My Crazy Housemate

Drunk Jeremy

Drunk Jeremy

3"I told you not to drink!" Chloe grumbled. She knew Jeremy could not hold his drink. In fact, everyone knew so and she had tried to stop him from drinking but he promised he was only going to take a sip. A sip had turned into a gulp and before she knew it, it turned to a cup. She was glad she took note and snatched the cup from him before he drank more and got completely stoned.       2

"I'm... fine. me." He said with a smile, his cheeks completely flushed. "Wow... did.. you hear that?" He asked, he looked like he had just uncovered a mystery.     


"I.. didn't know there was EVE in believe. I said... be Eve me. Hehehe." He giggled drunkenly.     

 Chloe scoffed in disbelief.      

"Just tell me how I am supposed to carry you back to the car. We are far from it. How did we even get here!" She asked, looking around. They were in a rather deserted and dark area with some trees and seats made from bamboo sticks.      

"Come sit." Jeremy said, surprisingly, he had enough strength to lead her towards one of the seat and sar beside her after she sat down.      

"It's dark here." She said in a hushed voice and kept looking around.      

"Are.. you s..cared?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips. She had to admit he looked very lovely whenever he was drunk.      

First time she noticed it was the day she went to James' party with him. Although at that time, she wasn't this close to Jeremy but because he had asked her to go to the party with him, she found herself wearing a very simple outfit to work that day. By the time she realised what she was doing, she was already fully dressed and on her way to work.     

She didn't know what dream he was having the next morning when he kept giggling in his sleep and interrupting the meeting she was having with her assistant and secretary.     

She remembered from that day that he didn't like taking pills which was another reason she hadn't wanted him to drink tonight because he would probably have a headache and he didn't like to take drugs.      

"Yo..u ar..e s..cared?" Jeremy asked again when she didn't answer the first time but just kept staring at him.     

"I am not!" She denied vehemently. There was no way she was going to lose her cool and admit she was scared.      

He giggled drunkenly before hugging her but it was a bit awkward since they were both sitting down.     

"What are you doing?" She asked but he ignored her and buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled.      

"I love.. how you... smell."     

If he had looked at her face, he would notice how wide her eyes were and if he pulled away, he would notice how stiffly she sat there.     

" it." Chloe said and tried to push him away but she didn't add much force. Maybe she was enjoying it? Oh no! She is slowly turning into a pervert!     

"We... really... s..should leav— What are you...!" She gasped when he began to drop light kisses on her neck while using his nose to nuzzle the crook.     

Thankfully, her phone began to vibrate inside her pocket. When Jeremy stopped abruptly, she took the chance to jump from her seat with flushed cheeks before reaching for her phone.      

She picked it immediately she saw it was a call from Louis.      

"Where are you?" He asked, trying to keep his voice loud enough for her to hear him since he was in a noisy area.      

"Uhm.. I don't..." She looked around, trying to see if there was anything around she could use to describe the place except for trees and bamboo seats.      

She spared a glance at Jeremy to know how he was doing and her heart almost left her chest when she saw him watching her intensely. She wouldn't have been bothered by his stare if he wasn't looking at her right now like she was some kind of meal he wanted to eat.      

"Where are you?" Louis asked impatiently.      

"I don't know of you can see some tall palm trees but I'll turn on my location. Jeremy is drunk."     

He agreed and ended the call. She turned the location on and made sure to not sit down beside Jeremy who was still very much staring at her.      

It didn't take long for her to hear Louis calling her name. She quickly answered to let him know where they were and he showed up in less than a minute.      

Louis shook his head when he saw Jeremy. Usually, the girls got drunk while the guys took them home. What a shameless guy this Jeremy was. He thought to himself as he helped him up and they left the area.      

In five minutes, they got to where the cars were parked and he unlocked his with the remote before peering at the backseat. Mia was still there but she wasn't sleeping on the seat like he had expected to see. She sat down with her head resting on the other window. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was even so he guessed she was sleeping.      

He was supporting Jeremy with one hand and slowly opened the door with the other hand so as not to disturb Mia's sleep.      

Jeremy looked like he was dozing off but thankfully, it wasn't very difficult getting him inside the car.      

"I'm sorry for stressing you." Jeremy said to Louis groggily just before he locked the back door.     

Louis was a little pleased at him for being appreciative.     

Chloe sighed in relief when the car started and Louis drove them away from the beach. How would she have handled this had Louis not come with them?      

She looked at her reflection on the window beside her and slowly reached to touch her exposed neck where Jeremy had kissed earlier. Her face flushed and she quickly put down her hand.      

"Chloe?" Louis called quietly, making her body jump guiltily.      

" is it?" She stuttered as she looked at him. He still kept his gaze on the road which was almost without any cars since it was already past 1 am.     

Louis made sure to keep his voice very low as he spoke,     

"I do not care how naughty you are going to get with your boyfriend, but as a doctor I'll advise you.... make sure you use a good protection in case—"     

"LOUIS!" She gasped, her eyes wide.      

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