My Crazy Housemate

This is overreacting!

This is overreacting!

3"Are we just going to keep going round and round?" Louis asked Leo.      

They had both followed Mia immediately they saw her get into a strange looking car. Since Louis was with his car keys, they hopped into Louis car while he followed the car.      

But it was as if they knew they were being followed because the driver began to drive recklessly until they lost them.     

"I don't care. We have to know the route they took. I think it's that way.. go there." Leo pointed at the left bend as he kept trying to call Mia's phone. It rang repeatedly but no one took the call which made him even more worried.      

"You said that the last time and we still didn't find them." Louis reminded him. He was also worried. He wondered who the men were and why Mia followed them when they obviously looked dangerous.      

"Do you think we should call the police?" Louis asked Leo.     

"Stupid! Stupid!! Why did she follow them? Shouldn't she have talked to me first or something?" Leo bellowed angrily at no one in particular. His heart was racing so fast and he feared it may burst. He had never been so scared in his entire life.     

"Oh shit!" Louis exclaimed and slammed the brake pedal when he almost hit someone crossing the road absentmindedly. The force sent both male bodies jerking forward before the car eventually stopped.      

"What the—" Leo was about to exclaim but paused when he looked at the person the car almost hit.      

"Mia?" He asked himself in shock before quickly unbuckling his seatbelt and leaving the car.      

Louis looked at her in surprise and also got down from the car.      

When Mia saw Leo, her eyes which looked dead twitched a bit and Leo's heart stopped when he clearly saw her face.      

Her face was very red. Tears were all over her face, her hair was messy, her eyes were bloodshot and she looked lifeless.      

"Jesus! What happened to you Mia?" He asked in surprise as he scanned her body. He was beginning to imagine the worse especially since she had left with a group of men but thankfully, her clothes were intact.     

He saw her mouth quiver and the next thing, she burst into tears.     

Both Louis and Leo were taken aback. They were curious about what had happened to her but they knew it was not the right time to ask.      

They were both thankful she was okay at least.      

Leo did the only thing he could do at that time. He embraced her and allowed her cry on his chest.      

He felt his chest constrict as he heard her sob. With every sound she made, he felt as though a knife was being used to pierce his heart.     

"It's okay Mia... I'm here." He said reassuringly as he continued to pat her back gently.      

'I'm here'? He thought about what he had just said..     

Who was he to her? He asked himself but quickly shook that question out of his head. That wasn't his priority at the moment.     

"I just want to die.." She said as she continued to cry in his arms..     

"Shhh... it's okay. I won't let you die." He whispered to her.      

Louis watched the both of them from the side. He felt like an outsider and intruder at that moment but there was nothing he could do. Seeing Mia that way broke him.      

Leo led Mia into the backseat of the car and joined her there, leaving the front for Louis alone.      

He continued to hug her even inside the car and when his eyes strayed up, his eyes met with Louis's who was looking at them through the mirror.      

"What?" Leo mouthed with a glare. He was grateful his brother had driven them both and because of him he could hold Mia behind but that didn't mean he was still happy with him.     

Louis shot him a glare also before focusing on the road.      

Mia who was oblivious to what was happening tried to think about something else so her mind could finally settle but no matter how hard she tried, her brain kept replaying all that had happened inside..      

"What is the meaning of this?" Mia asked her mother in a voice full of disbelief.      

"Bingo!" Mr Timothy said with a smile as he snapped his fingers together.      

"I'm asking what this is?" Mia asked Linda again.     

This time, her voice was louder.     

Linda didn't meet her eyes. She sat there with her face turned to the other side and her eyes closed.     

"Why is my name here?" Mia turned to ask Mr Timothy since her mother was suddenly dead and dumb.     

"You are a smart girl. You should understand" He said with a straight face.     

Yes, she was smart. She had read it. But she couldn't believe it.     

"This is some sort of joke right?" Mia asked hopefully before turning to look at Linda.      

"You didn't only use the bakery and house as a collateral you also used..... me?" The words had been difficult to come out but she said it out anyway as she looked at Linda in utter disbelief.     

