My Crazy Housemate

The L word

The L word

4'SHUT UP!' She screamed at the voice inside her head to stop singing.      0

She wasn't a pervert. She was just going to watch him quietly for a few seconds and return to the sitting room.      

She made up her mind and turned around but she almost fell off the bed when she locked gaze with Jeremy. Jeremy was simply staring at her with an unsteady gaze but it looked like he was trying to keep his focus on her.      

She had thought she was going to fall to the floor since she was already at the edge before he startled her, and was prepared for the effect of the fall, but surprsingly she found herself being enveloped by a warm hand which pulled her closer to his chest. It wasn't until she was literally hugging him with her face pressed to his chest that she registered what had just happened.      

For close to a minute, there was pure silence inside the room. It seemed like time stopped.     

"You are real." He said, his voice sounded deeper since she was pressed to his chest, it gave it some kind of vibrating feel.      

Real? Of course she was real. Had he thought it was a dream?      

They remained like that for a while until she thought he had fallen asleep again, and decided to move. She had been still the entire time and couldn't remain there unless she wanted to get paralyzed.      

But she didn't succeed in moving far away from him because he still kept his hand wrapped around her, keeping her in place.     

"Chloe." He called her in a calm voice which made her still again.      

"I... have always wanted to ask you this question... but never had the courage to." He started and paused for a while. "I think I can only have the boldness to ask you since I am drunk." He finally released her from his arms, so she rolled a few inches away from him and met his eyes which were still staring at hers.      

"Did you... agree to date me because you pitied me?" He asked. He made sure to watch every of her facial expression.      

Pity? Why did he think so? Chloe wondered.      

"Why do you think so?" She asked.      

"I... don't know. I just feel maybe you were tired of me bugging you and just wanted to—"      

She shut him up with a quick kiss in his mouth, totally taking him by surprise.      

She moved back to look into his eyes. "It wasn't out of pity." She informed him.      

His face was burning red and his eyes were a little big clearer and wider now.      

"Uhm... then why... haven't you told me before?"      

"Told you what?" She asked curiously.      

"How... you feel."      

"Feel? Do I need to say it out?" She asked.      

He nodded. "I like to be assured with words and actions. I find words very important."      

Chloe brushed some strands of hair away from his face and looked deeply into his eyes. "I am not a romantic person so I don't know what to do to convince you. But since you also want me to be vocal, then I will try." She said and thought it had ended there, but she noticed how patiently he was waiting for her to say something.      

"What?" She asked when he kept giving her an hopeful look.      

Seeing how she wasn't going to tell him anything, he pouted and shook his head, "Nothing. Good night." He grumbled and turned around with his back to her.      

Chloe almost laughed at him, "What a drama king." She muttered under her breath before clearing her throat to get his attention,      

"I... like you Jer."      

He didn't turn around. He didn't move or make any effort to look at her. He simply remained there.      

"I hope you understand that. And... you make me happy." She confessed.      

He finally turned and looked at her. His eyes was searching all over her face for any form of insincerity. They had been dating for a while now but she had never told him she liked him before, he just assumed she did and he was getting tired of assuming on her behalf. Sometimes, he feared she wasn't happy with him. He didn't have the money or resources to take care of her. Only thing he had was the house he lived in with his sister and it had been bought by his mother. The house could not be compared to her parents house either.      

Hearing her say she liked him despite everything made his heart surge with joy.      

"You are telling me the truth?" He asked quietly.      

Chloe nodded.      

"I make you happy?" He wondered. How?      

She nodded again. "And I like it when you cook for me."      

He remained quiet for a while before saying,     

"I won't ever let you change your mind about us or try to break up with me." He said resolutely. "I really won't."     

Chloe actually didn't mind. She wasn't interested in anyone else or think she was going to be interested in anyone else. She could not even imagine meeting someone new and trying to sort things out. Jeremy was okay for her.      

"I love you." Jeremy confessed, surprising her greatly.      

He had always told her he liked her, but using the different 'L' word was very surprising.      

He threw his hand over her waist to pull her closer to him, a gasp escaping from Chloe's lips.      

First, he kissed her forehead, and then her nose before saying, "Good night girlfriend."      

Chloe managed to smile at him even though her heart was beating very fast.      

She wasn't sure if she wanted him to let her go at that moment or just keep holding her like that in his arms.      

He dropped a light kiss on her lips and raised his head to look up at her. When she didn't resist, he went in again for an even deeper kiss.      

The shock didn't last this time. Chloe threw her hands around his neck when he moved slightly on top of her, and returned his kiss fervently. He tasted a lot of alcohol but she ignored it.      

That was all the encouragement he needed from her, he moved on top of her without breaking the kiss, while wondering what he was supposed to do with his hands which were lying awkwardly beside his now, but helping to prop himself up without completely crushing his weight on Chloe.      

As if sensing his thought, Chole broke the kiss and spoke breathlessly,      

"Touch... my boobs and... do not run away this time." Chloe warned him.     

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