My Crazy Housemate



3Mia didn't pay much attention in class that morning. Her mind was occupied with how to find Mary.     

When Mary first disappeared 4 years ago, they had checked with all of Mary's friend to ask if they've seen Mary but none claimed to have see her. When they reported to the station, the police had mentioned she was an adult. At 20, it wasn't strange for her to just decide to leave the house to catch some air. Those had been their words.     

Days passed and then weeks and then months... It got to a point where the police withdrew from the case especially after finding a letter Mary had left behind before disappearing. Her mother hadn't told the cops about the letter and only painted it like she had been kidnapped or something but after some investigation, they saw the letter Mary had left with her mother saying she could no longer suffer with them and wanted to find her way. The police withdrew from the case since it wasn't a case of abduction or kidnap but of an adult who had willingly left home.      

Almost same had happened with her father. At first, the police had been enthusiastic about finding Mr Lucas but after putting in a whole lot of effort and they still could not find him, their enthusiasm began to dwindle and even after 8 years, nothing positive was still out. Well... it did happen in a country like that where the police was corrupt and only worked for the rich and powerful in the society.      

But Mia was going to find her sister whether they liked it or not. She could not keep slaving away, trying to pay off her debt when Mary was somewhere probably having fun. She was really sure nothing bad had happened to Mary and she was going to find her anyhow.      

"What are you thing about? You look troubled." Jeremy noted as she say opposite her.      

"Just some things." Mia answered with a sigh.      

"Wanna share?"      

"Nah.. I'm good." Mia quickly brushed it off.     

"I thought you promised to give me Chloe's number?" Jeremy asked while looking at her with a sad face.      

"Oh yea.. sorry.." Mia suddenly remembered she had promised him that and felt bad for totally forgetting about it.     

"Sorry.... hmmm.. let me see if I can get it now."      

"You want to approach Chloe? Like right now?" Jeremy asked in surprised as he looked at the direction where she was sitting.     

"Yes.. why?"      

"You should be careful. Looks like she is in a bad mood." Jeremy warned as she stood up. Everyone knew Chloe had a temper. If she could blow up at someone like Kelvin, then everyone else was doomed.     

They had one more class which was to start in about 20 minutes so they were free that moment.      

"Hi." Mia greeted as she sat down beside Chloe.      

Chloe looked at her in surprise. It was the first time Mia was making an effort to start a conversation with her.      

"Ya.. what's up?" She asked casually.      

"I noticed you've been looking down lately. Are you okay?" Mia asked.      

Chloe looked at her suspiciously. Mia... the girl she had known as her classmate for four years who was always keeping to herself was suddenly asking about her wellbeing?      

"It's weird you are doing this right now. Are you suddenly interested in me because something is going on between you and my brother?" She asked suspiciously while folding her hands in front of her chest.     

"What? No!" Mia denied immediately but Chloe didn't buy it. Mia's face was flushed and was obvious to Chloe's eyes.      

"Nothing's really going on with me and your brother." Mia explained when she noticed the suspicious look Chloe was giving her.     

Chloe nodded indifferently. It wasn't her business anyway. But she hoped some kind of drama does not happen between her two brothers and Mia.      

"I'll be leaving the house soon." Since Mia was already there, she decided to just tell her.     

"Really? Have you found a new place?" She asked curiously     

"Not yet. I'm searching for a place."     

"Is that necessary? I mean.. we are going to be out of school in a month's time.. he isn't asking you to leave right?"      

"He.. isn't... but I think I have stayed for long and —"     

"Are you sure nothing is going on between you both?" Chloe asked suspiciously as she noticed now Mia was rubbing her ear nervously.     

"Nothing at all." Mia assured her.     

Mia noticed how a lot of people were staring at the both of them. She could vaguely guess what was on their minds. 'Meeting of the two snobs'      

"Uhm... can I have your number?" Mia remembered to ask when she saw Jeremy watching them.     

"My number? Why?" Chloe asked with a curious frown.     

The class suddenly became quiet as everyone looked at the direction of the door.      

When Chloe saw who just entered, her whole body stiffened.      

Mia turned to look and noticed a young man by the door with his eyes scanning around. He looked young and handsome  and even though he wasn't their classmate, he could easily fit in so she wondered why everyone was looking at him like that.      

He was dressed modestly but his hair was really long and messy.     

"Isn't that senior David?"      

Mia could hear some students murmuring.      

Mia and David's gaze met but he looked past her and his eyes landed on Chloe. Chloe began to shift uncomfortably. He marched towards them and only stopped when he was standing in front of their table.     

"Can we talk outside?" He asked Chloe in a very quiet voice.      

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a whisper, not wanting to draw attention towards them.      

Mia looked at the both of them carefully. She didn't know whether it was best for her to leave or just remain seated there since she hadn't collected the number just yet.     

"Please.... I came to see you"     

"How did you even get here?" She asked.      

He waved his school ID's tag in front of her face. "I still have this... remember?"     

"Please let's talk outside." He said in a pleading voice.      

"David please leave. My class is going to begin soon and you are embarrassing me." She whispered and looked around nervously.      

"PLEASE Chloe Goddamit!" He hit the table loudly, startling all the students in the class.     

"Dude what's your problem? She doesn't want to talk to you." Mia frowned at him when she noticed how frightened Chloe was.     

"Stay out of this." He frowned at Mia before turning to face Chloe again.     

"Baby..." He cupped her cheeks and looked pleadingly into her eyes.      

"Let's just talk for five minutes.. No.. three minutes..  or even one is fine by me please.."      


"I look forward to working with you" Mr Hillary said with a smile as he shook Leo's hand.      

Leo shook his hand with a big smile on his face also. He realised he had been nervous the entire day for nothing.      

Mr Hillary was a very simple man. He was rich, good looking and about ten years older than Leo but he was very down to earth... a really humble man despite all he has achieved and that made Leo feel relaxed and comfortable.      

Leo and Richard clicked glasses as they met in a restaurant that afternoon.      

"It was quite easier than I thought." Richard said with a happy smile on his face.      

"And it's all thanks to you." Leo replied as he took a sip from his glass.     

"So you are going to be touring the world again." Richard sighed. "You only just returned last month."     

"Stop exaggerating. I'm not touring the world just shooting a movie in 2 different countries"     

"In a span of two years." Richard added.      

"Just a year and few months geez!! It's just for twenty two months."      

"What's the difference?" Richard asked with a playful glare before lifting his wineglass.. "Cheers to becoming one of the country's most wanted and successful cinematographer after this shoot."      

"You trust me that much?" He asked with a laugh as he clicked glasses.     

"Of course, if I didn't I wouldn't have linked you up with Elijah who linked you up with Mr Hillary...."     

"Yea.. yea... you really plan to keep reminding me about this don't you?" Leo tsked at him.     

"So... what are you going to do about your housemate?" Richard suddenly asked seriously when he remembered Mia.      

"What about my housemate?" Leo asked with a confused frown.     

Richard said nothing and just waited for Leo to get what he was trying to say. After a few seconds, he noticed the look on Leo's face change and realised he had gotten the gist.      

"Oh wow..." Leo said as he dropped his wineglass.      

"You haven't even officially started anything with her and you're planning to leave next month." Richard reminded him.      

Leo remained quiet. He was deep in thought.     

"I.. didn't say I wanted to date her or something."     

"But you like her don't you?"      

"Look... I told you I was done with the whole relationship stuff right? I just have to focus on my life and career." Leo said with an indifferent shrug.     

"This is still about Cherry Anderson, isn't it?"      

"Let's just let it slide." Leo brushed it off. He was obviously not interested in talking about it.     

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