My Crazy Housemate



4"Now, remember you are our dear Princess Jasmine." Mr B repeated as he held Mia's shoulders and led her to stand in the middle of the stage.      

"While you..." He said calling for Benjamin with his hand. "You are our Aladdin. The thief who fell in love with the princess."      

He also led Benjamin to stand beside Mia and she suddenly became uncomfortable again.     

It was the second time they were doing this and it was her fault. She still wasn't comfortable with the idea of Benjamin touching her.     

"So you both remember the steps right? You were able to grasp the whole idea?" Mr B turned to ask Benjamin.      

"Yea. I got it perfectly." Benjamin said with a curt nod.      

Mia tried to keep her breathing steady. It was quite uncomfortable for her being this close to Benjamin plus being hugged earlier by Leo still haunted her senses.     

She couldn't remember how everything happened. She had wanted to go over to the door while trying not to show any reaction seeing his body right before her eyes but he had hugged her.     

He hugged her! Christ. She had wanted to just remain there especially when he saw he wanted her to be safe. She had never felt such warmth before and she liked the feeling.     

She wanted to hug him back. To touch his body. She didn't want the embrace to end. She liked the feeling of his hard chest and abs against her soft body.     

God! She had been so tempted to hug him back.     

She didn't know what was wrong with her. He just made her feel strange sometimes.     

"You're half naked Leo." She managed to say to him before she could lose her mind.      

He suddenly pulled away from the hug when he heard her and looked down at himself. True to her words, he was wearing only his boxer brief. His eyes widened and he quickly crossed his two hands in front of his chest to stop her from seeing his 'nakedness'.     

"Do not open your eyes. Do not look at me." He said in embarrassment before running back into his room.      

A laugh escaped her lips as she remembered. He was one weird fellow. What was he trying to hide? She wondered. He had been acting like a shy virgin as if it was the first time a girl was seeing him like that. Wasn't she the one supposed to react that way?     

"Mia?" Benjamin poked her hand to get her attention.      

Apparently, Mr B had called her a couple of times but she didn't hear him.     

"Yea?" She asked looking at Benjamin who used his chin to point at Mr B.      

"Are you okay Mia?" Mr B asked in a quiet voice.      

"I am fine. Just trying to remember some things." Mia said to him and swallowed hard.     

"Remember them now?"      

"Yea sure." Mia answered with a nod.      

"Good." Mr B said before clapping his hands together.      

"Now remember, it starts with a ballet, progresses into hip hop and yea..  the step dancing comes in."      

"Now the back up keep your eyes on them. I hope you all remember your parts?"      

"Yes Mr B." They all echoed.      

"Perfect!" He said with a smile. "Now position." He said to Ben and Mia and when they moved to their various sides...     

"Music!" He called loudly and a slow music started.      

Mia stood with her back turned to Ben. She knew what was coming.. she definitely knew.      

She shut her eyes and soon felt his hand on her upper arm which slowly went down to her lower arm and then he held her hand locking both their fingers together.      

Her breathing went up. She didn't like being touched. Definitely not like this from a guy she liked.      

When it was her turn to spin around, she delayed for a few seconds causing the music to stop abruptly.      

"Is something wrong Mia?" Mr B asked in worry.      

"Are you sick? You look pale." Benjamin asked her in a quiet voice before leaving her hand.     

When she got to the studio earlier, Ben was already in. He gave her a once‐over looking her up and down before smiling at her. It was exactly the same reaction he had when they locked eyes at the party.      

She had also looked at him with interest. It was her second time seeing him not formally dressed for class. He wore a plain tee, loose pants and dancing shoes.      

"I am good." Mia managed to say to him before looking away.      

God! Benjamin was good looking. Maybe he didn't look so matured and manly like Leo but he definitely looked good.     

"Can I see you in the office for a minute?" Mr B asked Mia who quickly followed him.     

She could feel Ben's eyes boring into her back but she didn't turn around.      

"Is something wrong?" Mr B asked looking into her eyes with concern. His career and a lot of money were on the line here.      

"I'm sorry. I just feel very uncomfortable with the whole body rubbing thing"      

"Oh God! We haven't even gotten to the main part and you already feel this way?" He asked as he began to pace around.      

"Mia..." He moved closer to cup her cheeks in his hands.     

"Please... my life depends on this. Our lives depends on this one dance. You know I never would have let you do this sort of dance if it wasn't necessary."      

Mia slowly nodded. It was true. From the beginning, he knew Mia didn't want that part and always tried to keep it away from her so she knew he was telling the truth now about it being necessary.     

"You can do this for us right?" He asked again in a pleading voice.      

She inhaled and exhaled sharply before nodding her head. "I'll try my best."      

"Thank you Mia." He said clasping her hands with his. "If you feel too uncomfortable you can just imagine he is a guy you like or your boyfriend." He said with a wink before opening the door to lead them both out.     

Imagine him to be someone she liked? Of course he was someone she liked! Mia sighed.      

'You can do this Mia. It's dance. It's bound to happen.' She told herself as she returned back to the stage.     

"You're gonna be okay?" Ben asked softly.      

"Sure. Thanks." She said with a small smile.     

"Music!" Mr B called again.      

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