My Crazy Housemate



0Leo hadn't been sure Mia was going to play along. Even if she had been open minded recently, she still acted a bit rigid. So it had surprised him that she had easily played along. What did she just call him? Baby?      

Even Mia looked shocked and embarrassed at the way she called him. He tried his best not to laugh but he could not help it. She definitely looked cute.      

He began to chuckle and Mia frowned at him. Was he messing with her? She was helping him out but he was laughing?     

Cherry looked between Mia and Leo suspiciously.     

When Leo noticed how she was looking at them, he went into character....     

"Welcome baby. How was your time out?" He asked while moving closer to hug her.      

Mia froze when he wrapped his arms around her. If there was one thing she hadn't expected, it was a hug from him.      

Leo had a peculiar scent she couldn't quite understand. But it was a good scent.     

To Cherry who was looking at them with a frown, it seemed like Mia was not hugging back because of the shopping bags in her hand but in reality, Mia was simply too shocked to even make an effort to hug him back. She had never hugged a boy like this before– not even James.     

"Oh.. my lady went shopping. What did you get for me?" Leo asked with a big smile as he took the bags from her hand. "I really hope there are some sexy lingeries inside like the one you wore last night." He winked at her.     

He was having fun seeing her face redden. Maybe this was the time to pay her back for everything she had been doing to him. But on a second thought, she was helping him out so he decided to stop messing with her when he saw the awkward look on her face.     

Mia had never been in such an awkward situation all her life. She glared at Leo disapprovingly and turned to look at Cherry who was looking at them with angry eyes.     

"I guess you should leave now ma" Mia said in a respectable voice. Causing Cherry to frown even more.      


"You really should leave now. I need to ravish my baby" Leo said to Cherry before dropping the shopping bags on top of the table to scoop Mia into his arms, totally startling her.      

Leo could not help it. As much as he wanted to stop teasing her, something kept pushing him to continue.     

"What... are you..–" Mia stammered but Leo's voice cut her off.     

"You know your way out" He turned to tell Cherry as he carried Mia inside her room.     

Mia's cheeks were bright red. Mira had told her to mess with Leo but it seemed like he was the one messing with her.      

He slowly put her down after locking the door with his back and began to chuckle quietly.      

"You're a bad actress. But it's still okay" He complimented her.     

"You went overboard. What was all that about? How could you hug me and say you wanted to ravish me?" She snapped at him with a deep frown.     

"Hey!" He quickly used a hand to cover her mouth. "Shhhh... She's probably still there."     

Mia pushed his hand away and scowled at him. "That's your business to handle."     

"Come on, it's the least you could do for me... you know... you're living with me." He said with raised brow.     

"So I just need to keep doing all you want me to do?"     

He gave her a look she could interpret as "Yea.. you have no choice."     

"Well... sorry.. and thanks for helping me out. That's the only way I could get her to leave— And why don't you lock your room door?"     

He asked when he remembered he had only turned the doorknob to open the door without using a key.     

"It's just us. So why do I have to lock it?" She asked with a confused look on her face.      

Leo gave her a funny look.      

"I'll go check if she's still in. We need to talk."     

"Wait.. you are not planning to throw me out are you?" She asked in panic.      

"No.... Unless you tell me you didn't see Doctor Lily today."     

"Well, I did" She nodded.      

"Good then. I'll be back shortly."     

Mia paced around her room nervously. This whole thing was a had idea. She cussed herself for letting Mira put those kind of silly ideas in her head.     

Mira had told her to tease him a lot. Since she wanted to have fun, she didn't have to necessarily go wild or have sex with people to have fun. Mira had told her that the best thing to do was flirt.     

"Just flirt with him. Prance around the place in revealing clothes. Sometimes, pretend to bump into him in the kitchen while tying only a towel. You could even take it a step further by 'accidentally' dropping the towel on the floor." Mira said with a naughty squeal.     

Mia shook her head. There was no way she was going to do any of that. Especially since he had told her he may be sexually attracted to her. Flirting with him would be like jumping into a burning furnace. She was going to save the flirting for Benjamin.     

Speaking of Benjamin, she made up her mind to go to his party and had done a little shopping to that effect. Oh.. her shopping bag was in the living room.     

At that moment, Leo knocked on the door and she invited him in.     

She looked at his hands and noticed he wasn't holding her shopping bags.     

"She already left." He informed her.     

"So— I think there is something we need to talk about." Leo started. He had to remind her that he was a man and even though he was calling her his younger sister, the devil knew they weren't related and may send temptation so she had to always cover up her body.     

"Wait! Where are my bags?" She asked before moving past him to the sitting room.     

Leo followed her and saw how she looked around with creased brows.     

"You left it on the table right?" She turned to ask him.     

The shopping bags were nowhere to be found and it didn't make any sense that it suddenly grew legs and walked away.     

Leo hissed. "Cherry Anderson!" He used a hand to scratch the bridge of his nose.     

"What? Your girlfriend took my bags? Is she that childish?" Mia asked with a disapproving frown.     

"Wait what? Cherry isn't my girlfriend." He corrected.     

"Well I don't care..." She said in a high pitched voice. "I just need my bags. Call her!" Mia demanded in a panic. She had spent a lot of money on those things and couldn't let it go like that.     

The last thing Leo wanted was to call Cherry Anderson.     

"Can we just— forget about it. I can pay for it–"     

"Hell No!" She interrupted before he could finish.     

"I used my hard earned money to buy those things. So call her.... Now!" She added when Leo continued to loom at her without making any move to call.     

Leo sighed and finally took out his phone to call her.     

"You finally called me first." Cherry spoke first immediately the call connected.     

Leo frowned. "Where are the bags?"     

"What bags?" He heard her ask with an innocent voice.     

"Don't play dumb with me. Where are the shopping bags?"     

Mia quickly flung the phone from Leo and began to speak.     

"Your name is Cherry right?" She had heard Leo call her Cherry Anderson.     

Mia didn't wait for Cherry to speak before she continued.     

"Are you fucking with me? You look so pretty and sophisticated yet so childish and petty. If I don't see my bag in the next couple of minutes, I'll come to wherever you are and pop that Cherry head of yours!" Mia yelled angrily into the phone.     

Cherry was quiet on the other end.     

Leo looked at Mia as he asked in both shock and amusement. "Pop... her... cherry head?"     

When Mia heard his question, she looked at him with confusion and it finally dawned on her what she had just said.     

Did she just say she was going to 'pop her cherry head'?     

'To pop a cherry'' was a slang for breaking one's virginity.     

"Oh...." Mia exclaimed in embarrassment. "I guess that came out wrongly." She cringed before returning the phone to Leo.     

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