My Crazy Housemate

Seeking a massage (1)

Seeking a massage (1)

1"Touch... my boobs and... do not run away this time." Chloe warned him.     

She last time she placed his hand on her breast, he had freaked out. That had made her really embarrassed. She had always thought guys liked to take the lead but it seemed like when it involved Jeremy, she would have to swallow her pride and take the lead. She wasn't sure of most of the things she was doing, but she knew she was eventually going to succeed. She hadn't secretly read a lot of erotic novels for nothing.      

Despite the permission, Jeremy still found it difficult to do anything. He looked deeply into her eyes, his hands still resting beside her, helping to prop himself up so he wouldn't completely be sleeping on top of her.      

"You..." He tried to catch his breath as he spoke.      

She looked very beautiful right now. She was nothing like the organised, prim and proper lady he used to know. She was lying beneath him, face flushed, hair scattered, lips moist, slightly parted and a bit puffy, her chest continued to heave up and down which eventually kept pressing her breast to his chest. And in the corner of her neck, he could see a faint mark there. Something told him he had been the one to leave the mark there but his brain was still a little bit foggy.      

She kept looking at him, waiting for him to continue.      

"You... seem different." He said.      

Chloe blushed deeply before turning her face to the side to avoid his gaze. She was embarrassed.      

"Wild you mean? You're disappointed?" She asked, trying to hide her embarrassment. Maybe he wanted someone who behaved innocently like him?     

"No." He shook his head and used a hand to hold her chin, turning her to face him.     

"I am not disappointed." He said before placing a kiss on her lips but he pulled back quickly, "I like every of your personality and everything you do." He dropped another kiss and pulled back. "Because I love you."     

This time, the kiss was longer. When she tried to gasp for air, he slid his tongue inside her mouth and began to explore every corner his tongue could reach.      

He finally took the boldness to leave a hand on her left breast but he didn't do anything. He just left it there for a while and pulled his hand away.      

Realizing how much she was trying to breathe, he broke the kiss and slid down to kiss under her jaw and then he moved to her neck. He dropped several light kisses before he began to suck it.      

Chloe wanted to say something but she found it difficult to because instead of a word, sounds came out from her lips and she bit down on her lips to stop them from coming out. She didn't want to embarrass herself further.      

"Stop!" She finally said and he stopped abruptly before pulling up to look at her face, his own face was filled with concern.     

"Did I hurt you? I'm... sorry. I... lost it and—"     

"You... di-dn't." She said in a breathless tone.      

"I... am dirty. I haven't showered. You... shouldn't..." She stopped talking and bit her lip again.      

She wanted to tell him to stop because she was dirty and he would probably be tasting her sweat and that was gross.      

"I... won't do anything you do not want me to do." He said sincerely before rolling away from her despite the great temptation to remain there.      

Chloe frowned when he moved away from her to the other end of the bed. She noticed how he was trying to cover the lower body part of his body with the duvet on the bed.      

She was already too worked up and didn't want to be left like this. She hadn't even had the chance to explore his body yet! Okay, maybe she was a pervert after all.      

Was Jeremy obsessed with being a gentleman? How could he stop so abruptly? At least he would have suggested for them to shower together even though she would have turned him down? Or he should have just continued.      

But she also knew how important consent was especially in things like this.      

She sat up, doing her best not to show her disappointment. She was just going to get him more worked up and see if his gentleman nature was going to last.      

With that plan in mind, she stood up from the bed and adjusted her clothes.      

Jeremy was already sleeping on the bed with his back to her.      

'Poor boy.' She thought to herself.     

"I'll shower before going to bed." She announced before switching the light in the room off, and leaving only the dim bedside lamp on.      

She slowly began to strip out of her clothes. First, her shirt, to reveal a white lacy bra. Then she took off her trousers very slowly. She knew he was watching. She could swear he was.     

When she was left in only a matching bra and panty, she turned around and heard shuffling in the bed. She almost snickered at him. He was trying not to get caught staring eh?      

"Do you feel better? Still drunk? Headache? Sleepy?" She asked.      

Jeremy could not believe she was standing there in her lingerie, having a conversation with him right now. He made sure to keep looking at the other side as he answered.     

"A little big drowsy, no headache. Not sleepy." He answered. Who would be sleepy after everything they did especially after ending abruptly like that?      

"So can you help me with a massage after I'm done showering? My shoulder and back feel sore."      

What? She wanted him to touch her body? Like for real?      

He guessed she was going to be dressed so he didn't have to panic. So he agreed.      

"Cool. When I'm done showering, I'll get ready while you go shower."      

He also agreed. He tried not to think much of it. It was only a massage, nothing more.      

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