My Crazy Housemate



4"Stop barking, you idiot." Mia yelled at the hairy and fluffy Maltese dog while still holding Leo tightly.     0

When she turned her head to the side and noticed the dog standing on its hind legs while barking, desperately trying to reach her, she screamed and began to move up and down again.      

"Don't just stand there. Do something." Mia scolded Leo who had been standing there like a statue.      

When he came back to his senses, he felt terrible for enjoying the whole thing and frowned.      

"Tara, it's enough" He looked down at the dog. She stopped barking and sat on the floor while wagging her tails.     

"You should go down now." Leo said to Mia whose head was buried in the crook of his neck.      

Leo's heart was beating fast and he feared she would hear it. He wasn't a saint after all.      

Here was a girl whose hot breath was tingling his neck, whose soft hair was all over his neck and chest, whose hands and legs were around him with his hands around her waist while she was pressed to his hard-on. He wasn't sure a monk wouldn't feel the way he was feeling now.      

"Come down? Are you crazy? This creature is still down there. I hate dogs" She said without raising her head from the crook of his neck.      

She heard Tara whimper and clutched Leo's neck tighter.     

"Oh God!" A guttural growl escaped his lips and his breath hitched.      

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" She asked while raising her head to look at him.      

Leo shot his eyes immediately. He was afraid she may see it in his eyes: Lust, desire, whichever it was. He didn't want her to see it.      

"Are you alright?" Mia asked again in a lower voice. Afraid the dog may continue to attack if she spoke louder.     

"Your body feels hot and even your face is turning red." She stop talking and strained her ears like she was trying to concentrate on something and said,     

"Your heart is beating very fast. Are you sick?" She moved a hand from his neck to feel his forehead and that sudden movement made her slip down his body a bit.      

When another growl escaped Leo's lips, Mia gasped this time and her eyes shot open.      

She felt it. It had directly pressed to her female member. Even though she was naive most times, she could still guess what it was.      

'Why did he come out of his room if he was aroused?' She screamed in her head.     

But on a second thought, she had been the one who called him for help.     

Leo slowly opened his eyes to look at her shocked face.      

He still didn't let go. Mia was also frozen in that spot.     

" That is... your junior brother ri-ght?" Mia asked in a stutter with her cheeks flushed.      

Leo didn't know when a laugh escaped his lips. He knew it was wrong to laugh at that point because he had been taking advantage of her but he couldn't help it.      

"I'm sorry. This thing pops up at any time." He apologized in a very low voice while still staring intently at her and not making any effort to drop her.     

"Oh My God!" She gasped again.      

She also came back to her sense and realised where she was and the position they were. She also noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and his hands were around her waist.      

Fortunately, she was well dressed. She wore a button down grey shirt and black pants. But she could still feel the heat his both emanated.      

Leo had never been in such an awkward situation before. He desperately tried to suppress the urge to run his hands over her back amd pull her closer to him. He reminded himself that he wasn't one to take advantage of little girls, especially the one he called his sister.     

Mia was a very attractive young lady. He had even been attracted to her when he didn't like her, talk more of now that they had both been getting along and she had asked him to help her learn how to kiss.      

Speaking of kiss, should he just teach her now? He wondered as his eyes well on her lips.      

"I'm sorry. You must feel uncomfortable." He said and turned his head to the side when he saw her face.     

He was sure the look in his eyes contributed to why her cheeks was very red.      

"You should come down now. Tara won't bite."      

"Are you crazy?" She snapped at him.      

Even though she desperately wanted to get away from his body, there was a dog standing inside the room! In front of her!     

"Are you Tara's father? Did you both have a family meeting and she told you she wouldn't bite me?"      

Leo chuckled lightly. "She was only surprised to see you." He explained. "Tara is lovely and playful. Trust me."     

"That's what I was told some years back but I was bitten by the same dog who was supposedly 'not going to bite'. I know this position is weird and awkward, but I still value my life. Please take me to my room." She pleaded as she looked back at the dog who was squatting on the floor, staring at them with interest.      

'Take me to my room.' That statement messed up his mind again. It sounded like an invitation to go to bed with her. But he knew better than that.      

He looked down at Tara again. He just couldn't believe the terrible mistake he made by bringing her to his house.       

"Hold onto me." He said and began to move towards her room.      

Mia reluctantly wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to not think about anything else.     

"Is she following?" Mia asked with her head buried in his neck. She felt traumatized whenever she saw dogs. A dog hadn't only bitten her, her mother had hit her for allowing herself get bitten by a dog because the money she was supposed to use for other things, she had used it for Mia's hospital bills instead.      

"Stay there." Leo turned his head to the side to instruct Tara who whined again with her ears down before running to the back of the couch.      

When Leo helped her down, she felt it again. Even though she tried to feign indiference, the look on her face gave her away.      

They both continued to stare at each other awkwardly. It was just them standing inside a room, door closed and a large inviting bed.      

They both felt the tension.     

Mia tired to focus on his face alone. She didn't want to look further for the fear of what she may see. Although, she was tempted to check.     

"Why would you bring a dog inside without consulting me first?" Mia suddenly blew up at him, changing the atmosphere.     

"Consulting you first?" He asked sarcastically before adding, "This is my house."     

"But you should have at least asked me.  Did you plan to give me a heart attack? How am I supposed to live in the same house with a dog?"      

"Tara is lovely. You'll love her." He assured her. He was thankful that his hormones were no longer on the rise.      

"Lovely? Did you see how she attacked me?" Mia asked with a scowl.     

"You know, I need to take my bath right now and get to work. Good night." He said before leaving the room.     

Mia locked the door with her key immediately he left and released the breath she didn't realise she had been holding back.     

She began to pace around the room.      

She had seen his bare chest, touched it, clung into him, smelled him, felt his junior brother between her legs.      

She buried her face in her palms as she remembered.     

She congratulated herself for being able to control her emotions. She was really good at it sometimes.     

While they were still in the sitting room earlier, an image flashed in her head— the image of the couple in the movie and how they had metamorphosed into Leo and her. She was glad nothing had happened.     

There was no way she was ever going to do anything with Leo. It had to be with the guy she liked. And she only liked one guy— Benjamim Stark. And the next day was his party.      

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