My Crazy Housemate

Chloe is a pervert

Chloe is a pervert

3When Louis pulled over in front of Leo's apartment, he was surprised when Mia sat up and opened the door.      3

Chloe and Louis exchanged a look. The entire ride, she kept her head on the window so they had no idea she had been awake the entire time.      

"Are you.. okay?" Louis turned to ask her.      

Mia nodded. She still looked a bit groggy from the drink but she was able to come down from the car on her own and began to head towards the apartment.      

Chloe bit her lower lip in embarrassment. So Mia had probably heard what Louis had said? She was so embarrassed thinking about it!     

As a doctor, he wanted her to use protection during her naughty times with Jeremy.      

But as a brother, he promised to kill Jeremy if she allowed him touch her.     

Brothers will always be brothers.      

Louis' worried eyes followed Mia but he got down to help the already sleeping Jeremy inside.      

When they finally made it inside, Mia was nowhere to be found. As usual, she had locked herself inside her room. Louis sighed as he looked at her door. Why hadn't his stupid brother called her yet?      

Chloe wanted to lead Louis to her room where he was supposed to drop Jeremy, but Louis dropped him on the couch in the living room.     

"Why? It is going to be uncomfortable." She whined.      

"It's either here or the floor." Louis said in a tone which told Chloe he already made up his mind.     

"He won't be able to sleep fine. He should sleep on the bed. In case you are bothered because of me, I'll sleep here." Chloe tried to plead with him.      

The couch was big enough to contain him but she didn't want Jeremy to sleep there. He needed all the comfort he could get.     

"Fine!" Louis reluctantly helped Jeremy up and led him to Chloe's new room where he dropped him on the bed.      

"Thanks." Chloe thanked him while carefully placing Jeremy's head on the pillow.      

When she was done helping him stay comfortable, she stood upright and noticed Louis was staring at her.     

"W..what?" She stammered.      

"You really like him."      

Chloe was taken aback. It didn't sound like a question so he definitely wasn't expecting an answer. He was simply telling her what he thought.     

"Why... do you think so?"     

"I have never seen you care so much about someone. I'm just curious, do you regret it?" He asked quietly.      

"Regret what?" She asked, still a bit uncomfortable talking about this with her brother.      

"Choosing him."     

"I didn't choose him." She corrected.     

"I chose myself. My freedom. My happiness. He..." She looked at Jeremy who kept tossing on the bed.      

"He makes you happy?" Louis completed.      

"Not what I wanted to say, but that's also correct." She admitted with a faint smile.      

"You sure you are going to be fine?" Louis asked. Now, he looked a little worried.      

Chloe nodded. "I am going to be fine."     

Louis nodded back before he left the room. His eyes lingered on Mia's door for a while before he turned to look at Chloe who had followed him out.      

"If there's any problem, do not hesitate to call me. I'll be here in a jiffy."      

Before Chloe could answer, he looked at the door to the room where Jeremy was sleeping, "And make sure you sleep on the couch."      

"I already said I would!" Chloe said, feeling offended he was doubting her. Was she some kind of pervert who would sneak up on a drunk guy?      

"Good night." He greeted before leaving the house.      

Chloe checked the window to be sure he had driven off and when she confirmed, she tiptoed back towards her room and quietly opened the door.     

She kept her eyes on his sleeping form on the bed until she got there. He had already abandoned the pillow she had carefully placed his head on and his hair was all over his face.      

"He is such a baby." She hissed before sitting down beside him on the bed.      

She reached for his face and slowly brushed the hair away from his face.      

A faint smile remained on her face as she watched him sleep.      

Before she knew what she was doing, she found herself laying on the bed beside him, staring at his beautiful face. Yes, his face was beautiful. Sleeping peacefully like this, he looked really beautiful and she didn't want anyone else to see him like this except for her. Not even his sister, Ellie was permitted.     

 She began to slowly trail every part of his face. She touched his perfectly arched brow, his lashes, but stopped and withdrew her hand when his lashes fluttered.     

She waited until he was relaxed before she slowly touched the tip of his pointed nose.     

Then... she looked at his lips.      

When her eyes got there, every of her actions ceased and she just stared at it. It was rosy and glistening like he had licked it not quite long ago. As if she was just burnt, she immediately withdrew her hand and turned to look at the other side.      

'What am I doing?'     

'Since when did I become like this?'     

'Taking advantage of a sleeping person is what you do now, Chloe?'     

'What is suddenly happening to me?'      

'All these started since I started staying in this room. Maybe this room needs cleansing?'     

She continued to ask herself while her heart kept beating very fast.      

'Just leave now and go sleep in the couch, Chloe.' A voice whispered in her ear.      

'Leave? Why would you leave? What is wrong in admiring a sleeping beauty?' Another voice asked.      

Both voices sounded like hers.      

'You know how shy Jeremy is. He is going to feel scandalized if he wakes up and sees you doing what you are doing. What if he thinks you are a pervert and never wants to see you again?'     

'Oh shut it! Jeremy is attracted to you. He is only shy to make a move. Didn't you see how he reacted down there when you two kissed the other day? Haven't you always wanted to see and touch that hot body of his? You are already a pervert. There is no point in denying who you truly are.' The other voice tried to convince her.      

'Who I truly am?' Chloe wondered in horror. There is no way she was a pervert. She is a respectable young lady who is intelligent and industrious.      

'Chloe is a pervert. Chloe is a pervert. Chloe is a perv—'     

'SHUT UP!' She screamed at the voice inside her head to stop singing.     

She wasn't a pervert. She was just going to watch him quietly for a few seconds and return to the sitting room.      

She made up her mind and turned around but she almost fell off the bed when she locked gaze with Jeremy.      

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