and take the drugs exactly as she will prescribe them to you. I will come see you in the evening before I clock out." He was about to leave when she asked...     

"Why do you treat me nicely?"      

She had never treated him well before. She even told him to his face that she didn't like him.      

"You are special to my Leo. That's enough reason." He said with a shrug before leaving the room.      

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