My Crazy Housemate

You are so silly!

You are so silly!

3Jeremy sat inside the classroom with his earphone on as he waited for the class to begin.       3

It was as if Jeremy knew whenever she walked in even if his mind wasn't there because immediately he looked at the door, Chloe entered inside.     

Surprisingly, she was staring right back at him.      

It was the first time she was looking so intently at him. He looked behind him just to be sure he was the one she was looking at and when he turned,  she was still staring.     

What even surprise him the most was that she walked towards him and sat down beside him while he continued to look at her in surprise.     

"What is it? Why do you act like you've see a ghost?" She asked looking at his face.     

Jeremy looked around and as expected, all eyes were on the both of them. He noticed the contemptuous look Kelvin gave him but turned to look back at Chloe without sparing Kelvin a second glance.     

He blinked a couple of times not knowing what to say to her.      

"Mia isn't in class yet?" She asked looking around.      

"She isn't." He answered when he finally found his voice.     

"Good. I was hoping to talk to you before she comes in."     

"What is it?" He asked her curiously.     

"Can you start being my bodyguard from today?" She asked looking around.     

"Yes, sure." He nodded immediately.     

Chloe sighed in relief when he answered.     

She had been scared driving down to school. Everything and everyone looked really suspicious to her.     

"I don't want you to tell Mia about it. You've not told her about it, have you?"  She asked narrowing her eyes.     

"I haven't."      

"Great. Please don't tell her."     

"But why?" Jeremy asked with a disappointed frown. He had been waiting for Mia to come to class so he would tell her about his progress with Chole but she didn't want him to?     

"Because if she knows I'm employing you as my bodyguard, my brother would find out somehow and then my family would know and wonder what I'm doing with a bodyguard." She explained.      

"But why can't you just tell them about everything you are going through?" He asked curiously.      

"Because I can't." She stopped talking immediately she saw Mia come in and stood up. "Let's meet at the Café opposite the school gate after our classes ends today." She told him and exchanged nods with Mia before moving over to a different seat.      

"What was that?" Mia asked with a small smile.      

"You're finally friends with her?"      

Jeremy smiled back at her and thought it was better to just say they were friends.      


"Wow! I'm happy for you." Mia said. Although she knew Mira wasn't going to be happy to hear this since she had some kind of crush on Jeremy, she couldn't help being happy for Jeremy. He sincerely liked Chloe while Mira always crushed on every cute guy so Mia knew that whatever Mira was feeling for him wasn't really serious.      


"What's up with you?" Mira asked Mia when they met at the café opposite to Mia's school later that day.     

Mia had suddenly called her to hang out which was kind of weird since Mira always did the calling for them to hang out.     

"Well, nothing much. Just wanted to see you." Mia said and put her head down. She was really bad at lying and Mira saw through her immediately.     

"Now spill it!" Mira demanded.     

Mia looked out the window and saw James coming down from one of his parent's cars. She sighed in relief that he was finally there. At least she wasn't going to ruin his surprise by telling Mira the truth.     

James saw the both of them and smiled before waving at Mia.     

Mia turned to look at Mira who was wondering what Mia was staring at so she looked out the window and gasped immediately.     

"JAMES!" She shouted before jumping from her seat, not minding the scene she was creating. In less than a second, she was already outside.     

Mia quickly followed and watched in amusement as Mira jumped on him, pulling him in for a really big and happy hug.     

"How come you didn't tell us you were in town?"     

Mira scolded and pulled away from the hug before turning around to look at Mia. She had expected Mia to also be super excited as she was but Mia was just watching them with folded arms.     

"No way! You knew!!!" She said pointing an accusing finger at Mia. "I wanted to surprise you." James said with a laugh.     

"How come you met Mia before me?" She asked sounding slightly hurt.     

"Meeting Mia first was inevitable since I had to go get some of my stuff from the sharehouse. I'm so happy to see you babe" He said and wrapped Mira in a hug again.     

"I'm happy to see you too" She said excitedly and hugged him back before cupping his cheeks to plant kisses in both sides of his cheeks.     

"This is the kind of 'welcome' I always expect from you." James said to Mia with a wink while Mia scoffed. "In your dreams!"     

James laughed before looking at Mira up and down.     

"You gained weight." He noted.     

"I've been eating a lot." Mira said with a grin.     

"Sure? Or are you pregnant by chance?" He asked giving her a teasing smile.     

"Of course baby, I am carrying your child." She said while placing his hand on her stomach.     

"Here they go again." Mia said with an eye roll as she watched their drama.     

"My child? But when did we…" He let his words trail off and raised an amused brow at her.     

"Have you forgotten that night three months ago? You were drunk, I was drunk.. and we had a really wild, hot, passionate…."     

"Okay okay.. enough!" Mia finally interrupted.     

James and Mira were always like that; teasing each other and making her uncomfortable was their hobby whenever the three of them went out together.     

Few minutes later, the three of them were seated inside the café.      

"You mean he was suddenly touching and groping you?" James asked with a frown.     

"No, no. Not groping. That's part of the dance but I was just so uncomfortable." Mia corrected.     

"Why is he suddenly there? That's weird." James said.     

"I really don't know." Mia answered.     

"I also smell something fishy. Are you sure he isn't stalking you?" Mira asked.     

"No. Why would he? Besides, we don't know each other that much and we just started talking recently." Mia explained.      

"Do you have to do the dance?" James asked.     

"I have to." Mia answered with a sigh.     

She couldn't back off now even though Leo was planning to lend her some money. It would make her look like an ingrate. Mr B had lent her his last cash just so she could do this. She couldn't ditch him now because she had another money option now. He came through for her so she had to do same plus, there was no way he could find a new lead dancer at this short time.     

"Since it's something you have to do, just ignore the discomfort and do it." James said.      

"Or you could practice with Leo first." Mira said with a grin.     

"What? No!" Mia shot down the idea immediately making her two friends laugh at her reaction.     

"You should. Just practice with him tonight, if you think you're not confident enough to ask him, just drink a can of beer and tell him what you want to tell him while being influenced by the alcohol."     

"Drinking is a bad idea. She may confess her feelings." James said with a chuckle making Mira giggle.      

"You both are having fun, aren't you?" Mia asked in annoyance but to her surprise, they continued to laugh at her.     

Mia watched with a frown as James moved closer to whisper something to Mira. Mira's expression slowly changed from surprise to amusement before she burst into laughter.     

All the while, Mira's gaze never left Mia.     

"What's wrong with the both of you?" Mia asked with a displeased frown. She could tell James was talking about her.     

"I was just telling Mira about the funny incident that happened back there in the sharehouse this morning."     

"Did he... really ask you for a pen, hairbrush and hair dryer in less than five minutes?" Mira asked as she burst into laughter again.     

"So what's funny?" Mia asked.     

"Everything stupid! He was obviously jealous and insecure seeing you locked up with James."     

"Why would he be?" Mia asked with a confused frown.     

"You are so silly." Mira said in mild annoyance.     

"How did I become friends with this girl again?" Mira turned to ask James.     

"Did you say she was the smartest girl in her class? I really feel bad for the other girls. If Mia could top them, then they must be really dumb." James said and shook his head while trying not to laugh.     

"You both stop it okay? You're beginning to make me angry." Mia said glaring at the both of them.     

"Just do it okay? It's friday night. Have some beer, ask him to practice with you and just go on with it. I believe you can do this Mia." Mira said taking her hands.     

"You know that's probably not going to end well right?" James whispered to Mira.     

"That's the point." Mira whispered back before winking at him.     

"Why him? Can't I just ask James?" Mia said turning to look at James.     

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