My Crazy Housemate

Let thy will be done

Let thy will be done

3"Who is the person you love the most in the entire world?" A lady teacher asked the little children in her class.      

"I love my Mummy the most!" A Six years old girl said with a big smile on her face. One could easily tell she truly loved her mummy with the way she was smiling.     

"Why do you love your mummy Jodie?" The teacher asked the little girl.     

"She gives me all I want and makes me happy Jodie answered.      

"What about you Henry, who do you love the most in the world?" The teacher asked a little boy the same question.     

"I love my mummy." Henry answered.     


"Because she always hugs me whenever she sees me and tells me I should always say her name whenever anyone asks me this question" Henry answered, making the teacher laugh out.     

"What about you Mia?"      

"Mia Lucas?" The teacher called again when it looked like she was deep in thought.     

"Yes?" The Six years old Mia asked.      

"Who do you love the most in the world?" The teacher asked.     

Mia looked at the teacher and then at her classmates who were waiting for her to answer.     

Almost all of them had said they loved their mummy because she did this and that for them     

... did it mean that when she hugged you, she would become the best mother and you would love her the most? Or when she buys whatever you need and call you sweet names?      

Linda had not done any of that for her before. She suddenly envied the kids.     

"Mia Lucas?" The teacher called her again.     

"Who do you love the most in the entire world?"      

After a brief silence, Mia finally opened her mouth to talk. "Myself."      

She didn't know what was wrong with her answer and why the students continued to tease her for it even after days past.      

Did it mean she had to love her mother for them to finally see her as a human?     

"Mummy, that is the girl that said she loves herself the most." A little girl whose mother came to pick her up from school one day said to her mother as she pointed at Mia who was waiting together with Mary for their mother to come pick them up from school.     

"Tsk tsk. As young as she is, she is already that dirtyminded." The woman sneered at Mia before turning to her daughter.      

"Who do you love the most baby?" She asked as she squatted and gently pinched her daughter's cheeks.     

"You mummy!"      

Her mother giggled before carrying her in her arm and twirled her around.. "Mummy is going to give you a special treat okay?"      

Mia and Mary watched the both of them from the side.     

"It's going to be okay Mia. Don't think about it" Mary said as she turned Mia's head to look at her.      

"Was I supposed to love someone else more than myself?" Mia asked with teary eyes. She still didn't know what she did wrong.      

Her mother didn't treat her the way the other kid's mothers treated them. What about her father? He actually treated her better than Linda but he was never around, always busy with work and they rarely saw him at home.     

"It's okay. Stop crying.." Mary used a hand to clean off Mia's tears. "Whenever anyone asks you who you love the most in the world, just say mummy."      

Mary advised her before adding.. "Now clean your tears. You don't want mum to see you crying.." She said as their mother's car got closer.      


Was it wrong to have wanted her mother to like her? The only thing she craved for, was her mother's love. She wanted to also brag in school about all her mother had done for her. But no matter how much she tried, nothing happened. But Linda always treated Mary well.      

Mia had begged God that she wanted to die. Maybe if she did, the whole pain she was feeling would stop.     

If she died, then she'd leave Linda to regret. If she died, she wouldn't have to pay up debts she didn't borrow or marry someone she didn't wish to marry. Maybe if she died, she'd finally rest from all the years of struggle.      

She wanted to die and she wanted to do it quickly.      

"Why do you keep treating me like you picked me up from the streets or I was sold to you as a slave?" She had asked her mother with tears in her eyes but Linda remained quiet. All Linda did was cry. She didn't know why Linda was crying... was it because she regretted her actions? Or because Mr Timothy exposed her? Or because she destroyed the things inside her bakery? Mia didn't know exactly, and she didn't care.      

Mia staggered out of the bakery and began to wander aimlessly.      

Maybe if she died, the world would finally cut her some slack.     

She looked at the busy road and something whispered into her ear to just keep walking so a car would hit her and she would die.      

She looked on with teary eyes and tried to do just that but her legs were frozen on the spot. She was scared.     

She didn't want to die.     

'Dear God... Let thy will be done.' She prayed silently and stepped into the road when she saw a car coming..     

She shut her eyes and waited for it to hit her with bated breath but then... she heard her name.     

She couldn't control her emotions when she opened her eyes to see Leo looking at her with surprise and shock.      

'Let thy will be done' She remembered her prayer and burst into tears. Maybe this was God telling her not to die. She really hoped he had better plans for her and that was why he was keeping her alive.     


Leo watched as Mia's mouth kept moving in her sleep. He was cuddling her on her bed, hoping she would find peace if he was there beside her.      

It was weird for him. He couldn't remember ever holding any lady like this especially the one he was not having a thing with. But here he was, lying on a lady's bed with her head on his chest as she slept. He wasn't even worried he may get aroused and try to take advantage of her because at that point, he wasn't thinking about anything else other than the fact that he wanted to make her feel better. He didn't know what she had gone through, but he wanted her to rest for the night and hoped she would talk to him in the morning.     

He tried not to disturb her sleep as he reached for his phone which was on the bed. When he reached it, he used a hand to send a quick text to Chloe.      

"When is your first lecture tomorrow?"      

He waited for about two minutes before a reply came in.. "I don't have any lecture to attend tomorrow. It's a free day. Any problem?"      

"Alright, thanks." He replied before dropping the phone.      

He was really thankful Mia didn't have any classes to attend. She could sleep in the entire day and rest her head.     

Chloe looked at her phone. 'Thanks?' She asked herself. She had thought he wanted to meet her or ask her to help him do something but he had said only a simple 'Thanks'? It only meant one thing, he hadn't asked her that because he needed her help. He was asking her that probably because of Mia.     

So why would he be asking her that instead of simply asking Mia who lived with him?      

Chloe was naturally a very curious person so she sat there and kept asking herself different questions. She didn't feel bad for telling Mia to be careful of her brother because she didn't want Mia to become his victim.      

Benjamin's elder sister, Amara, liked Leo a few years back before he started dating Cherry. Leo knew she liked him and wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship with Amara but he had gone ahead and kissed her one evening, thereby leading her on.      

When he told Amara he wasn't interested in dating her, Amara had cried her eyes out and didn't go back home for two days. It had taken her time to heal and accept the fact that nothing was ever going to happen between them.     

She knew how much Cherry, who Leo had loved, deeply hurt him and since then, it didn't look like he was ready for love again. So she didn't want Mia to become his plaything for the meantime. She had to take responsiblity since it was her who caused everything and made them live together.     

As far as she was concerned, all men were liars and greedy people who only cared about their feelings. See David for example.      

She sighed as she remembered him. She had really wasted four years of her life and a lot of money because of him. What a shame! She sighed.     

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