My Crazy Housemate



4"Why him? Can't I just ask James?" Mia asked turning to look at James.     

"Hell No! We are both going clubbing tonight. I would have suggested for you to come along with us and pick up a random guy to dance with since you'd feel less awkward but I know you are going to turn us down so do this yourself and ask for Leo's help." Mira said to her immediately.      

"Why are you both being this way?" Mia asked the both of them with a sad frown.      

"Sorry Mia. But she calls the shots here." James said looking at Mira who always had the final say.      

"You could still pick up Benjamin's calls and go practice somewhere with him." James suggested.      

Immediately after Mia's classes ended, she ran out of the school premises before she would bump into Benjamin. He had called her twice already but she still hadn't taken his calls.     

Mira glared at James for suggesting that to Mia  and trying to ruin her plans.     

"Look babe, you have until Saturday night which is tomorrow. Since you do not want to practice with Benjamin. Do it with Leo." Mira advised her.     

Mia quietly looked at the both of them before asking James..     

"You are really not going to help me practice?"     

"I already said he can't. Jeez!" Mira said in frustration making James laugh really hard.      

"It's either you stay at home and dance with Leo or you pick up Benjamin's calls and go have a private rehearsal with him." Mira said.     

"I really want to watch them dance together— I mean, Leo and Mia." James said as he smiled at Mia who wasn't looking happy at all      

"Me too. But we can't watch. It's going to make them both feel shy. But she could make a video for us." Mira turned around to look at Mia with hopeful eyes. "You can video it right?"      

"You both just leave me alone. You are both terrible!" Mia said eyeing them both.     


"Where are you now?" Chloe asked Jeremy over the phone as she drove out of the school premises.     

They were both supposed to meet about 30 minutes back but they had been a bit of delay on his part because according to Jeremy, the deputy Vice Chancellor of the university sent for him.     

Because she didn't want to just sit inside the café without knowing when trouble would come, she waited for him at the school.  He had called her about 3 minute ago to tell her he was done with them so she started to drive.     

"I'm almost at the gate." Jeremy answered.     

"Good." Chloe said and stopped driving.     

"I'm just beside the gate. Hurry up. I'll wait for you here." Chloe told him before hanging up.     

In less than 5 minutes, Jeremy joined her inside the car panting heavily.     

She could tell he had been running. He also had sweat all over his body.     

"You didn't have to run." She said and began to drive.     

"I didn't want to keep you waiting for too long lest you blow up on me Mi Lady." He said with a smile as he tried to catch his breath.     

She drove quietly until she decided to just ask what she was curious about.     

"Why did the management team send for you? You in trouble by chance?" She asked trying not to sound interested.     

"Hmmm... It has to do with my scholarship. It was nothing serious." He assured her.     

"I thought they only gave scholarships to really bright srudent. No offense, but you do not actually look really bright to me." She said remembering the previous night and his hilarious blunder.     

"Why does everyone keep saying that!?" He asked her with a displeased frown.     

"Because that's the truth." She said trying not to laugh at his outburst.     

"You are lucky the school is nice enough to keep you."     

"Nice enough, my foot. If only they were as nice as they appear to be." He interrupted.     

"And who says they aren't nice?" She asked.     

"The corruption in the school is glaring clear."     

"And how do you know that? Did you by chance take up a part time job in the Vice Chancellor's office?" Chloe asked with a sneer.     

"You are the 4th student in class right?" He asked after a moment's break.     

Chloe hated it when people reminded her of that so she remained quiet.     

"Judge it correctly… do you think Kelvin deserves to be the top student?"     

"Not in my place to say that." She said immediately.     

Actually, she had thought about it before. Kelvin didn't look like the smart type to her. There was this confidence that came with being smart but he didn't have it or look it. There were most times in class where he would be asked some  really simple questions but he would just laugh it off and not answer. The lecturers didn't seem to he offended by it.     

She naturally disliked Kelvin but leading the class and the school as the Students' council president when it was obvious he was stupid always pissed her off.     

