My Crazy Housemate

You are a dirty pervert.

You are a dirty pervert.

3The Vet clinic Tara was taken to was the most popular Vet Clinic in the city and so the building was quite large and had different sections just like a normal hospital.     

The clinic had a whole lot of positive reviews online so there were always a lot of people inside the clinic with their pets.     

"Tara. A Maltese dog. 4 years old." Leo said at the counter and he was directed to where he would find here.     

He hurried to where he was directed to and easily noticed Louis who was sitting around there.     

"Where is Mia?" He asked looking around. "And Tara. How is she?" Leo asked impatiently.      

"Tara is fine. She is resting. Mia went to the restroom." Louis said with an amused expression on his face.      

"You got here even earlier than I expected. You must have been really worried."      

"Of course, I'm worried about Tara!" Leo said immediately.     

"I'll go meet the Vet now. Tell Mia to wait here for me." He said and left immediately. He knew Louis was about to tease him and he didn't have the time for that.      

"Leo is here." Louis told Mia when she returned.      

"He said you should wait here."      

"I've been doing just that." Mia muttered before looking around     

"Where did he go to?"      

"He went to see the Vet." He told her as he kept looking at her intently.      

"You looked really nervous earlier." He pointed out.      

"Uhm.. well, yeah. I'm not a dog person." She answered honestly before sitting down beside him.     

"You don't get along with Tara? Why? She is adorable." Louis said as he kept looking at her face.     

"Well, I just don't get along with dogs at all." She said and pursed her lips when she noticed the intense way he had been staring at her.     

"What is it? Is something on my face?" She asked as she touched her face feeling self conscious.     

"No. Your face is perfect. I just think you are pretty." He said with a small smile and watched how she frowned in confusion.      

"Where is that coming from?" She asked curiously.     

"I don't know. There's something about you I can't really seem to understand.."     

'It's probably the reason Leo is being so protective' He completed in his head.     

"Then you do not have to understand it." Mia said looking right back at him.     

It was kind of funny to Mia that she was sitting together with a guy who looked exactly like Leo and felt nothing. It was really funny how the mind and heart worked.     

Was she going to feel this normal if it was Leo sitting here with her and telling her she looked pretty?      


Her heart skipped when she heard how Leo yelled her name beside her and she turned to look at him.     

'Okay, why is he looking at me angrily?' She asked herself as she slowly stood up.     

Her heart kept beating uncontrollably as she looked at him. It was as if he was the only one inside the place.      

He stood in front of her and said a whole lot of things but she didn't hear a thing. She just kept looking at his face as she wondered why her heart was beating so fast.     

Then she saw him take off the leather jacket he was wearing and wrapped it around her waist that was when she snapped back into consciousness.      

"How could you leave the house wearing such a tiny short?" He asked her again when she still remained quiet. It was as if she hadn't heard any of his questions or she was simply choosing to ignore him. He thought.     

Mia looked down at what she was wearing.      

After wearing her matching lingerie earlier, she wore one of her big polo tee shirt and a tiny short which was barely seen since the tee shirt she was wearing covered most of it. In essence, her thigh was exposed– more than a half.     

She had been too worried thinking Tara would die and forgot to wear a longer short or trousers.      

"Mia. You can't always dress like this." He said in a calmer voice this time.      

"Cut it! You know she's not a kid for you to scold." Louis who had been watching by the side finally spoke.      

"Excuse me." Leo said to Mia before asking Louis to follow him to the side.     

"What is it?" Louis asked when they got to a corner.     

"You should have told her to change into something else." Leo said to Louis in a whisper.     

He didn't have a problem with ladies revealing skin. In fact, Cherry loved to flaunt her body and he hadn't seen anything wrong with that. But he didn't know why he was so against the idea of someone else seeing Mia's body.      

He would prefer her wearing that grandma's outfit instead.     

"Are you serious? We were worried about Tara." Louis whispered back to him.      

"Whatever you are planning concerning Mia is not going to work." Leo said.      

"It's fun to see you looking so insecure." Louis said with a grin.      

"I am not feeling insecure!"     

"So why are you worried about her being around me?" He asked in amusement.      

"Look, I know you Louis. And I know how you get around ladies. You seem obviously interested in Mia and I won't lie and tell you I'm comfortable with it."     

A smile was plastered on Louis face as he heard Leo talk. It was as if he found the whole thing amusing.     

The fact that they were identical had always been a bit of a problem since a lot of people do mistake one for the other.      

Mia hadn't been the first to kiss Louis thinking it was him. He had also had a fair share of being kissed by a couple of ladies thinking it was Louis.      

He didn't want something like that to ever happen with Mia again. He didn't even want to imagine it.     

And although Louis always acted responsible, he had a really crazy side.      

"You are so worried when you aren't even dating." Louis said in amusement before returning to where he had been sitting.     

Leo also returned and sat beside Mia.     

"What happened with Tara?" Leo asked Mia who was looking at the both of them strangely.     

"I don't know... I just got home and heard her making some doggy sounds and–"     

Leo suddenly heard Louis chuckle beside him and turned to frown at him. He knew exactly why his brother was laughing.      

"You are a dirty pervert." Leo whispered to him.      

"You seem to also be one since you know why I am laughing. Please tell her to stop using the word 'doggy' it also made the Vet almost chuckle." Louis whispered back with a light chuckle.      

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