My Crazy Housemate

"Mia kissed Louis"

"Mia kissed Louis"

0"Can you at least tell me what is wrong with you?" Richard asked Leo with an exasperated sigh.     

For the past one hour, they had both been sitting inside a bar, quietly drinking a glass of white wine. Leo had invited him out and from the way he spoke, Richard could tell there was a lot on his friend's mind but Leo had refused to say a word to him about whatever he was passing through.     

"Come on, talk to me. I'm not comfortable seeing you like this."     

Leo took another gulp from his wineglass before looking at Richard. He desprately wanted to get the whole thing off his chest so he began to talk.     

"You know I'm really not a kiss and tell..."     

Richard nodded in encouragement for him to continue.      

Leo looked at him with an uncertain look before saying in a low voice. "I kissed Mia."      

Richard's jaw dropped. For many seconds, he remained like that without saying a word.      

"You... kissed your flatmate?" He asked when he finally found his voice.     

Leo frowned. "I don't think flatmate is actually the right word since you know... it's my house and..."     

"Shut the hell up man, you kissed her! Didn't I tell you I was interested on her?" Richard snapped at him.      

"You said two weeks! And if nothing happened then you would make a move. Remember?" Leo asked with an annoyed frown. He began to regret telling Richard about it.     

"Hell yea I did. And you went on to kiss her? Just like that?"      

"Well, what would you have me do? Look, I am only talking to you right now because I believe you have a better advise for me since Tara keeps giving me this judgemental look when I tried to talk to her earlier so do not even think you have any right to scream at me or try to—"     

"Tara?" Richard cut in. "Tara is back with you?" He asked.     

"Yes.. And how's that important right now?" Everything had been Tara's fault. If Mia hadn't jumped on him that day, he believed he would have been able to still think clearly even till now.      

"Aww.. been long I saw her. How is she? Did her limbs grow longer?" Richard asked with a curious stare. "Does she have grey hairs now?"     

"Are you seriously going to give me an advise or not?" Leo asked angrily. He could not believe Richard was more concerned about Tara than him.      

"Alright.. alright..." Richard raised his hands in surrender. "So you're in love with her?"      

"Hell no. Jesus! How can you even think about love?" Leo asked in shock. "Remember I told you I'm done with that 'love thingy'." He reminded him.     

"Who are you fooling? Even though you claim you do not love her, then we can settle for the fact that you like her."     

"I do not like her that way dude."      

"Oh yes, you do." Richard cut in before he could deny any further. "If you didn't like her, you wouldn't be this worried. I know you too well Lion.. You kiss ladies everytime and not freak out the way you're doing right now and that's because you like her. You have special feelings for her. I knew this was going to happen" He said in a careless tone before sipping from his wine glass.      

Leo remained adamant regardless. "She's Chloe's classmate for goodness sake. I see her as nothing more than my younger sister."     

Richard had looked at him like he was an idiot when he started to talk. What has being Chloe's classmate got to do with any of it? But when he heard the last part, he let loose with a loud guffaw and laughed his out heart.      

"Younger sister? You've got to be fucking kidding me!" He said in between his fits of laughter, making Leo frown in embarrassment. He knew that didn't make sense. Younger sister indeed!     

"I would also like to have a smoking hot sister like her. Tell me something.." He inched closer towards Leo.      

"Have you seen her... you know... nude?"      

"Hell no! How can you ask something perverted like that?" Leo frowned at him.      

He didn't want to mention to him that he had actually seen her in her underwear. He kept that part out for Mia's sake. From his little knowledge, he knew women didn't like it when men told things like that about them to other men.     

"You want my advise?" Richard asked.      

"Isn't that why I've been talking to you for the past hour?"     

"Move out of the house!"     

"You've got to be kidding me. It's my house!"     

"You can always return when she leaves. Don't you know how these things work? You've already kissed her dude. You'll always want more. Are you going to take responsibility? Will you date her? Marry her? Or—"      

"Look, I don't care about any of this but there is no way in hell I am going to leave the house."     

"Then throw her out." Richard said while looking at his face intently.      

"Are you crazy? Why would I—" Leo sighed and used his hands to massage his temples. "You're a terrible confidant" He said to Richard who was obviously enjoying his misery since he had a smile on his face.      

Leo's ringing phone interrupted them and he wondered why Chloe was suddenly calling him by that time of the night.      

"Yes?" He asked her impatiently. She was the reason he was going through all this. If she hadn't messed with his apartment, he probably would have been living fine without always thinking about the innocent looking girl next door.     

"Are you dating Mia Lucas?" Chloe's curious voice asked.     

Leo sat up when he heard her question. He wondered why she was suddenly asking him such question and by that time of the night.      

"No. Why? And why are you in a noisy place by this time of the night?" He asked.     

Chloe began to explain slowly. "First, mum asked me to go over to Mr and Mrs Stark's place. Her son is throwing a party. He attends my school. You should know him. Amara's younger brother Benjamin."     

"Wait... Benjamin Stark?" He asked again when he remembered it was the same Benjamin that Mia was having a thing for.      

"Yes.. that's him." She confirmed, making him frown.     

'What's special about him?' Leo asked himself.     

"So bro Louis dropped me off and I forgot my phone inside his car. I called him back to help me bring it—"     

"Can you go straight to the point?" He asked impatiently. His sister was always fond of beating around the bush and it really frustrated him.      

"I think Mia just kissed Louis now thinking he was you." Chloe informed him.      

"What? Come again." He said as he tried to convince himself that he had not just heard that.      

"Mia kissed Bro Louis" She repeated in a louder voice this time.     

Mia kissed Louis? Before he knew it, he already sprung up to his feet and was heading towards the door.     


"You... are not.... Leo?" Mia asked in confusion as her drunken eyes roamed over Louis.      

"You know my brother?" Louis asked back in surprise. He never would have believed he would meet her again and in this kind of situation. Hell, she had even kissed him!     

"Oh my God!" Mia gasped in shock before her hands flew to cover her mouth.      

Why did Leo never think to tell her he had a twin brother!!!!!!???? She screamed in her head as she looked at him with wide eyes.      

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