My Crazy Housemate

How can I undo it?

How can I undo it?

2Mia's grumbling stomach woke her up the next morning.      4

She hadn't eaten anything since the previous afternoon. She had planned to eat something later at night but after what happened between Leo and herself, she could not bring herself to come out of her room and besides, there was still a dog just outside her door.      

But it was going to be impossible to lock herself inside all day because she had a class that Morning and was also starving.      

She checked the time on her phone and saw the time was just a few minutes past 6am. Her first class was supposed to start by 8am so she had to do soemthing.      

She didnt know whether the dog was sleeping, or how deep dogs slept- if she was. Still, she couldn't risk it and go out just like that.     

She remembered Leo had sent her a text before when he reminded her to go to the hospital so she checked her phone for his number.      

Even though she was still embarrassed about what happened the previous night, she didn't have any choice now.     

Now that she thought about it, how did he get her number? She wondered with a frown.      


Leo didn't sleep until it was almost 3 in the morning so he was still sleeping when he heard his phone ring and sleepily reached for it to check who was calling.      

Sometimes, he wished he wasn't always business–minded so he could easily ignore or reject calls without bothering to check who was calling. But he just couldn't no matter how sleepy or tired he was.      

He saw the incoming call was from "Crazy Housemate" and sat up immediately, wondering why she was calling so early.     

Their relationship was slowly changing and he was sure she felt it also.      

Things would have been a bit easier if Mia had screamed at him or hit him for coming close to her but her indifference and hidden anxiety made things difficult for him. It made him think that maybe, she was enjoying it all too.     

He knew she always tried her best not to react but he always noticed the way her hands shook when she was nervous or embarrassed.      

He had noticed it on the night they both saw a movie together, he had also noticed it the previous night when she clung to him while trying to escape from Tara.     

Even though she acted like it was no big deal, he could see the innocence in her face.     

After a little hesitation, he took the call.     


There was a little pause on the other end before Mia spoke.      

"I need to prepare breakfast but I don't know where your dog is. I can't leave the room." She said in a low voice.      

"Oh... Tara is in the sitting room. But I'll keep her inside my room while you do your thing. You can come out in the next few minutes." He said to her and hung up after she thanked him.      

From her room, she could hear how Tara barked after Leo's room door opened. She was probably happy to see him after such a long night in a new environment.      

"I'm taking Tara with me to my room. So go on and do your thing." Leo said in a loud voice towards her room door and left the sitting room with the little dog running after him.      


"Well, hello there!" Mira greeted Jeremy with a flirty smile when she saw him standing beside Mia.      

"Hi. You must be Mira. I finally get to meet you." He said while shaking the hand she extended. The other times he saw Mira, she was always inside her car but this time she had parked her car and strolled further inside the school to meet Mia.     

Mira flashed him another flirty smile before turning to look at Mia who was eyeing her suspiciously.       

"So are you ready for the party tonight?" Mira asked Mia in an excited voice.      

Truthfully, Mia was a bit nervous, but she simply shrugged her shoulders like it wasn't a big deal.     

"It's just a stupid party. What's there to prepare for?" She asked in a tone of indifference.     

"Good. You are also going right?" Mira turned to ask Jeremy.     

"Sure. I can't let Mia go alone. Friends should always stick by each other." He said before turning to smile at Mia.     

"We are not friends." Mia corrected him with an eye roll but he didn't seem offeneded instead, he laughed.      

"Well, see you at the party then." Mira said as she got inside her car.      

Jeremy waved at the both of them and left while Mia joined Mira inside the car.      

"So how's the smoking hot guy you live with?" Mira asked as she drove towards Leo's house.      

Mia's head dropped.      

"There is something I must tell you" Mia confessed, piquing Mira's interest.      

"What is it?" She glanced at Mia briefly before turning to look at the road.      

Mia closed her eyes and clenched her fists tightly as she blurted out. "There's someone I plan to kiss tonight."      

The car braked immediately and Mira's eyes shot wide opened.      

"You plan to kiss someone? Is it Leo?" She asked with interest.      

"No.. not at all." She raised her head to refute immediately      

"Then who is it? You have a crush on a boy? How come I didn't know about this?" Mira asked with a disappointed frown.     

"It's just... I don't even know what to say." She dropped her head again and sighed. "I don't even know how to go about it and I asked Leo to–" She paused and bit her lips.      

"You asked Leo to what?" Mira asked impatiently.      

"I told him I wanted to learn how to kiss with him and he freaked out." She confessed with flushed cheeks.      

"Oh my God! How could you ask him that?" Mira gasped but the look on her face showed she was amused.     

"What's wrong with asking a guy for that tiny favour?" Mia asked in confusion.      

"You don't get it do you? This is someone who said he may be sexually attracted to you and you asked him for that? I'm pretty sure he's very uncomfortable living in the same house with you now."     

Mia bit her lower lip nervously.     

"How can I undo it?" She asked.     

"There's nothing to undo darling. Deed's done already.... Now tell me about the guy you like. Where you met him, how you met him, what he looks like, where he lives, how rich his family are and number of dates you both has had." Mira said as she began to drive again.     

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