My Crazy Housemate

It's wrong Mia. It's so wrong.

It's wrong Mia. It's so wrong.

4Leo frowned when he saw her come out of her room in just her loose tank top and short.      

How many times did he need to tell her to always dress properly around him?     

She didn't seem to mind as she followed him.     

When they got to the kitchen door, he turned to ask her.     

"You would you prefer we see a movie as we eat?"      

"Yea. Cool." Mia said as she turned towards the sitting room.      

"Alright. I'll just get us some drinks."     

He handed her the pizza and she went over to the couch to sit while he entered inside the kitchen to get them both juice. He didn't want her to always feel left out drinking juice while he took beer so he poured them both two glasses of orange juice and suddenly remembered the other night.     

She had ran away claiming she was drunk. He decided to humor her and checked the bottle of juice for the percentage of alcohol in it. He laughed when he found nothing of that such before heading towards the sitting room.     

"What would you like to watch?" He asked as he sat beside her and took the remote control. He noticed she was holding unto a pillow and could vaguely guess why it was pressed to her chest.     

"I don't know. No specific choice." She said not looking at him. When he went into the kitchen earlier, she had suddenly remembered what she was wearing and gasped in shock.     

She had considered going to change but she thought it was going to make things more awkward. She didn't know why she thought it would but when she finally decided to stand up and go change, she heard his footsteps and sat back down before clutching one of the pillows on the couch.     

She knew the top very well and knew how exposed she had been to his eyes. He definitely must have seen her beasts faintly. She could swear on that.     

"Alright. Let's just watch anything then." He said as he searched for a movie on his phone. He tried his best not to look at her and especially at her smooth legs which was calling him.     

After scrolling for close to three minutes, he finally made a choice. He stitched off the lights immediately the movie started showing on the TV and relaxed his back on the couch.     

They both ate quietly as they watched the movie. It was a Romantic Comedy and there were a lot of funny scenes that made Mia break into a smile and there were some scenes that made her feel hot and uncomfortable and so she just looked down and pretend to focus on her pizza whenever those scenes came up.      

But what happens when there was no more Pizza?     

Leo took a pillow and dropped it on his lap. One didn't need to ask why he had done that. It was for some personal reasons.      

"Oooooh... yesssssssss!" The lady in the TV moaned loudly startling Mia whose body jumped.      

What was wrong with Leo? Why did he always put movies like that? She wondered with a red face. Was he doing it on purpose?     

Her eyes had been down but when she looked at the TV, her eyes widened when she saw the scene. The guy was sitting by the edge of the bed with his legs on the floor while the lady was straddling him.     

The scene wasn't so explicit. Both couple on screen still had their upper body clothed while the bottom part was hidden from the screen but it was obvious what they were doing.      

The scene looked awfully familiar.      

"Oh god! Go faster Baby.. I'm almost there." The guy groaned he he pulled her into a more passionate kiss.      

"I'm almost there Mia. Grrrhapidjrr" Mia watched as the guy on TV groaned and moaned and said a lot of things that didn't make sense.      

Wait a minute, had the guy called her name or she was imagining thing? She wondered in shock as she stared at the TV.      

To her shock, she saw herself and Leo there. Leo was kissing her passionately with one hand in the back of her neck and the other one on her waist while her hands were around his neck as she ground him.      

"Arrgh! Don't finish without me Leo." 'She' begged desperately while french kissing him.     

Mia felt flushed as she watched. This was obviously her imagination, just like it happened the last time.     

Her mind was playing games with her. She shook her head as she tried to get the thought out.      

She picked up the glass and downed her juice in one go, making her choke on it.     

She coughed when it got into the wrong pipe and kept coughing till she felt a hand in her back patting her.      

"Are you okay?" Leo asked in worry as he continued to pat her back.      

"I... *cough* I... *cough cough* I am fine." She said and coughed one more time.     

Leo knew what was happening and would have found it amusing if he wasn't equally being affected by it. He didn't know what he was thinking. The couple on scene had suddenly transformed into himself and Mia. He thought if she knew what he had been thinking, she would probably think less of him and throw him out for being a pervert.      

He was not sitting very close beside her with his hands still on her back. He had made sure the pillow didn't leave his laps when he scooted closer to her but it wasn't the same for Mia. She had already dropped hers when she started choking.     

He hadn't planned to look further than he already was but his eyes strayed to her top which was loose.      

His breathing suddenly hitched up when he saw it— the side of her perky breast.      

"I... am... fine.. you can move away now." She stammered nervously without meeting his eyes.      

She could guess that whatever she was thinking, he was thinking same. The scene on the TV already changed but the tension still filled the sitting room where they were both sitting.      

Leo didn't move. He continued to look at her but this time he was looking at her tomato colored face which she was desperately trying to hide from him.      

He used his other hand to touch her chin and turned her face so she could look at him.     

Mia blinked nervously and hiccuped.     

When she took the bold step to look into his eyes, she noticed how different it looked. Was he lusting over her? Was it desire? She couldn't tell.  She couldn't push him away because at that point, she couldn't think straight. All her hormones were working together to make sure she was ready for whatever was to come.      

He began to slowly inch closer to her and her eyes closed immediately even her heartbeat increased.      

The look on Leo's face was still the way it was. There was no change in his facial expression. No one could tell what he was thinking. Even he didn't know what he was thinking.      

When she thought he was going to go on and kiss her, he spoke...     

"What.... happened last night?" He asked in a very quiet voice.      

He couldn't let a movie control his head and mind. Maybe Mia was a novice in that aspect so her reactions were expected, but he wasn't.      

Mia's eyes slowly fluttered open as she looked at him. That was the last thing she had expected.      

"Wh–at?" She asked as she tried to think straight again.      

Her head was still slightly foggy from everything.     

"Last night... why did you cry?" He asked while looking at her intensely.      

She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She tried again yet nothing came out.     

Leo could guess it was probably because he was still too close to her so he slowly pulled away and released her chin which he had been holding.     

His hands which he had been using to pat her back glided down her back as he dropped it and she instantly felt goosebumps all over her skin.     

What was happening? Why was he suddenly affecting her this way?      

'It's wrong Mia.. It's so wrong. You shouldn't think that way.' Maybe she should go for an exorcism. She thought within herself and suddenly remembered his words...      

"Those kind of things happen. I mean... you are an attractive woman, I am an attractive man. It's not abnormal that something like that happened between us."      

So was it okay to feel like a pervert? She asked herself.      

"Mia?" He called her when she still remained quiet and she finally snapped back to her senses and looked at him with attention.     

"Yes?" She asked in oblivion.  Being close to him like this was trouble. It was even worse for her because she knew with the way things was going, it would be impossible for her to say no to him if he was to ever make a pass on her.     

'Think about James, think about Mira, think about Jeremy. Oh! Think about Benjamin. Yea, Benjamin. Think about him.' She said to herself.     

"Are you okay?" He asked again in a worried voice.      

He could tell she was thinking about a whole lot of things and was having an inner conflict but didn't know what it was that she was thinking about. Did it have to do with what happened last night? Was she uncomfortable talking about it? He wondered.      

"I'm fine." She said and forced a very insincere smile.      

"Don't you want to talk about last night?" He asked.      

Although he was ready to respect her decision if she said she didn't want to tell him about it, but he was damn curious and he had been waiting for the right time to ask her since he was sure she wasn't going to tell him first.      

She paused and looked at him a bit before looking down.      

"My...." Her brows furrowed as she began to talk.     

"My mother sold me off." She said and looked at him.     

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