My Crazy Housemate

Do you like her?

Do you like her?

0"Can you slow down Mia?" Mira asked as she tried to catch up with Mia who was walking fast by the side of the busy road.      

Jeremy was also following them closely but he didn't know whether to stop her or not since Mia looked like she would prefer to be alone.      

"I kissed a guy I do not even know!?" Mia turned to say in disbelief before she turned and began to walk faster again.      

"Ya,  I know.. it's crazy... I also had not expected Leo to have a twin." Mira said in understanding.      

"Hell ya, no one did!" Mia turned around again and began to bite her nails nervously while pacing around in circle.     

"In one night I kissed two guys and they are brothers!" Mia said in a tone of utter disbelief.     

When she said she wanted to go wild, she had not expected things to turn out this way.      

"Wait, what? You mean you kissed two brothers? Like.. that was a case of mistaken identity?" Jeremy finally asked but none of the girls answered his question.      

"I know this whole thing is crazy. You've been living in the same house with Leo for weeks and he didn't think to tell you he had a brother!"     

"Wait a minute... you live with a guy?" Jeremy asked Mia another question that also didn't receive any answer.     

"I think it's best if you don't ask questions." Mira turned to advise him without meeting his eye contact.     

"What am I going to do? What do I do?" Mia asked as she continued pacing around.     

"Do not freak out Mia. Kissing is no big deal. You'll be fine." Mira held her shoulders and made her look into her eyes.      

"Trust me.... you don't have to think much about it."      

Jeremy sighed in resignation as he accepted his fate that they were not going to talk to him.      

He was even surprised that he had followed them.     

He had been in the same call with Mia since freshman year and if someone had told him then that he would be friends with Mia– at least on his part, he wouldn't have believed it.      


"Where is she?" Leo asked immediately he saw Chloe and Louis waiting for him beside Louis's car.      

"She–" Before Chloe could answer, Leo turned to blow up at Louis.      

"What were you thinking? How could you kiss her?"      

"Kiss her?" Louis asked in mild disbelief. "Firstly, I didn't kiss anyone, she kissed me. Secondly, how do you know that girl?"      

"That's not important right now. You could have evaded te kiss or something.  How could you just stand there and allow her kiss you? Who does that?" He asked angrily. The thought didn't seem to sit well with him     


"It's really not his fault." Chloe explained from the side. "She was to kiss someone she liked and that was when bro Louis came in here to look for me so she—"     

"He still should have moved away!" Leo yelled angrily before running his hand through his hair in frustration.      

"What's your prob—" Leo cut Louis off before he could asked further..     

"Wait.. she was supposed to kiss someone she liked and kissed him thinking he was me" Leo turned to ask Chloe when he remembered what she had just said.      


"Wait.. are you trying to say the girl likes Leo?" Louis asked with a frown.      

Leo's mind was occupied. He could tell something was not right somewhere. She had planned to kiss Benjamin so what had happened?      

"Where is Mia?" Leo asked Chloe who was deep in thought.      

Chloe wondered whether there was something brewing between Leo and Mia. If there was, then good for her! He wouldn't threaten her again with reporting to their parents about her messing with his place, plus, they would forever be grateful to her for bringing them together.     

"Where is she?" He asked again impatiently.      

Louis guessed Mia was the girl's name and answered, "She ran away when I explained to her that I was your twin brother. And... why are you reacting this way? Do you like her? Was she the 'little cutie' doctor Lily talked about that you brought to the hospital?" Louis asked with a raised brow.      

"There is nothing going on between us.. I'm sure she's probably scared or nervous somewhere." Leo said with a sigh as he began to frantically search for his phone inside his pocket.      

Even though Mia always liked to act tough, he knew she was a very naive and innocent girl and it wasn't fair to her that he had kissed her and in the same night, she had kissed his brother by mistake.      

"What about Benjamin... where is he? What happened?" He asked Chloe as he began to dial Mia's number.     

"Are you looking for me?" Just then, they saw Benjamin and Amara walking towards them.      

Ben looked at Louis with a frown before he turned to greet Leo after Amara greeted them.      

Leo looked at him up and down. He wondered what Mia saw in him. He was good looking, there was no doubt about that, but he didn't look very manly. He still looked like a teenager.     

"Why did you think to organize this kind of party where people have to kiss people?" Leo asked him with a frown while trying his best not to sound annoyed.      

"Uhm... its what's in vogue. It happens in every party." Benjamin explained awkwardly.      

Although he had not seen Leo in years, the King's family were also like their family so they respected every member.     

Leo could not ask Ben any questions about Mia in front of all of them so he head towards his car.      

"I'll ask again, do you like Mia?" Loius asked as Leo was just about to get inside his car.      

"She is... like a sister to me and that makes you her brother. How could you let her kiss you?" He began to accuse Louis again. He didn't know why he was suddenly behaving like a teenager who found his best friend kissing the girl he had a crush on.     

"What...?  When did I become her brother? You know you're overreacting right? Someone may think she is your girlfriend."     

"I am not saying any more word to you Louis. I have to go look for her now."     

As Leo started his car, he looked Louis up and down. Louis was always very formal...     

"I really wonder how she mistook you for me." He shook his head before driving off.      

"I wonder same." Louis shot back at the speeding car.      

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