"I am talking to you! Why the hell are you quiet?" She asked and hit the table loudly as she stood up, making Linda jump in shock.     

Mr Timothy crossed his legs and folded his arms with a smile on his face proving he clearly enjoyed the show.     

"Mia calm down. We don't have to give you away if we pay off the debt... that's why.."      

"Are you insane!?" Mia asked in a low and disbelieving voice as she tried not to blow up.     

"We? Who do you mean by we? You sold me off? Sold me off for Mary?"     

"I didn't sell you off!" Linda raised her voice in defense and it had to take everything in Mia to control herself from hitting her mother or saying something she may end up regretting.     

"You signed it! You fucking signed it!" Mia showed her the part with her signature and the part Mary had signed also.     

"You knew about this all along and even helped Mary take the loan?" All the while, she had thought her mother didn't know about it until Mary disappeared. How stupid had she been?      

"How could you do this to—" Mia choked on her words and pressed a hand firmly to her chest as she felt like her heart was about to explode.     

"You are overreacting Mia. This doesn't call for this I promise– "      

The document had only stated that if they didn't pay up, they would take the Bakery, house and Mia. But she had been paying up. She had been working her ass off to make sure they paid up because she also didn't want Mr Timothy to take anything from her, not even Mia.     

"I am overreacting? You think I am overreacting?" Mia asked with a disbelieving scoff. "I will show you overreacting!" Mia said and began to overturn all the tables and chairs inside the bakery. Crashing and clattering sounds soon filled the whole bakery as she pushed down everything including her mother's bread showglass.      

She went totally berserk as she kept chanting...     

"This is overreacting! This is me being angry!"     

"Stop it Mia! Stop it!" Linda said in a pleading voice as she tried to stop Mia.     

Mr Timothy continued to watch from the side. He really didn't feel guilty for what he just did. When they signed the document years ago, she had told him she would pay him the money at all cost and pleaded with him not to ever mention Mia's name was also included on the document but he couldnt keep pretending especially now that he needed his money and a wife for his son. One has to come through for him.     

"H..ow could you do this to.. me?" Mia asked Linda in a broken voice. "After all I did for you. After all I did for this family? What did I ever do to deserve this?" She burst into tears and collapsed on the seat closest to her which had not been destroyed by her.      

"I am sorry... please Mia.." Linda pleaded as she also began to cry. "I really didn't mean to sell you off. I only wanted to—"     

"Why wasn't it Mary?" She asked furiously as tears continued to spill from her eyes.      

"Why did it have to be me? Do I deserve this? Do you really hate me this much?"      

"All my life..... I've been slaving away for this family. I did nothing for myself and worked really hard because I wanted to be able to pay off the debt your daughter owe. Do you know how I lived? Do you know how people looked down on me? Do you know the humiliation and embarrassment I faced while working for others?" There was nothing she could do to stop her tears as they kept streaming down her face. She had been hurt several times by her family, but this was the worse. She hadn't expected this at all.     


"But I didn't care!" Mia interrupted her in a loud voice.      

"I didn't care how others treated me. Even though I felt like hitting them, I let it be. Do you know the dangerous things I had to do just so I could give you money? Do you know how I almost died one time in a fire outbreak while working overtime? Do you know the number of times people tried to molest me or accuse me of taking their stuff?"      

"But I endured it! Because I didn't want them to take the bakery you love so much and the house you treasured, I endured all of it. But this is what I get? After all my sacrifices?" Mia began to laugh dryly as tears spilled from her eyes.     

Linda buried her face in her palm and continued to cry. No matter how hard she tried to stop Mia from talking, Mia didn't budge.      

"I'm sorry Mia"      

"Tsk tsk. Such a mean mother." Mr Timothy said from the side. He felt really bad for Mia. What did the girl ever do to the deities to make them give her a mother like that? He wondered as he stood up and looked at both women.     

"For Mia's sake, I'll be extending it to a week. You have to pay me this month... you know what happens when you do not pay." He adjusted his suit and walked out leaving both women inside.     

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