My Crazy Housemate

Are you drunk?

Are you drunk?

1"You know you are very naughty right?" James turned to ask Mira as he drove.     4

He had quietly watched her make a phone call to Leo without interrupting and now that she was done, he decided to speak.     

"What is it?" Mira turned to ask him with an innocent smile.     

"You know what I'm talking about. Do not even think about acting dumb." He said with his gaze on the road.     

"I'm just helping the poor girl. She is young and naive and silly and clueless and..."     

"It's okay... it's okay!" James interrupted making her giggle.      

"You seriously want something to happen between them don't you?"     

"Why not? I like him. He is perfect for her and she likes him too. Since they are behaving like chickens, I have to push them." She said with a shrug.     

"So you're like a matchmaker now? Did you by chance also have a crush on him when you first saw him?"      

"Come on! Do I crush on every guy I see?" She asked incredulously.      


"Wait! Why aren't you saying anything?" Mira asked moving closer.      


"Are you for real? Are you trying to say that I crush on every guy?"      

"I said nothing." He answered with a shrug as he tried not to laugh.     

"Seriously? You are horrible!" She whine before hitting his head with her purse.     

"Will you be careful? I am driving!"     

"Let's just get into an accident you bastard."     

"I don't want to die with you, you psycho!" He yelled back at her with a laugh as he tried not to lose his focus on the road.     

Once their laughter died down, he turned to ask.     

"So... what's up with you and that Jeremy guy?"      

"Hmm.. well, you think he is cute right?" She asked turning to him with a smile.      

"And you also want to know what else I think?" He asked casting her a quick glance.     


"That he likes Chloe. It was glaring clear."      

"So?" She asked with a shrug.     

"And you still want to be hung on him?" He asked with a raised brow.     


"Don't you think it's time you got a boyfriend and stop all of this?"      

"I don't want any boyfriend. You know so." She hissed.     

"Still because of that? You don't want to change your mind?" He asked looking at her briefly.     

"I don't want to. Any guy who comes around me always have an ulterior motive. They are either trying to use me to get in contact  with my mother or father. I'm done with them. I just want to have fun and crush on every guy I like."      

"So why don't you just crush on me instead?" He asked with a teasing smile.      

"Ewww! You are not my type. Look forward and drive!" She said making him laugh.     


*Ding Dong*     

"I'll get the door." Leo said as he strode towards the door wearing an apron.     

Mia only nodded as she remained in the kitchen to check the baked beans they were both preparing.     

When Leo returned to the kitchen after answering the door, he had a small carton box in hand and gently placed it on the table.     

"I got us some buffalo wings." He announced.      

"Oh.. cool." She said with a curt nod not knowing what else to say as she began to take out some plates.     

Leo quietly watched her with his hands folded across his chest.      

She had been awfully quiet since she joined him inside the kitchen. Was it because she was feeling uncomfortable asking him to dance with her? He wondered as he watched her back and down to her legs. Tonight, she wore a black leggings and loose fitting femine top which he thought looked really cute.     

He wanted her to take her time so he didn't push her to talk and served them both meals.     

A few minutes later, they were sitting opposite each other as they slowly ate.     

Wasn't she the one who asked to hang out with him? Why was she so quiet? He wondered with a frown as he cleared his throat to speak first.     

"How are your friends?" He asked.      

"Good." She answered almost immediately. It seemed she had been waiting for him to start a conversation.      

"And that guy... James?" He asked and looked down at his food like he was totally not interested in the topic.     

"Didn't you just ask me about my friends just now?" She asked with a confused frown.      

"Yea. Well..." He shrugged before asking.. "How long have you known him?" He asked.     

"You seem really interested in him." Mia noted as she looked at his face.     

"Was it the reason you kept coming into my room this morning?" She asked looking at him curiously.     

"No! Me? How can? Why?" Leo asked dramatically feigning indifference.      

"Why are you so serious about it?" She asked, surprised by his sudden outburst. Wasn't that a simple question he could just answer?      

"Anyway, that's beside it...." He said changing the topic.     

"So.. about what we talked about earlier about you know..." He scratched his head as he looked for the right word to use. He was careful not to say something that was probably going to annoy her.      

