My Crazy Housemate

What's wrong with him?

What's wrong with him?

0"Oh my... God!"      1

Mia jumped in shock when she turned on the light in the sitting room immediately she entered and found Leo sitting on the couch with his heavy eyes on her.      

His legs were crossed, one on top of another, and his hands were folded in front of his chest. He wore a casual house tee shirt, a black short and house slipper with his hair really messy.     

The scene was like that of a man who was waiting for his cheating wife to return home  at midnight.     

The time was almost 2 am. What was he still doing awake? She wondered as she changed into a house slipper.     

"So where did you go to?" He asked without moving at all.      

He hadn't been able to sleep a wink even though he convinced himself that Mia was okay and was probably attending to one of her businesses. After tossing around on his bed without being able to fall asleep, he went to the sitting room to wait for her while counting down the minutes. He had been sitting there for the past 3 hours!     

"I told you I was going out and would return late. What are you still doing up? You scared me."  She said with her hand on her chest.      

"I was waiting for you. I don't think I would be able to sleep if I don't know where you went to." He confessed before uncrossing his legs.     

What is suddenly wrong with him? Mia asked herself as she stood there looking at his face.     

She suddenly remembered how Benjamin's face had transformed into his and quickly shook the thought off her head.     

"It was.. a dance rehearsals." She finally confessed.      

"Dance rehearsals?" He asked in surprise looking her up and down. She had mentioned her hobby was dancing but he hadn't thought it was something she took seriously.      

His eyes lit up at the thought of her being a real dancer. He had a thing for dancers especially after meeting his mystery dance girl.      

"Yes. Since most of us there are students and are usually busy during the days, we use nights for our rehearsals instead." She explained to him.      

It was weird. She never liked to explain herself to anyone. Why was he always making her talk?     

"What are you rehearsing for?" He asked curiously.     

"By chance, is it for your school talent hunt?"      

She simply shrugged her shoulders. She as tired and felt really sleepy. What she needed was a good sleep.     

"I need to go sleep now. I'll tell you about it tomorrow. " She said and covered her mouth when she yawned.      

"I'll see you tomorrow." She spoke again when he still said nothing and so she began to head towards her room.     

"We didn't come to a conclusion earlier." He reminded her as he stood up but his legs felt like jelly and he almost fell back on the couch but he maintained his stance and stretched to relieve his muscles.      

Mia knew he was talking about the money he said he was going to lend her.      

"Can we talk about it tomorrow?" She asked politely as she swallowed another yawn.      

"Alright. Good night." He said and waved at her.      

Mia looked at him in amusement as he kept waving and she waved back before going inside her room.      

Immediately she closed the door, she pressed her back to it and touched her chest.      

It was beating really fast. But why was it always like this whenever she was around Leo?      

"By chance...." She shook the thought out of her head. She didn't want to think any silly thing.     

She collapsed on her bed immediately she got there. She was too tired and her eyes were heavy. Once her eyes closed, she slept off.     


*Ding Dong*      

Mia heard the doorbell immediately she came out of the bathroom the next morning.      

She had slept in and woke up around 8 O'clock. She was thankful her classes for that day was to start by 11am. She had time to do other thing first.     

She heard the doorbell again and wondered who it was that was visiting. Or was it Mira?     

She quickly threw in a big polo, wore a longer short and opened the door to go check the door since it seemed Leo was too busy to check it.      

Immediately she opened the door, she heard a familiar voice.     

"I'm here to see Mia."      

"And you are?" Leo asked eyeing him up and down.     

"Her friend. James Black. Your real housemate." James said with a smile and immediately spotted Mia.      

"James!" She called in surprise and hurried towards him.     

He grinned happily before saying.. "SURPRISE!"      

Then, he pulled her into a hug which startled Leo even more than it startled Mia.     

"You didn't tell me you were in town. You only said you were coming soon and you're here!" She said still looking at him in disbelief.      

"Yea, I wanted to surprise you. I know you have a class later today so I came early." He said with a smile before cupping her face with his hands.      

"It's not even up to a month yet you look prettier and brighter."      

Leo frowned as he watched the both of them. This was James Black?     

