My Crazy Housemate

Who is a better kisser?

Who is a better kisser?

4"What the hell!" Mira exclaimed in surprise but quickly kept her voice low when she noticed how people inside the restaurant were beginning to look at her.      1

"Wait a minute.. You mean you went there and the guy you have a crush on was there and not just that, he is going to be dancing beside you?" Mira asked with wide eyes.      

Mia sighed before rubbing her forehead. "I was so surprised suddenly seeing him there. I didn't even know he was a dancer" She said.     

"He has enough time to dance when he should be campaigning? Something seems off. How did he react when he saw you?" Mira asked with curiosity.     

"Well... he did look really surprised. Then he smiled and said..."     

"It's surprising to see you here." Benjamin said with a pleasant smile. "I didn't know you danced."      

Mia didn't know what to say at that point. Meeting him there totally caught her off guard.     

"Are you okay?" Mr B had asked when she just stared with slightly wide eyes.      

"Uhm.. I'm good." She turned to tell Mr B with a smile before looking at Benjamin.      

"I'm surprised to see you also." She said and finally shook the hand he had been extending to her.      

"Wow! You both know each other?" Mr B asked excitedly before clapping his hands. "Even perfect! I'm sure you both can easily adapt."      

He said with all smiles on his face.      

"So what did you do?" Mira asked Mia curiously     

"What was I supposed to do? I just tried to listen to all Mr B had to say and took off."      

"What... is wrong with.. you?" Mira asked between her fits of laughter. "You've always liked this guy and now he is very available but you are freaking out?" She asked in amusement.      

"You still don't get it? We are going to be dancing together. His hands would be all over my body." She said and cringed.      

"You have a problem with him touching you?" He asked quirking a brow at Mia.      

"Of course. I do not like being touched!" Mia reminded her.      

"Leo doesn't touch you?"      

"He does but–" She suddenly shut her mouth and bit her tongue when she realised she had just admitted that.      

She looked at Mira's face and could see a big smile on her face as she winked at her.     

"I've been waiting to hear about him. I think there's a funner story between you and Leo compared to you and that Ben guy who seems boring."      

"Please stop." Mia pleaded with her head down.     

"Come on. Tell me all I need to hear and what happened during your date."      

"Nothing happened and it's not a date. We were just hanging out." Mia tried to convince her but the look on Mira's face showed she wasn't believing any of it.     

"Who is a better kisser? Leo or Ben?"      

"I have never kissed Benjamin." Mia said with a frown.      

"Aha! So you've kissed Leo?" She asked excitedly and Mia knew immediately that she had fallen for one of her traps.      

"I don't like what you are doing." Mia said with a frown before gulping down her entire glass of water.      

"Did he force you?" Mira asked again making Mia frown.      

"He didn't okay?" She said sounding annoyed.     

"You are taking his side all of a sudden?" Mira asked with an excited glint in his eyes.      

"What are you trying to find out?" Mia asked eyeing her up and down.     

"The number of times you have both kissed. Well, I know you both kissed for the first time last Friday night. So how many times have you kissed after that time? Once?"      

Mia kept quiet.      

"Twice?" Mira asked with wide eyes and Mia looked down now.      

"Wait what? Three times?" Mira asked in obvious surprise and shock when Mia still didn't answer.     

Actually, Mia had lost count. It was three times wasn't it? Their first kiss was just before she left the house for the party, next one was two nights ago and she chased him out after that. The third one was the previous morning and she had initiated it. Her face heat up as she remembered the previous morning and what they had done.      

"Oh my gaad!" Mira gasped.     

"Have you done more than just kissing?"      

"Mira please.." Mia pleaded again with her head down. Right now, she wished she could really lie. Instead of telling lies, she always liked to keep shut and Mira knew that quite well.     

"Did you have sex with him?" Mira whispered making Mia's eyes bulge out.      

"No.. not at all." Mia said immediately as her face turned red.      

"But you've been having naughty thoughts haven't you? You are such a bad girl" Mira said with a wink.      

"Come on girl, you don't have to look so embarrassed. If I were in your shoes, I probably would have had sex with him already. Christ! He is hot." She said and bit her lip making Mia frown at her.      

"What are you thinking right now?" Mia asked with a displeased voice.     

"How to go to bed with him if you are not interested." Mira answered and laughed loudly when she saw the ugly frown on Mia's face.      

"You are in love with him." Mira deduced.     

"I am not!" Mia denied immediately.     

"Shut up! You are. It's so obvious. No wonder you are suddenly so uncomfortable with Benjamin coming around."      

"Don't say nonsense." Mia said as she massaged her temples.      

"I thought you wanted to leave his house?" Mira reminded her and and nodded.     

"You do not look like you are ready to move out." Mira pointed out. It was obvious she was deriving a lot of joy in teasing Mia.     

"I will leave okay? I just have a lot on my mind right now." She explained and chewed her lower lip.     

Did she really want to leave? How was she going to live outside his house?     

She quickly shook the thought out of her head like she was thinking about something abominable.. What was she thinking right now?     

"Tsk tsk. I'm really tempted to snatch him so you can realise just how much you like him." Mira said with a sigh before sipping her juice.      

"Anyways.. you said something about wanting me to lend you money?" Mira asked. She had really been surprised when she heard it over the phone earlier since Mia had never asked her for money before.      

"Yea. I just need a few bucks right now" Mia said sitting up.      

"How much is it?"      

"About a... thousand bucks?" Mia asked skeptically.      

"A thousand? Woah! That's huge." Mira exclaimed.      

"I know.. if you do not have you don't have to–"     

"Send me your bank account details." Mira said as she took out her phone.     

Mia looked at her in surprise. "It's a thousand.." Mia reminded her just in case she hadn't heard it correctly.      

To gather a thousand bucks, Mia would have to work different part time jobs for at least four days with a minimum of 6 hours each.      

"I know." Mira nodded. "Now send it to me."      

Mia reluctantly transferred it to her and after a minute, she received a credit alert in her phone and opened the message.      

Her eyes widened when she saw the amount. "It's two thousand!" She said and looked up at Mira. "Did you make a mistake?"     

"No, I didn't. I figured since you are suddenly asking me to lend you money, it means you need it urgently so I'm sending you a double of it because I love you." She said before blowing Mia a kiss.      

Mia could feel her eyes begin to sting with tears as she continued to look at the alert.      

Two thousand. It would have taken her at least two weeks to gather that money but here, Mira sent it like it was nothing.      

Life was really funny.     

She sniffled and used her hands to wipe off the tears that threatened to fall.      

"Is everything okay Mia?" Mira asked with a worried frown.     

"All is okay. Thank you." Mia said in a choked voice before forcing out a smile. "Thank you so much Mira. I am so going to repay you even though I do not know when yet." She said and laughed awkwardly.      

"You can pay me back by hooking me up with Leo." She said with a wink and burst into laughter when Mia frowned.      

"You are so predictable. It's fine. You do not have to pay me back. I am glad you are finally asking me for help" Mira said with a small smile.      

"I am definitely going to pay you back." Mia insisted modestly.      

She wasn't used to receiving help from people but having no other choice, she had resorted into asking for help. She looked at Mira again and smiled.     

She had four thousand now. She was going to ask James for the last one thousand since there was no time for her to work since she had promised to always show up for rehearsals which was starting that night and she also had a final exam to prepare for.      

She didn't want to ask Leo for help because she didn't want him to think any less of her. She hadn't seen him at all that day since she had woken up late and had hurried to school early.     

She was sure he was probably going to have a long chat with her when he saw her later that evening but she didn't want him to see more of her pathetic side by asking him for money.     

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