"So what's your point exactly?" She asked as she parked in front of the café.      

"My point is, he is only able to achieve all of this because his Aunt owns the school. Else he.."     

"Kelvin's aunt owns the school? How did you know?" She asked him as she turned off the car's engine and looked at him.     

"Well... I just know a lot of things." He answered with a shrug.      

Chloe nodded before opening the door.      

"I hope you spend as much time studying."     

Immediately Jeremy got down from the car, he noticed the two familiar figures coming out of the café with a third person he didn't know.     

Chloe's eyes widened slightly when she saw them especially James.      

Mia was the first to see them before Mira and James. James immediately recognized Chloe but not the guy beside her.     

Mira wondered why Jeremy and Chloe were together. She had noticed during Benjamin's party that Jeremy had a thing for Chloe. Were they by chance dating now?     

"Isn't that Leo's sister?" James asked in a low voice as he watched them. They were far from each other so Chloe and Jeremy obviously couldn't hear them.     

"What is she doing with Jeremy? Are they like an item now?" Mira asked Mia with a slight frown.     

"Wow! They are really friends." Mia said as she watched them.      

Just then, Chloe and Jeremy got to where they were standing.     

Jeremy was slightly surprised to see Mia and Mira there but he managed to smile at them as he said "Hello".     

"Long time no see Jer!" Mira said to Jeremy before turning to say Hi to Chloe.     

James took note of the way Mira looked at Jeremy and shook his head. This was probably her crush for that month before she moved unto the next.     

"You are James, aren't you?" Chloe asked looking at James nervously. What if he got mad about her scamming him?     

"Yea. It's good to see you" He said with a small smile.     

"When did you return? Where are you staying at the moment?" She asked curiously.     

Jeremy noticed Chloe was nervous and wondered how Chloe knew him and why she was asking him about where he was staying. Did she want to pay him a visit? He wondered as he looked at James.     

"I arrived at midnight and I'm currently staying at my parents'." James explained.     

Chloe sighed in relief. Her brother would have killed her had James tried to live in the same house with him.     

Chloe looked at all of them before facing James again.     

"I guess I should apologize for what I did." She said. There was no point of speaking privately with him since Mia and Mira knew about it and she couldn't just ask Jeremy to excuse them.     

"It's fine. Thankfully, your brother is very understanding."     

Jeremy stood there completely lost. Everyone knew everyone except for him who was still wondering who James was.     

James suddenly looked at him as if sensing Jeremy was uncomfortable and extended a hand to him.     

"Hi! I'm James." He said. "Childhood friends with Mia and Mira."      

"Oh! Pleased to meet you. I'm their classmate." He said looking between Chloe and Mia.      

"We should all hang out sometime." James said with a smile.     

"Sure. Cool!" Jeremy said returning his smile.     

A few minutes later, Jeremy was sitting down beside Chloe inside the café.      

"So.. can you make it to my street every morning so we can go to classes together?" Chloe asked surprising Jeremy.      

"You want us to always go to school and return together?" Jeremy asked with wide eyes.     

"That practically sums it up. But you have to wait for me in my street. You can't come to my house." She said.     

"Oooh...." Jeremy stressed.     

"So what if people begin to suspect something? Especially those at work? I have to resign right?"      

"I don't actually care about what people think but if you care so much, you could keep working in the mall as probably... one of my assistants?" She said with a shrug.     

Jeremy thought about it for a while before nodding.     

"So let's discuss the pay. I was thinking—"     

"Instead of paying me for being your bodyguard, why don't you help me with something else instead?" Jeremy said.     

"What is it?" She asked with a curious frown.     

"You aren't going to ask me to be your girlfriend right?" She asked making him laugh.     

"Not at all. My grades are more important at the moment. Help me study." He said looking into her eyes.      

Chloe's eyes slowly widened in disbelief.     

"Like... you are asking me to be your tutor?" She asked in surprise.      

"That practically sums it up." He said with a shrug.     

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