My Crazy Housemate

That feels better..

That feels better..

0Leo had also gone out after Mia did and by the time he returned in the evening, he realised Mia was already at home.  She had fixed them both a simple dinner and left his covered on the table with a note that informed him that it was for him.     1

She had locked herself in her room all day till that night. Throughout that day, he hadn't seen her.     

Leo looked at her door when he came out of his room that night. He made sure Tara was inside his room since he didn't want her scaring Mia.      

Slowly, he approached her door and knocked lightly. It was just 9pm so he assumed she was still awake. He could hear her talking and he was sure she was talking to someone on the phone while he heard her footsteps walking towards the door.     

Leo stood there frozen when she opened the door. She was really in a call, but he hadn't expected her to be fresh out of the shower.      

She was dripping wet from head to toe with only a towel tied around her chest. The towel was pretty short so a whole part of her thighs were exposed to his perverted eyes and all he could do was look away before he got into further trouble.      

He reminded himself to get used to this. Mia was always careless about how she looked around the house and didn't seem to know how her casual actions seemed to affect him.     

"Excuse me." She muttered to Leo and pointed to the phone to show she was on a call.      

"I can only take evening jobs this period. You know school is on." She said into the phone.     

After a little pause, he heard her say again.      

"Alright, thanks. Keep me updated." Then she hung up.      

"Is something wrong?" She finally asked Leo.     

"Uhm... I wanted to speak with you.." He managed to say while keeping his eyes from straying down.     

"Alright" She said while giving him a look that said he should go ahead and talk.      

"Not.. here.. our usual spot in the kitchen." He said in a pleading tone.      

"Oh.. Alright.. I'll just get dressed and join you." She said before going inside.     

Leo sighed when she closed the door. At least she hadn't followed him like that. That was good.     

He went to the kitchen first, took out a can of beer for himself and poured some orange juice for Mia.     

It didn't take long before she appeared. She wore a black three-quater Jean short and tank top but this time, she made sure to wear a bra.      

"Can I have beer instead?" She asked politely when she looked at the can of beer in front of him.      

Leo was a bit surprised since she usually took Juice inside the house and it was the first time she was asking for beer. In fact, he had been surprised to hear she had been a bit drunk during the party on friday night since she didn't look like someone who drank alcohol.      

He placed the juice aside and replaced it was a can of beer instead.     

"You wanted to talk.." She said plainly. It was more of a statement than a question and he knew it was time to talk.     

"Yes." He said before taking a big gulp.      

Mia looked at him as he swallowed with his head tilted upward. He really was a good looking. She thought.     

Their eyes met and she quickly moved her eyes away and also took a gulp directly from the can.     

"I... want to sincerely apologize for that night and what I said to you yesterday." He started..     

"It was wrong of me. And I just want you to know that it is never going to happen again." He really didn't want them to fight. It was the first time he was repeatedly apologizing to a girl like this but he didn't really mind. He just wanted her to keep on relying on him.     

"You already apologized the other time." She reminded him.      

"I know. I don't know why I am apologizing again, but I want you to know that I wouldn't deliberately do anything you do not like."      

Mia smiled before nodding. "It's fine. I'm sorry also for making you feel uncomfortable in your own house. I am already making plans to leave."      

"You really done have to apolo— wait, what? Leave?" He sat up and asked when his brain registered what she had just said.     

"Yes." She nodded.      

Leo didn't know why that information didn't seem to sit well with him.     

"Are you... leaving because of me?" He asked.      

Mia shook her hear. "No. This isn't my house. Besides, you've always been asking me to leave. It's only normal I leave one day. She explained.     


That was all Leo could say. Nothing else came out.     

"I met with your brother today." She informed him.     

"Louis? Why?" He asked with a frown.     

"I went to apologize to him for that night."     

"Why would you go apologize to him it isn't a big deal."     

"It is." She shot back with a glare.     

"No one likes being taken advantage of and kissing someone without their permission is totally wrong. Just imagine you were in his shoes and I did that to you."      

Leo had to keep himself from laughing. Why would he mind? He would gladly welcome it.. duh..     

"Well.. no one actually likes being taken advantage of." He finally said while looking intently into her eyes. This time, she didn't break contact and just stared right back..     

"Chemistry.." She suddenly said in a low voice.      

"What?" He asked in confusion.      

"I think there is some kind of chemistry between us" She said while giving him a confused look.      

Leo was slightly surprised. Chemistry? "Do you always say out whatever you think in your head?"      

"Yes.. it makes life easier and simpler for me." She said before taking another big gulp, emptying the beer can. She noticed then that she had finished two cans of beer and was really tipsy now.     

"Is there another beer inside the fridge? There is right? I think I saw about 5 this afternoon.." She said in a drunken voice.      

"Why? You want to drink another one? Don't you have classes to attend tomorrow?" He asked in concern when he noticed she was already drunk. He could tell she had a very low tolerance for alcohol.      

"I'm fine. Just one more. It makes me feel good." She said before standing up but she staggered a bit.      

She could feel her eyes were beginning to spin but for some unknown reasons, she liked the feeling.. she felt really light.      

She felt herself almost begin to fall as she moved towards the fridge but fortunately, she didn't know when Leo got closer to her and caught her in his arms before she could fall.      

She felt her back pressed to his body and blushed.      

Slowly, she turned around to look at him and saw him staring down at her. He still held her waist firmly, keeping her from falling.      

They both continued to look into each other's eyes. Mia with drunken eyes while Leo with clear eyes. He didn't get easily drunk.     

He knew it was time to let her go since she was standing straight now, but he didn't. Everyday, there was always a battle going on within him.      

Suddenly, her eyes fluttered close.      

Was this an invitation? Was she letting him kiss her? He wondered as he continued to look at her without knowing what to do. She was drunk. He was pretty sure she would freak out when she was sober.      

He looked at her lips and remembered the feeling of his lips pressed to hers the other night. It had been so electrifying that night and he had almost wanted to go deeper but stopped himself.     

"Uhm.. Mia?" He called her slowly. He really needed to put her to bed before things got worse... and he meant it in the literal sense.. she had to sleep!     

"Shhhh" She said in a low voice and suddenly, he heard a loud FART sound and noticed a smile spread across her face and he cringed.      

"That feels better." She said before opening her eyes again and saw the ugly frown in Leo's face before he let go of her.      

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