My Crazy Housemate

Seduction + Consent= A happy couple!

Seduction + Consent= A happy couple!

4When Jeremy noticed where his hands had been, his eyes widened for the umpteenth time that night. He gulped and tried to pull his hand away but it was as if they were stuck there. What is he doing? What is Chloe doing? What are they doing? His mind began to panic.      


"Hmm?" Her answer came out as a low moan. Involuntarily, he squeezed her boobs gently and was blessed with another awesome sound from her parted lips.      

By now, he was rock hard. For the first time tonight, he was glad the lights were all out. It would have been really embarrassing if they could see each other.      

"I... I.. don't..."      

"Just.. keep up with the massage..." Her voice came out in tiny whimpers. Once again, she squirmed under him, clearly enjoying his hands on her breast. It was only now he noticed how heavily he was breathing.      

"I... don't.. think I can.. *gulp* go... further with this..."      

Chloe didn't want to hear about it. She was worked up already and didn't want him to leave her hanging. Besides, she could tell he was too.      

She had never felt this way before and it was becoming more uncomfortable and unbearable for her. Besides, it felt like she was on fire. And this wasn't the kind of fire she could quench with water. It could only be him.      

"Jer?" She called in a whisper.      

"Hmm?" He asked, his hands were still glued to her breasts. They were so soft, he didn't want to pull his hands away. What if he didn't get to touch them again?     

"Don't... you find me attractive?" She asked uncertainly.     

Two months ago, if someone had told her she would be asking a guy this question, she would have pulled the person's hair, looked into their eyes and called them stupid!     

But now... she was here, Chloe King, asking a boy if he didn't find her attractive.      

All she had done was enough to seduce him but he seemed to be holding unto a tiny thread of self control. She didn't like that at all.      

"You are... the most attractive... woman I... I.. have ever met." He confessed before gulping again.      

She sighed in relief. At least he did find her attractive. Maybe he was just very shy.     

"Then... are you... scared?" She asked.      

They were both talking in whispers and it was kind of sexy to Chloe.     

His breathing hitched up even higher. "I... want you but... I... don't... want to do something that would make you hate me.. I... love you." He confessed.      

Okay, that was sweet. She wished he could see her face right now to see how proud she was of him.     

"I won't ever hate you Jer. So you can go on and kiss me if you wan—"      

She wasn't done speaking before she felt his lips aggressively smashed on hers. It seemed like he had been waiting for those words.      

Chloe deduced he respected consent so maybe instead of seducing him, she probably should just tell him to go ahead and do whatever he wanted. Or maybe, she could seduce him sometimes to spice things up for them.      

This kiss was hot and heated and impatient. Maybe he feared she would change her mind so he was probably trying to get his fill.      

She finally felt him lower his body down on hers and the first thing she felt which poke the inside of her thigh, was something hard. She almost lost it, but she kept herself under control.      

"Let me know if I am too heavy." He broke the kiss and spoke out in a raspy voice.      

Instead of answering, she wrapped her hands around his waist and began to explore his body through his shirt. He didn't do anything as she continued to explore until she raised his shirt and began to touch his skin directly.      

"Oh my!" She exclaimed. His body was hard and firm and warm. She knew it that even though he acted like a baby, his body said otherwise. They told her what a sexy man he was.      

Although it was dark, she could make out a smile on his face.      

He kissed the tip of her nose gently. She wasn't sure if he had meant to kiss her lips but had missed because of the darkness, or if that had been his intention, but it was sweet.     

He lowered himself to her neck and began to kiss her there again. She was sure there would be a lot of marks by morning and tried to remember whether she had a turtleneck or scarf to cover it but she was brought back to reality when she felt a sharp pain in the corner of her neck.      

"Ahhh!" She moaned aloud with a mixture of pain and pleasure in her voice. And she arched her back from the bed.      

"What.. was that for? You bit me." Chloe said quietly.     

"I am marking you. No one else is going to touch you except for me." He said.      

Chloe shivered at how dark his voice sounded. It felt so fucking erotic to hear him stake his claim like that. It was so powerful.      

"You are a werewolf now?" She asked in amusement.      

"I am a Jerwolf."     

"How cheesy." She said with a short laugh.      

Instead of answering, he lowered himself even more.      

"I... like your boobs. They fit into my hands perfectly. They are also warm and very soft." He said quietly.      

Chloe was glad the lights were turned off because she was blushing profusely. She couldn't just say 'thanks' that was weird.      

"Can... I..."      

"Go ahead." She said impatiently. She had been feeling his breath right there and couldn't help it.      

He stuck out his tongue and flicked the protruded bud. Then he did it again and again until he engulfed it with his warm mouth.      

Her roaming hands on his body stopped for a moment when he began to suck on it.      

The more she moaned out from the pleasure she was receiving, the more pressure he added. He made sure to treat both equally. While he sucked one, his hand was caressing the other. Fondling, squeezing, groping.      

When Chloe remembered there was someone else in the house with them, she bit her lip to keep her voice down..      

He stopped abruptly and lifted himself up to look at her, "Anything else you like?"      

Chloe blushed again. Yes. She wanted to try out a lot of things but she couldn't tell him. He had agreed to come this far with her, she didn't want to scare him away with her demands. Besides, if they went too far, it may end up in sex and they both hadn't been prepared for it.      

"What about you?" She asked.      

"Me? I'm fine." She could tell he was blushing too.      

"You are not. You can hump on me with your shorts on. I think it'll make you feel better."      


"I won't let you go to bed like that." She said sternly.     

It was a very tempting offer so he didn't argue much. He settled himself between her parted legs but before he could start, she pulled the duvet which had been covering her lower part, away.      

He was shocked to stupor when he lowered himself and was met with something wet. He only just realised now that she was completely naked. His short was made from a thin material so his stiff part felt 'her'.     

The contact made them both moan. He lost control and kept humping on her repeatedly.     

Their moans grew louder until he jumped up from the bed and ran to the bathroom, bumping into a few things on the way.      

Chloe knew what was happening so she left out a soft chuckle. Female orgasm was usually rare. So it didn't matter that she didn't receive hers, at least he was happy. She thought to herself as she heard the shower in the bathroom come on.      

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