"My family's debt you mean?" She asked.      

"Well... yes.."      

"I know you want to help me and I know you think I'm probably being stubborn when I should just go on and accept the help you are offering."     

He nodded in agreement to that.     

"I just think.. it's too... much." She said with a shrug.      

"I mean, we barely know each other and only met less than a month ago and you are willing to help me with a lot of that?"     

"I've met and known a lot of people for years Mia." He interrupted as he looked into her eyes.     

"But I've never hugged them or held their hands, or went to the park with them or kissed them or.."     

"What are you... saying!?" Mia quickly interrupted in a really high pitched voice. Her cheeks were flushed and her lashes flustered involuntarily.     

Leo's eyes slightly widened when he realised he was going off the track and he cleared his throat to ward off the awkwardness before giving her an apologetic smile...     

"My point is.. I'm not that intimate with those people and would do same for them. Talk more of you who I've..."     

"Alright! I get your point. You don't have to say it out." She said feeling uncomfortable. How could he just say it like it was nothing?     

"Sorry." He said with a smile and was about to say something else when they heard the loud rumble of thunder.     

"Wow! It's really going to rain tonight." He said.     

"I'm glad it's Friday night. I can sleep in." Mia said in a low voice before carrying the empty dishes from the table to go wash them despite Leo's protests to do it himself.     

Leo checked his time on the phone. It was almost 7. He just wanted to keep whiling away time until it was night. Dancing at night was going to be more perfect especially when the weather was cool and chilly because of the rain.     

Mia could feel he was watching her back but she tried not to get affected as she continued to wash the dishes.     

"You've never had a boyfriend right?" He suddenly asked making her stiffen.      

"Why... are you asking me that?"      

"Because I'm curious."  He said as he moved closer to take the washed dishes from her to arrange them.      

"Well, I've been so busy." She answered with a shrug.      

"I know. But you know... you should have someone beside you. Someone you can.. you know.. communicate with and share your burdens."     

"I'll pray to God to carry my burden for me." She said sarcastically making them both laugh.      

"I can be your God here on earth." He offered with a teasing smile followed by a wink.     

She paused for about five seconds before turning to look at him. "Are you saying you want to be my boyfriend?"      

He quickly dropped the dishes and turned around towards the door. "I... didn't say that." He said feeling really flustered.      

"Meet me in the sitting room when you are done." He added before disappearing out of the kitchen.     

When she was certain he was out, she turned to look at the door.     

"Mia.. you have to ask him. You have to do that." She said to herself before opening the fridge to take a can of beer.     


As Leo waited for her to join him inside the sitting room, he remembered his conversation with Mira earlier.     

She had told him Mia may find it difficult to ask him to dance with her.     

He really wanted to know what was up with her and this dancing and why she needed to practice with someone since Mira hadn't told him anything about it.     

He heard the kitchen door open and Mia slowly approached the couch where he was sitting and sat down beside him.     

His nose twitched when he smelled the strong stench of alcohol.      

"You drank beer?" He asked looking at her in surprise.      

He remembered she had mentioned she wanted to drink beer but he hadn't taken it seriously. So she was actually being serious?     

"Yes.." She said and nodded slowly with her gaze fixed on his face as she scooted to sit closer to him.     

"Are you drunk?" He asked again in surprise. He had left her inside the kitchen less than 5 minutes ago and now she was drunk?     

"Probably." She nodded slowly again.     

"Why did you drink?"     

"Because..." She burped and her face reddened.     

"Because?" He asked not feeling irritated.     

"I want to ask you for something but I'm not sure I can ask you when I'm completely sober."  She said looking deeply into his eyes.      

'She had to drink just to ask me to dance with her?' He wondered.      

He wasn't really against the idea of Mia drinking. He was only worried because she got drunk easily and he wouldn't like to take care of a drunk Mia.     

"So.. what is it you want to ask me?" Leo asked.     

"Uhm.. that is.." She pulled her ears and looked deeply into his eyes.     

"Can you..."     

"Can I....?"     

"Lend me one thousand bucks first?"      

*Thunder rumbles loudly.*     

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