My Crazy Housemate

Those kind of things happen.

Those kind of things happen.

1Mia looked out the window in surprise as they stopped in front of an amusement park.     

"We... are stopping here?" She turned to ask him.     

"Yea. Sure." He said with a smile as he got down from the car. She just kept staring and didn't know he had already opened the door for her to come down.     

"You act like you've never been here before." He said in a teasing tone which made her remember the last time she was there and had collapsed.      

"Sorry." She blushed in embarrassment at the memory. She had been so mad ay him for 'kissing' her instead of thanking him for saving her life.      

Whenever Mia went to an amusement park, it was always to work. Either she was picking dirts from the floor, cleaning some places, washing the lavatory or the last time, dressed as Mickey mouse. She had never gone there before to have fun and back then when she was younger, she used to envy kids who went there with their parents.     

"Here." Leo said as he handed her a cone of ice cream. She had been so lost in thought that she hadn't seen him purchase it.      

Since it was a weekday, the place wasn't very crowded. They were more adults there than kids who were probably still at school.     

"You don't like this place?" He asked when he saw the look on her face. She had been staring without any emotion on her face so he couldn't tell what she was thinking.     

"I like it." She said and finally smiled.      

She looked at the ice cream in her hand and smiled once again. He had actually promised her an ice cream when he was trying to stop her from crying and here it was...      

"So.. what are we going to do first?" She asked curiously after they walked around the park for a while and they were both done with their ice creams. If it was possible, she wanted to try all of the equipments there.     

They started with bumpy car rides. Mia rode one while Leo rode another as they kept bumping into each other. Mia felt very excited as she kept bumping into his car. Not to be left out, he also began to chase after her car to bump into her but she kept swerving to avoid him till he bumped into a kid's car who began to cry and call for his mummy.      

Leo cringed at the boy's high pitched cry and kept apologizing while waving his hand but the boy cried even more making his parents began to cuss at him for bullying their baby.     

From the side, Mia laughed her heart out at the awkward look on his face and stuck out her tongue when he glared at her.     

Next, they went towards the Ferries wheel.     

"It looks scary. I've never done this before." Mia said as she looked up at it.     

Leo smiled pervertedly at the way it sounded.      

"Do not worry. You just have to hold me tight if you are scared. I'll protect you." He said with a wink as they both took the ride.      

Few minutes later, he was screaming his lungs out as he held unto Mia who was glaring at him angrily.      

Did he say he was going to protect her?     

He took the opportunity to bury his face in her neck and wrapped his hands around her.     

"It is also my first time riding this." He confessed to her making her smile secretly.     

Mia enjoyed the Ferris wheel ride more than she had thought so she suggested for them to also take the Roller coaster ride.     

"I hope you aren't going to scream again like before." Mia said to him as they prepared for the ride.      

"What do you take me for? I was only acting so it wouldn't be awkward for you to scream alone." He said defensively.     

"I didn't scream" She reminded him with a raised brow that made him scoff.      

"Whatever." He muttered under his breath.     

First, the roller coaster ride went slowly but began to gradually increase it's speed.      

"I think I may throw up" Mia said nervously in a loud voice as she turned towards Leo and gagged.      

"Hey... hey.. hey.." He put a hand in between them to stop her from coming any closer.      

"Hold it in. We are almost ther–" He also gagged and Mia cringed as she turned her face away from him.     

Both tried to catch their breaths when they returned to the ground and as they both locked eyes, they burst into laughter.     

Leo admired her laugh for a long while. She was finally laughing. In fact, now that he thought about it, she had been laughing a lot since they arrived.     

He checked the time and noticed they had both spent over three hours there which surprised him since it didn't look like they had spent much time.      

"Still want to have fun?" He asked her and she nodded enthusiastically.     

Next, they both took a carousel ride and she waved at him from her 'pony's back.'     

"Ah! I am starving." She said once they were done.     

"Me too." He agreed with her and led her out of the amusement park towards his car.     

Throughout their time there, he didn't forget to take pictures and as he drove out, he gave Mia his phone so she could check out the pictures they had taken.      

The ride wasn't long before they stopped in front of a mini restaurant.      

"They have pasta. Cool!" Mia said as she looked at the menu.      

"You really love pasta, don't you?" He asked.      

He had noticed that most of the times she cooked at home, it was always pasta.      

"Yea. It tastes nice."      

"Pasta then! Two plates please." He said to the waiter who nodded and quickly disappeared.      

Mia had never had so much fun in her entire life. When their meals was served, she quickly began to eat not minding that he was watching her.      

"Can... I have another plate?" She asked and forced out a smile when she saw the look of horror on his face.     

Leo chuckled and quickly called for the waiter to bring another plate.     

"Do you have a beggar in your stomach?" He asked her as she began to eat the second plate with same enthusiasm she had used in eating the first.     

"I have a big appetite." She confessed to him and he nodded.      

"Cute." He said under his breath and smiled before facing his own food.      

To his surprise, she also finished the second plate and gulped down the glass of water on the table.     

"Sorry. Excuse me."      

Leo was about to ask her what she was apologizing for when she suddenly burped loudly.      

"Woah!" He exclaimed as he looked around to make sure no one else had heard that but she rewarded him with a smile.     

Once their plates were out of the table and they were a bit relaxed, Mia noticed he was looking at her so she put her head down and asked...     

"I... don't have to sleep outside, do I?" She asked nervously.     

"What are you talking about?" He asked in confusion and saw color rise to her cheeks.     

"You know.... after this.. this morning." She stopped there and prayed he was going to get what she was saying.     

A little pause and she heard him say a long "oooh". Then she knew he got what she was saying but to her surprise, he chuckled.      

"Nah. It's fine." He said.     

He hadn't expected her to raise the topic about what had happened between them this morning.      

She was trying to know whether he would send her outside just like she had done to him when he kissed her.      

"Those kind of things happen. I mean.. you are an attractive woman, I'm an attractive man. It's not abnormal that something like that happened." He explained to her.      

"I didn't say you were attractive." She murmured but that made him laugh instead of annoying him.     

"Come on Mia, you know I am attractive." He said with a wink making her eye him.     

"What a narcissist." She mumbled.      

When he saw the look on her face, he could guess that she was still uncomfortable about what had happened between them so he reached for her hand across the table and held it making her body jump.     

"Look... you lost control, I lost control, we both lost control. It's not your fault. And.. I actually kind of liked it." He confessed.      

Mia's eyes shot up to meet his immediately he said that and she saw amusement dancing in his eyes.      

"You are a pervert." She said and quickly pulled her hand away from his before standing up.     

He laughed out before standing up also.      

"We should go somewhere else." He said and looked at the time.      

It was already past 5 in the evening.      

"Where are we going to?"      

"You'll see." He said with a wink and led her to the car after he paid the bills.      

Few minutes later, they were inside a gaming centre.      

"I'm sure you'd like this one." He said before taking her hand to lead her towards an area with dancing floor mats for two people.     

"You want us to dance?" She asked curiously.      

"We just have to follow the instructions. Remember not to step on the wrong box." He said to her.      

Mia watched a couple dance and everyone who was watching applauded them when the lady stepped into the wrong box and missed her steps causing her to fall.     

"Our turn." Leo said excitedly before they climbed the mat.     

"This is going to be quite easy." Mia said smugly before the music started.     

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