My Crazy Housemate

Spill it!

Spill it!

2Chloe's eyes popped open at once the next morning and she sat up on the bed immediately. She looked at the window and saw it was already bright outside and the rain had stopped falling. She remembered she was in Jeremy's house, sleeping inside his room and on his bed, wearing his clothes!     

Chloe bit her lower lip in embarrassment, remembering how she had confidently told Jeremy she wasn't going to get much sleep since it wasn't her bed but looking at the time now, it was almost 8 am. She had slept so well.     

She slowly stood up from the bed and went inside the bathroom to empty her bladder first.      

She looked at the mirror and wasn't pleased with her reflection one bit. She quickly washed her face, finger combed her hair, used the mouth wash she found there before slowly leaving the room, not looking forward to seeing him but it was inevitable.     

When she got to the sitting room, she heard faint sounds come from another door by the dining table where she guessed the kitchen was located.     

The more steps she took closer, the louder the voices got and she could now hear Ellie and Jeremy talking and laughing inside the kitchen.     

She knocked once on the door which was slightly ajar before pushing it open to peek inside.      

"Hello Chloe, good morning!" Ellie greeted her with a cheerful smile.      

"Hi. Good morning!" Chloe replied awkwardly before looking at Jeremy who waved for her to come in.      

"You came right in time. Breakfast is almost ready." Ellie said before tapping the seat beside her for Chloe to sit down.      

"Uhm.. sorry. I have to go home now. I just wanted to ask where my things are so I can change." Chloe said and gave Ellie an apologetic smile when she saw her sad pout.      

"You should at least eat something before you leave. I don't want to be a bad host." Jeremy said before placing a cup to tea on the table in front of the seat Ellie had asked her to sit.      

"It's really cold outside." He informed her as he served the ladies the french toast he had prepared.     

Chloe sat down reluctantly and cupped the mug as she enjoyed the warmth of it.     

"Why are you wearing Jeremy's clothes?" Ellie asked curiously as she looked at her before facing Jeremy      

"No talking Ellie." Jeremy reminded her from the sink where he was washing the dishes.      

"Mine was wet." Chloe explained with an awkward smile before sipping her tea.      

It was really uncomfortable for her wearing his clothes. It was her first time wearing someone else's clothes aside from hers but because she didn't have any choice last night, she accepted it.      

"Oh that's true. Those were the clothes you were ironing early this morning right?" Ellie turned to ask Jeremy who didn't bother to turn around when he answered...      

"No talking Ellie." He reminded her again.     

He had ironed her clothes? Chloe asked herself as she looked at him. Was he always so neat and organized or was he trying to please her? She wondered in confusion as she watched him arrange the plates neatly before turning to look at them.      

Chloe quickly averted her gaze before picking up her toast to take the first bite.      

"How is it?" He asked her with hopeful eyes.      

It didn't taste bad neither was it the best she had had.. She shrugged her shoulders but when she noticed he was still waiting for her to say something even as he sat opposite her, she finally answered.     

"It tastes nice. Thanks for breakfast. But I really have to go." She said before pushing away from the table to stand up.     

"Jeremy doesn't like people wasting food." Ellie looked up to tell her with a sad look.     

"I don't usually eat much." She told Ellie.      

"Why don't you eat much?" Ellie asked curiously.      

"Because...." Chloe hissed in frustration before sitting back down.      

Jeremy smiled a bit when he saw her sit down. He winked at Ellie before turning to look at Chloe who was carefully eating.      

He noticed that Chloe liked kids. She was always nicer and gentler to them compared to how she treated others. Maybe he could use his kid sister to make her like him.     

"Hope you enjoyed your sleep? Are you still cold?" Jeremy asked Chloe.     

"No talking." Ellie said immediately and giggled when Jeremy glared at her.      

"I feel better." Chloe replied deciding to answer his second question instead.     

"How old are you?" Ellie suddenly asked Chloe which surprised them.      