He looked him up and down. The guy was tall only slightly shorter than him. He had blond hair unlike his jet black hair, he was good looking and looked rich, just like him. But he was more good looking than the James guy. He remembered to add.     

He watched as Mia smiled at him and slapped his hands away. He didn't hear whatever they were saying as he just glared at the guy.      

Why was he being so touchy with her?      

"I knew you've been wearing my clothes." James said giving her an accusing look when he saw she was wearing his tee shirt. "I hope you didn't touch my underwear?"      

Mia's eyes slightly widened and she quickly looked at Leo who was eyeing the both of them— especially James with obvious contempt.      

James took note of how Mia's eyes twitched so he turned to look at Leo.     

"Oh! Pleased to meet you. You must be Leo. And I heard everything about the house stuff and how it was against your consent and I deeply and sincerely apologize. I just–"     

"Where are you sleeping?" Leo asked cutting him off rudely.     

If Mia was staying in his house  because James travelled, now that he was back, where was he going to stay?     

"Isn't it obvious? I'll share a room with Mia of course! We are buddies." He said before holding Mia in a headlock.     

"What?" Leo asked with shiny eyes. "You are kidding,  aren't you?"      

Mia pushed James away and eyed him. Hadn't he mentioned he was staying with his parents? What was suddenly wrong with him?      

James chuckled when he saw their reaction and answered seriously.      

"Of course, I'm kidding. I'll be staying over at my parent's. I came to get a few of my things from here. So let's go." He said and turned to pull Mia inside the room with him without sparing Leo another glance.      

James chuckled immediately he shut the door. "I would have said he is kinda adorable but that would sound gayish"      

"What are you talking about?" Mia asked as she sat on the bed beside him.     

"He is quite handsome. No wonder you fell for him." He said before sitting down beside her.      

"Shhh!" Mia said and immediately used her hand to cover his mouth.      

"How can you say something like that?" She asked glaring at him.     

He pulled her hand away from his mouth before narrowing his eyes to look at him. "If it wasn't the truth why are you so flustered? Even your cheeks are bright red." He teased before poking her cheek.     

"Stop it. It's not funny. I'm not in love with him." She hissed.     

"Oh! You definitely are young lady. It isn't even up to a month and you're this whipped already— And don't think about denying it." He raised a hand when Mia opened her mouth to object.      

"You've been acting more polite, you look better, brighter and more feminine now–"     

"I'm not all of those." She said with a glare and unconsciously tucked some loose strands of her hair behind her hair.     

"I gave you this opportunity to meet your first love. You should be grateful to me." He said with a smug smile not bothering to give her any listening ear.     

Mia was about to say something when a knock came on the door.     

She looked at James with a confused frown before going to open the door.     

"What is it?" She asked Leo who was looking at her face with narrowed eyes.      

"Do you... like have a pen? I want to borrow it." He said before dipping his hands into his pocket in a casual manner.     

"Sure. Hold on." She said and returned to pick up a pen from the top of her drawer before handing it to him.     

"Thanks. I'll return it when I'm done."      

"You don't have to. You can keep it. I have more." She said.     

"No.. I insist." He said in a firm voice before turning around.      

She looked at his back with a frown before shutting the door slowly.     

Immediately she turned around, she saw James grinning.      

"What's funny?" She asked.      

"Not in my place to say anything."  He said and raised his hands.     

She gave him a confused look but didn't push further.      

"Does Mira know you're in town?" Mia asked.      

"Nah. I also want to surprise her. Let's hang out after your classes today. Don't tell her I'm in town. Just tell her to meet you up and I'll meet up with the both of—"     

There was suddenly another knock on the door and James chuckled as Mia went to open the door.      

"Here, I'm done!" He said handing her back the pen while trying to look past her inside the room but he couldn't see anything since she only opened the door just a bit.     

Once Mia took the pen, he turned around and walked away immediately.     

"What's wrong with him?" She asked with a confused frown as she returned to the bed.     

"I think you probably should stand by the door. He's obviously going to—"     

*knock knock*     

Leo knocked again.     

Mia's frown deepened as she went to open the door.     

"Do you..." Leo paused to think.      

"Have an hairbrush?" He asked Mia.     

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