My Crazy Housemate

Mission Failed

Mission Failed

1FEW HOURS BEFORE.....      4

"Remember to always take your drugs" Doctor Lily reminded Mia with a kind smile.      

"I won't forget. Thanks" Mia returned her smile. Doctor Lily had a warm personality and she liked people like that. Too bad she couldn't act like that to others.      

"And... say hello to Leo for me." Doctor Lily said with a wink before turning to retun to her office.     

As Mia approached Mira, she saw someone pass by and enter a room so she stopped walking and looked ahead curiously.     

She thought the person looked very much like Leo even though she had only seen the person's side profile. The person wore a doctors' coat and his hairstyle was somehow different. She shook her head. It was not possible. She was very sure Leo was not a doctor, plus Doctor Lily had just asked her to say hello to him. She wouldn't have said so if he was working in the same hospital with her.      

"What are you looking at?" Mira asked curiously while looking at the direction Mia was looking at.     

"It's nothing. Let's leave."      


"You are suddenly craving chinese foods?" Mira raised a brow at Mia who continued to walk inside the fancy restaurant.       

"I really need to know what's up with you." Mira said to Mia as she sat down opposite her.     

The restaurant was big and really fancy. It sold intercontinental dishes and had a lot of customers inside. Mia felt a bit self conscious after looking around because she was still dressed in her school outfit.     

"I just want to have fun." She replied the curious Mira.     

"Did something happen?" Mira continued to press.     

"Well, nothing much happened. I just want to live my life from now on and do everything girls my age do."      

"Wow!" Mira exclaimed with shining eyes. "Really? You really want to be a free bird now?"      

"I was never inside a cage" Mia answered with an eye roll before accepting the glass of water a waiter offered.     

"Oh you think?" Mira also took a glass and thanked the waiter before turning to look at Mia again.     

"I'm glad to hear that. It makes me so happy to know this. Is James aware?"     

"I think school is taking all of his time. Haven't heard from him yet."     

"Me too."     

When a male waiter showed them the menu, Mia choked on the water she was drinking when she saw the prices.     

"This... is just for a meal or I'm also going to be a shareholder of this restaurant after paying this amount?" She asked the waiter in shock as she pointed at the price, making Mira cackle.     

The waiter smiled awkwardly before informing her that those were the prices of each dish.      

"Wait... I don't have to pay for this glass of water do I?" Mia suddenly asked in a panic as she raised the glass of water the waiter had served them earlier. She assumed even water would be expensive in this kind of place.     

"No ma'am. That's for free." He explained with a polite smile.     

"Alright. Thanks. We'll get back to you."      

Immediately the waiter left, Mira controlled her laughter and said,     

"Come on, let's just have it. I'll pay for it to celebrate your freedom."      

"No way in hell I'm buying a plate of food for that amount. Jesus!"     

The lowest amount on the menu was equivalent to her two weeks salary— and that's if she took three different odd jobs.     

"Let's leave." Mia demanded. Despite Mira's protest, Mia pulled her away from the restaurant.      

Miss classes— Mission failed.     

Eat in a fancy restaurant — Mission failed.      

Mia sighed deeply when they got back to the car.     

"Let's go shopping then." Mia decided. No matter what, she wasn't going to back out now. She swore.     


"So... about what I told you earlier, do you want to mess with him?" Mira asked with a naughty smile as she drove.     

"I'm not sure." Mia said with uncertainty.      

"Come on... since you want to go wild, let's start with him. Let's see how long he's going to keep seeing you as his younger sister."      

"I don't mind him seeing me that way. Besides, I don't want to do anything that'll make him throw me out of his place."     

"Stop it!" Mira scolded. "You are a young, pretty, sexy lady. I can assure you he won't throw you out. Just tease him a little and make him confused."     

"Actually....." Mia considered telling Mira everything that happened between them.      

"What is it" Mira looked at her curiously.      

Mia sighed. She needed to get it off her mind anyway so she began to narrate how she had woken up that morning in only her underwear and saw him sleeping beside her.      

"Oh my God! He was on top of you and you... you.. felt.... him?" Mira gasped as she tried to keep her focus on the road.      

"I did. God.. it was so embarrassing. But I acted like I felt nothing."      

"Was he big?"     


"How did you feel... weren't you turned on?" Mira continued to press.     

Mira sounded excited when she asked. She liked these kind of conversations and so far, this was the first time Mia was having this kind of intimate conversation with her.     

"I won't have this conversation with you" Mia said with a blush.      

She remembered how she had felt him pressed onto her that morning. His body had a really peculiar scent and while she had tried to act like it was fine with her, she had felt his male organ pressing onto her. She thanked her stars the duvet had been there to protect them both.     

If there was one thing Mia was good at, it was pretending like all was okay with her and, she had been acting like that whenever she saw him but she still had goosebumps and her stomach tightened whenever she remembered that morning.      

"At this rate, I think you may both end up having sex very soon."      

"Do not say that. I cannot have sex with a promiscuous person. I have to do it with someone I love and who loves me also. Please let's drop this topic." Mia said with an embarrassed blush.      

"Mia is finally going to get laid!" Mira squealed loudly.     


Leo had been busy inside his room with laptop when he heard the front door open.      

First person that came to his mind was Mia. He didn't know what he was thinking when he suddenly left the room to the sitting room and was startled when he saw Cherry Anderson there instead.      

"Hi" She greeted with a small smile.     

Cherry wore a short sleeveless gown with a deep V-neck that exposed her cleavages. He hair was tied in a ponytail and her face had mild make up. In all, she looked really pretty.      

"How did you get in here." He asked with a frown.     

"Through the door." She pointed at the door with an innocent look on her face.      

"Get out." He said with a dark scowl but she didn't move.      

"I came to speak with you. I get that you are mad about what I did but please—"     

"What exactly are you apologizing for? For fixing me up with that jerk or what you did two years ago?"     

"Leo—" She took a step closer and he stopped her from taking another step.     

"Leave. Now!'     

"You didn't change your passcode it means you still love me right? Let's just talk Leo. I miss you... I miss us" She declared with a sad look.     

Her words didn't seem to have any effect on him. He held her shoulders and turned to lead her to the door but she turned to push him away angrily.      

"Is it because of that little girl? You are not having anything serious with her are you?" She yelled at him.     

Speak of the devil, Mia opened the door and entered inside with two full shopping bags in her hands.     

Mia paused and frowned when she saw Cherry inside.      

Cherry narrowed her eyes to look at Mia. She didn't want to believe this girl was really living with him.     

"Are you seriously dating her?" Cherry turned to ask Leo with a deep frown.      

"So what if I was?" Leo asked her before shooting Mia a pleading look to play along.     

Mia could guess he didn't want her around. She had also noticed how he sounded the other time she visited.      

She looked between Cherry and Leo and finally opened her mouth to greet Leo.     

"" It had sounded really awkward to her and she almost cringed in embarrassment.      

Leo was a bit startled and as he watched her, be tried his best not to laugh but he couldn't help it and began to chuckle.      

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