My Crazy Housemate

She is adorable

She is adorable

0Leo kept knocking on the door but he was careful not to pound it. He hated loud noises like banging doors, loud honking cars, clattering objects and a long list of others.... It was one reason he disliked Mia back then. She always banged his doors when she was pissed and it annoyed him.       0

"Mia please open the door." He pleaded as he kept knocking.      

He wasn't with anything and couldn't just leave like that.      

He knew he had messed up and didn't know how to explain to her that he was sorry. He shouldn't have done that. There were other girls out there who would have been interested in having that kind of relationship with him, but certainly not Mia! He scolded himself.     

"At least let me get my card and car key and my phone.. Mia please.." He kept pleading as he knocked on the door hoping she would forgive him and let him in.      

He suddenly heard a chuckle behind him and turned to see Louis standing there with a smile on his face.      

"Do not tell me she threw you out of your own house." He said with a voice filled with laughter but he didn't dare laugh when he saw the frown on Leo's face.      

"What are you doing here by this time of the night?" Leo asked obviously not pleased to see his brother standing there.      

"To see you of course. Doctor Lily doesn't live very far from here. I dropped her off and wanted to say Hello to the both of you. Who would have thought I'd witness such an entertaining scene." He said with a short laugh.     

"It's not funny, okay?"      

"Of course it isn't" Louis said while trying to suppress a smile. "What did you do to her?"      

Louis wasn't one to gossip. But he was obviously interested in this one. He folded his arms in front of his chest and rested his back against the wall.     

"It's none of your business. You should go home now." Leo glared at him before turning to knock at the door again.     

"Well, I think you have to come with me since you're obviously stuck out here." Louis offered.     

He was really curious to know what had happened between them for her to throw him out of HIS OWN HOUSE!     

Just then, Leo heard the sound of the door opening from inside and he looked on in hope as his mind registered that Mia was about to let him in.      

Just as he expected, Mia opened the door but spared neither of them a glance. She quickly began to hurry away from the apartment.      

Leo turned to look at her with a frown. He noticed the look on her face and could tell something was wrong. Where was she going to by that time of the night? It was already approaching 11pm and she was even still wearing her grandma's outfit.     

"She doesn't look okay."      

"Of course I'm not blind." Louis answered which earned him a glare from Leo.     

"I wasn't talking to you" Leo shot back at him.     

He didn't like the fact that Louis was suddenly coming over and unannounced for that matter. He also hated the fact that Louis had seen him in the kind of situation he was in. If only he minded his business and stayed away!     

Once Mia got to the side of the road, she didn't need to look around before she saw the dark car they had told her to follow.      

"Get in." A cold looking man said to her as he opened the back door for her.      

They were three men in total. One at the driver's seat, the other at the passenger seat and the one who had opened the door for her, he had obviously been sitting at the back seat. They looked to be in their mid or late thirties.     

She hesitated only for a second before she got in and he followed suit.      

Mia was really uncomfortable and scared but she tried not to make it obvious.     

How did her mother know she was living with a man? Well, her answer was right here! It should have been Mr Timothy. Since his men had come to fetch her, then it was obvious he had known where she was and told her mother about it.      

She noticed the lewd way the man beside her was looking at her and frowned.      

"Ain't you a pretty girl?" He said to her in a deep voice as he inched closer to her.     

Mia ignored him and looked out her side of the window. She had a lot on her mind and didn't  have the luxury of time to entertain him.      

"I'm talking to you girl" He said before holding her chin to turn her head to face him.     

"I don't want to talk to you." She snapped at him before slapping his hand away, making the men at the front to chuckle.      

"She's a tough one isn't she?" The driver asked.      

"You better let her be before the boss gets mad" The other one at the passenger seat warned.      

"She looks pretty. Even the ugly clothes she is wearing didn't hide that. I'm really eager to see what lies underneath these clothes" He said and laughed shortly.      

Mia turned to eye him contemptuously. He wasn't really bad looking facially but he had a disgusting appearance. He reeked of smoke and sweat and his teeth were a dark shade of brown and his lips, chapped and black. The lustful look in is eyes also irritated her to the bones. She just wished to–     

"Don't you want to have a little fun before we meet your mama?" He asked as he touched her arm.      

"Keep your filthy hands to yourself and try not to annoy me. I'm not in the mood for this." She said with a deep frown but deep down, she was scared and uncomfortable.     

"Do not worry baby. I can put you in the mood." He giggled and touched her breast while brazenly trying to fondle it.     

Mia's eyes shot open immediately and as if by impulse, she slapped him hard on his face.     

"What the heck!" He scowled at her, making her have goosebumps.     

The men at the front began to laugh heartily.      

"Oh my, this is funny!" The driver exclaimed as he continued to laugh.     

"I think I like her already. She is adorable." The one at the passenger seat said while also laughing.      

"How dare you hit me?" He bellowed at her and tried to grab her throat but the car braked immediately.     

"You shouldn't do anything stupid. We are here." The driver said to him as he got down from the car.      

He glared at Mia angrily and Mia gladly returned the favour by glaring right back.      

They opened the door for her and through the window, she could see her mother sitting together with Mr Timothy inside her bakery.     

"You can do this Mia." She muttered under her breath and followed the men inside.     

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