"Ellie!" Jeremy scolded as he looked at her with a disapproving frown.      

"I am just curious since you mentioned she was your boss but she looks really young." Ellie said defensively.     

"I am 23." Chloe turned to tell Ellie.     



Jeremy and Ellie asked at the same time.     

"You are a year older than Jeremy!"      

"Ellie!" Jeremy called again in embarrassment.      

He was also surprised that Chloe was a year older than him since he had always assumed he was older seeing how little she looked compared to him. Well, that was women for him.      

Chloe turned to look at him in surprise. He was 22? He did look more mature than 22. Well, it was normal with guys. Majority of them looked bigger than ladies their age.     

"Just eat Ellie." Jeremy said through gritted teeth when Ellie opened her mouth to ask another question.      

They were all interrupted when Chloe's phone began to ring. She stood up immediately she saw it was her mother calling and hurried toward the sitting room while Ellie looked at Jeremy in confusion.     

"Hello mum?" Chloe said nervously.     

"You didn't come home last night? Where did you go to?" Mrs King asked and Chloe clearly heard the displeasure in her voice.     

She turned when the kitchen door open and saw Jeremy come out.     

"I... was at the office. I'll come home immediately." She said before disconnecting the call.      

"I have to go now. My—"     

"Yea. I figured. I'll just get you your clothes." Jeremy said before walking away.     


Leo took Tara out for a walk that morning while Mia stayed in her room and read her books. She realised she had been playing too much lately and needed to cover up a lot.      

Once in a while, she caught herself smiling and wondered what was suddenly wrong with her making her behave so... girly.      

No matter how much she tried to stop remembering, she couldn't stop thinking about the dance with him.      

Truthfully, she hadn't been drunk when she danced with him. She had only gotten drunk during their argument in the kitchen after the dance.      

When she ran to the kitchen before the dance, she swallowed only a little from the can and poured the rest in the sink to make it look like she drank it.      

She thought making him think she was drunk was probably going to make it less awkward for the both of them and thankfully, it worked.      

Then the kiss....      

She buried her head in the pillow with a smile on her face as she remembered it while her heart began to flutter.     

"They were so soft." She said touching her lips and remembering his lips.     

She also remembered his hair and how he had let her play with it.     

And how he had cuddled her and smiled at her.      

She hadn't imagined there was someone in this world who would make her feel this bubbly inside.     

Was this a good thing or a bad thing? She wondered and quickly slapped her cheek as she reminded herself that she was supposed to study.      

Her phone rang. She looked at it and saw it was Benjamin. She realised she didn't have any reason to keep snubbing him so she answered the call.     

"Good Morning." He said in a quiet voice making her feel guilty for ignoring his calls.      

"Good Morning. Sorry about—"     

"It's fine." He interrupted. "Today is Saturday and Mr B would be expecting us to do something. I hope we can practice before that time. Can you come to the studio a bit earlier?" He asked.      

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before speaking again..  "Alright."      

"Cool. Let's talk later then." He said before disconnecting the call.     

Almost immediately, Mira's call came in. She still sounded sleepy when she spoke.      

"Morning baby."      

"Partied with James all night, I guess?" Mia asked knowingly.      

"Yea... I feel so tired but I want to know how your dance went." She said suddenly sounding excited.     


"Why aren't you saying anything?" Mira asked with a frown.     

"Went well." Mia answered nonchalantly.     

"Did you do anything?" Mira asked in a suspicious tone.      

"No! I didn't do anything!" She denied vehemently which made Mira even more suspicious.      

"Spill it!"     

"What?" Mia asked nervously.      

"Did things get steamy during the dance?" Mira asked in a now clear voice.     

"Bye!" Mia said before hanging up immediately.      

She could tell her face was burning bright red now. It was really a terrible thing that she didn't know how to lie. Mira was definitely going to know something had happeend between them.     

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