My Crazy Housemate

You should stop it.

You should stop it.

1Leo actually found it amusing that Mia was hiding from him. The moment they both bumped into each other the next morning, she had taken off through the front door without bothering to look at him or say a good morning.       4

She was sober now so he was sure she remembered what she had done last night. He couldn't believe she had ruined such intense moment by farting.     

"You really should get your shits together. You have been acting so unlike you for the past few days." Jeremy said to her once he sat down beside her.      

He didn't know when they became friends, but it just suddenly happened that way.      

"I am trying to think."     

"About what? Friday night still?" He asked with a raised brow.     

She really wished it was only Friday night she had to worry about. Now, she also had to worry about last night. Just see why she hated beers!     

At that moment, Chloe entered inside the class. Unlike her usual dignified entrance, she looked so unlike herself that morning. She simply walked inside with her head down and mind occupied.      

Everyone looked at her curiously. Firstly, because Chloe never lost her cool. She always walked into class looking like she owned the school. Secondly, the whole school had heard about how she threatened Kelvin when he almost kissed her at the party.      

"Why is she looking that way?" Jeremy asked no one in particular as Chloe took her seat.      

Mia wouldn't have cared about Chloe if she wasn't Leo's sister. She wondered why she looked down and lifeless.     

"You should go ask her what's up with her." Jeremy whispered to her.      

"Me? Why?" She looked at him in surprise. Feeling pity for someone was one thing, approaching them was an entirely different thing.      

"Come on.. don't you have a thing for her brother?" He urged her.      

"What? Have a thing for her brother? Like.. are you insinuating that I like him?" She asked with widened eyes.      

"Of course. Wasn't that what you and Mira was talking about the other night? Besides, some persons who likes to gossip in school are already whispering about it. So I think you are kind of popular now."      

"What!?" Mia's voice was louder than she had intended and when she noticed people were looking at her, she lowered her voice to ask..      

"People are talking about me?"      

"Yea. One, they think you were really pretty that night and secondly, you are dating the King Doctor who happens to be our Queen's brother." He said while looking at Chloe.      

"Oh God!" Mia bumped her head on the table and buried her face. No wonder some students had been staring at her strangely. She had never been involved in a minor scandal before so it was a bit troubling for her. She hated being in the spotlight.      

"Come on.. there's still some few minutes before classes begins. Just know how she is for me?" He pleaded.      

"Since you like her why don't you just go?" She asked with a frown.      

"You know how she is. See the way she treated Kelvin at the party, do you want her to also embarrass me like that?"      

Mia could not help but wonder why he still liked Chloe even though she behaved like that. She also had the same attitude with Chloe. Only difference was that she wasn't rich.      

"Then why do you still like her if you can't approach her?"      

"Because..." He paused to think but could not find any words to use.      

"I don't know. Do we need to have a reason for liking people? It just happens." He answered with a shoulder shrug.     

Mia paused and began to think deeply but quickly shook whatever thought that was trying to form out of her head.      

"I cannot go speak with her since I am terrible at it. But I could look for a way to give you her number. Just to thank you for being my school friend."      

"You would?" He asked with wide eyes.      


Mia was on her way out of the school premises when she saw a familiar person resting by a car while looking towards her direction but not exactly at her..      

She clutched her bagpack tightly and turned around, hoping to escape from him when he suddenly called her name.     

"Mia Lucas.. You aren't running from me, are you?"      

His voice had been so loud that people began to look at her since she was the one he was staring at.      

Having no other choice, she turned around and forced out a smile.      

"Hello Louis." She greeted. When she looked around, she noticed the curious glances people were sending towards them.      

"You aren't very happy to see me." He noted with a small smile.     

Mia forced out a laugh before nodding and saying through gritted teeth.. "Of course, I don't."      

Louis chuckled. She was very open about her feelings and he admired it.     

"You're one of the few persons who can tell apart my brother and I. Such keen eyes you have." He complimented.      

Of course she could. Louis had a kind of formal posture at all time while Leo always looked casual even though he was dressed formally. His hair was always neatly styled compared to Leo's. And Leo's lashes were longer than his brother's.      

"What are you doing here?" She asked uninterestedly.      

"To send some medical items to the school's clinic. I heard you schooled here but didn't think I would bump into you."      

"Well... I'm here.. and I have to return home." She said while pointing towards the gate.     

"I could drop you off." He offered.     

"No thanks.. besides, weren't you waiting for someone?" She asked.      

"Yea.. you. I saw you heading this way when I was about driving out." He confessed with a small smile.      

"What are you trying to do?" She asked while looking at him suspiciously. "Why would you want to give me a ride?"      

"Because I want to. And... I want to get to know you."      

"I don't want to know you though."     

"It's the first time a lady is telling me that." He said with an embarrassed smile.     

"Well, congratulations.." She said with forced smile before walking away in a hurry.      

Louis looked at her retreating figure and smiled. She was really something. No wonder he could still recognize her after meeting her once. Although her make over the other night had transformed her a bit, he had still recognized her immediately he saw her face. Same with today when she wore cooperate outfits.     

"You should stop it."     

He heard Chloe's voice behind him and looked at her in surprise while wondering when she got there.      

"Stop what?" He asked curiously.      

"I think Leo likes her. You shouldn't get yourself involved with her."      

"He said he doesn't." He stated.      

"That's what you're trying to believe." She said uninterestedly before walking away to where her own car was parked.      

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