My Crazy Housemate

Get out!

Get out!

2"Doctor Louis!" Doctor Lily called as he was about exiting the hospital.      

Louis smiled and greeted her also. Doctor Lily was a free spirited young woman so everyone naturally went along with her, including him.      

"My shift also just ended. I was thinking if you could drop me off on your way home?"      

"You didn't come with your car?" He asked suspiciously.      

Just like everyone else in the hospital,  he knew doctor Lily liked and despite years of working together, he still didn't see her as anything other than a colleague.      

"It developed some mechanical faults this morning so I didn't use it to work."      

"Alright then." He agreed and led her towards where his car was parked.      

"How was work?" He asked as he drove. They both worked under different departments so it was always difficult to cross paths especially since the hospital was really big and their departments were in different floors.      

"Hectic as always but great. How's your siblings? Leo and Chloe?"      

"Both are doing great..."      

There was a long and awkward silence as he drove without knowing what else to say....     

"Should we have a drink before going to our different homes?" She asked breaking the silence.     

"Uhm... I'm sorry. I don't think I'm free for that."      

He said while giving her an apologetic look.      

"Oh.. it's fine." She replied with an embarrassed blush before turning to face the window by her side.     


Mia's brain tried to process all that was happening. Leo was kissing her? Leo was kissing her! Her brain screamed as she looked at his face with wide eyes.     

She tried to remember how everything turned out like this.      

She had been asking him questions and stood up to leave but he pulled her and she fell on his body then he lifted her to make her sit across his thigh and wrapped his hands around her waist then he led one hand to the back of her neck and pulled her till their lips met and now he was kissing her!     

She remembered he had said something about kissing her quickly. What did he mean by that?      

This didn't seen like 'quickly' to her.     

She could clealy hear his ragged breath and pounding heartbeat.  She also heard him groan for the second time as he pulled her closer and tried to force his tongue inside her mouth but she panicked.      

Was it weird that she enjoyed it and at the same time didn't want it to happen?      

What if he saw her as one of those ladies he messed around with? What if he was actually only trying to use her to satisfy her needs?     

Her eyes shot wide when she felt something hard poking her butt. She didn't need anyone to tell her what it was before she knew it was his arousal.      

He seemed to have sensed her discomfort because his eyes slowly fluttered open and he saw her wide eyes as she stared at his face.      

Very slowly, he broke the kiss and tried to steady his breath.      

"You....just kissed me." She said in a tone of disbelief as she jumped from his thigh and shot him an accusing look.      

Leo released a deep breath and shifted uncomfortably as he tried to hide his erection from her.      

Okay, maybe he had gone a bit too far.     

"Mia... I..."      

"Don't say anything..  let me think.." She cut him off with a a hand and began to pace around the kitchen.      

Leo noticed she was panicking and felt a pang of sadness at the thought of having hurt her. It hadn't been his intention.      

"You said I didn't deserve it. You told me you weren't messing with me!" She said to him while blinking rapidly like she was trying ti fight back tears from spilling.     

Leo's hormones finally calmed down and he stood up and approached her but she put a hand in between them to stop him from coming closer.     

"You kissed me!"      

"I thought you wanted it also." He said in defense. If only she had put in a little resistance and pushed him away or slapped him or even tried to get off his laps, he wouldn't have gone that far.     

He liked to touch her, he liked to hold her, he liked to look at her and he even enjoyed kissing her. He didn't think it was something to apologize for since he had been sincere about it but if an apology was going to make her calm down then he was willing to do so because he didn't like her looking this scared and confused.     

"You thought I wanted it? Are you in my head? Did you have a conversation with my brain and it told you so?" She asked accusingly.     

"Mia please..." He tried to hold her but she slapped his hand away.      

"I know I must have given you some sort of greenlight but do you think this is right? We do not have the kind of relationship where we have to kiss about! You practically took advantage of me. What are you? A pervert?" She continued to accuse him while panting in anger.     

"Mia I'm sorry.... please" He looked st her apologetically.      

"You should be. I won't let you treat me the way you treat those other women out there."      

"I do not treat you the way I treat them... you are different Mia. Please just..."      

"Yea... I guess Iam pretty easy for you to push around." She eyed him before saying.. "Come here... I need to show you something"     

She said and began to move towards the front door.      

Leo frowned as he followed, wondering what it was she wanted to show him.     

"What is it?" He asked in confusion as she simply stood by the front door.      

She opened the door and pointed outside. "This is it. Now get out"     

"What?" He asked in surprise and confusion. Was she really chasing him out of his own house?     

"I warned you. I told you you'd sleep outside the next time this happens. So get out before I get mad."      

"Mia I..." He tried ti hold her again but she yelled angrily...     

"Get out!"      

Leo sighed in resignation. Having no other choice, he reluctantly stepped out. When he tried to say something else, she slammed the door and locked it.     

She returned to her room and once she got there, she collapsed on the bed and began to cry.      

"This isn't you Mia.. this isn't you."     

She couldn't believe how cheaply she had offered herself to him.      

He had mentioned that sometimes they did crazy things and went wild.. was that what he was trying to do with her? Did she look like a sex object to him.      

She couldn't believe how she had let down all of her guard and principles just because of him and it embarrassed her greatly.     

It was never going to happen again. She swore.     

Her phone suddenly began to ring and when she checked it, she realised it was her mother calling. She sat up immediately,  wondering why Linda was calling her by this time of the night and why she was even calling her at all after saying she didn't want to have anything to do with her.      

She quickly wiped off her tears and answered the call...      

"Hello?" She said into the phone in a shaky voice.      

"Are you living with a man?" Her mother's angry voice asked immediately.      

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