My Crazy Housemate

Brace yourself.

Brace yourself.

3"You must be really happy coming out." Leo said as he looked down at Tara who was obediently following him even though there was a leash around her neck.      

The weather outside was cold so he had dressed Tara up for the cold and was also dressed for it. He would have preferred to sleep in or just sit and talk with Mia but he needed to give Tara a little attention so she wouldn't fall sick anymore.      

He took out his phone from his pocket when it began to ring and saw it was a call from Richard.      

"What's up?" Leo said into the phone.      

"Hey man? You are home right? I'm almost at your place." Richard said immediately.      

"What? How can you just head to my place without calling first?" Leo asked with a frown.     

"Which is why I am calling since I am almost there. You are home right? We need to talk about something."      

"Is it urgent?" Leo asked with a sigh.      

"I think it is."     

"I'm around the neighborhood. I'm heading home now. Make sure you do not get in until I get there." Leo warned.     

"Why? You do not want me to be alone with your little missy?" He asked in a teasing tone and didn't wait for Leo to reply before he threatened.      

"If I do not see you a minute after I arrive, I am going in." Richard said with a laugh before hanging up.     

Leo glared at his phone. Who did he think he was to threaten him?      

He asked himself and unconsciously began to walk faster. Tara's tiny legs couldn't keep up so she began to run after him.      

He rounded a corner and paused when he noticed a familiar looking car.     

That was obvioisly his sister's car. What was her car doing there?      

Chloe obviously didn't have any friends aside from Amara and Anara didn't live in this neighborhood. The first thought that came to his mind was that the car had probably been stolen from her so he quickly took out his phone to dial her number. He was just about to dial it when he saw her come out from the house with a boy beside her.      

Leo's face darkened. There was this thing about brothers being so overly protective of their sisters whether she was older or younger.     

Jeremy saw him first. He was just about to get inside the car to drive Chloe home since he had officially started to work for her, when he noticed a young man looking at him with a frown.     

Chloe gasped and her purse fell off her hand when she saw her brother standing right there.      

She knew they both lived in the same neighborhood but she hadn't expected to bump into him this cold Saturday morning.      

Tara barked at her and wagged her tail in recognition when she saw Chloe.      

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he moved closer to them.      

Jeremy quickly turned to where Chloe was standing and stood in between them.     

He looked at Leo warily but soon began to see there was some form of resemblance between the two.     

"Bro... Leo.." She stuttered as she looked around nervously.     

"Who are you?"      

Leo asked the young man who was stopping him from getting to his sister.      

"I am Jeremy. Jeremy Williams. Who are you?"      

He asked even though he could already guess he was her brother.      

It was obvious from the look on Leo's face that that wasn't the answer he expected.      

"We are class–"     

"He's my friend." Chloe blurted out interrupting Jeremy who turned to look at her in surprise.      

Friend? They were friends?     

"Friend?" Leo asked in surprise before looking at the both of them again. "You mean boyfriend?" He asked narrowing his eyes to look at them suspiciously.      

She was coming out of his house by this time, it meant she had slept there, he was about driving her car, and he remembered Chloe wasn't the type to have friends or even a male friend for that matter.      

"He is my friend and also my classmate. Oh! He is Mia's close friend also." Chloe quickly added.     

She didn't want him to know she was employing Jeremy as her bodyguard. She had gotten into a lot of trouble already. She couldn't let them know about the kind of relationship she had with David and the fact that he was stalking her now.     

"You are the twin Mia lives with?" Jeremy suddenly asked him as he looked Leo up and down.      

Leo's phone suddenly began to ring again and when he saw it was Richard, he remembered he was supposed to hurry home.      

"Shit!" He said before placing the phone back inside his pocket.      

He looked at the both of them one last time before hurrying away.      

Chloe heaved a deep sigh of relief when he left. Although she was an adult, they all still treated her like a kid and she didn't know whether it was bad that she had gotten used to that.      

"Are you okay?" Jeremy asked her as he opened the passenger side of the door for her to get in.     

She managed to nod before getting in...     


There was a cheeky grin on Richard's face when he heard hurried footsteps coming behind him.      

"That was fas—t" His speech slurred when he turned to see a pretty girl and not Leo.     

He didn't think Leo would ask a girl to come over when Mia was inside, besides, she looked quite young.      

She also looked at him with curiosity before going to ring the door bell.      

"If you are looking for Leo, he isn't in" Richard informed her.      

"Oh! I'm here to see Mia. She's my friend." Mira said with a smile before ringing the doorbell again.      

Richard looked at her with interest. Mia had a pretty friend like this and Leo hadn't bothered to mention it to him?      

Leo also appeared behind them.      

"Hi!" Mira greeted him with a cheerful smile.      

"Oh hi! Been a long time." Leo said and watched her bend down to pet Tara.      

Mia opened the door and looked surprised to see the three people standing there.      

"Mira! You didn't tell me you were coming." Mia said in surprise before turning to say hello to Richard.     

She only stole a quick glance at Leo before turning to face Mira again.      

"You didn't finish what you were saying on the phone so I had to come directly." Mira whispered to her as she walked straight inside the house.      

Richard entered and the last was Leo and Tara. Leo just kept looking her up and down. This was the reason he hadn't wanted Richard inside first and Mia didn't disappoint. She wore one of those big polos and tiny short.      

He remembered James had said something about her wearing his clothes and frowned.      

He was going to do something about that      

"Why aren't you coming in?" Mia asked with a confused frown seeing him just standing there with a frown on his face.     

Mira watched in surprise as Mia only took a few steps backwards and didn't run away from Tara as they entered inside. She was impressed. Everything about Mia was slowly changing with each passing day.      

"I'm Richard. Leo's best friend." Richard said turning to Mira.      

"Whose best friend?" Leo asked from the side making Mira and Richard chuckle.     

"I'm Mira. Pleased to meet you." She said  before pulling Mia along with her inside the room.      

She still felt a bit tired but she was really curious about them and had hurried here.     

"How did it go? Tell me he was super stunned and kissed you." Mira pleaded.     

Mia's cheeks flushed and she quickly moved away from Mira and moved over to the bed.      

"No way! You both kissed!" She raise her voice excitedly and Mia exclaimed her name and looked at the door in a panic.      

What if Leo heard her?      

"Tell me everything. Do not leave a single detail out of it."     

"I can't talk about those kind of things. You already guessed that we... kissed. Well.." She stopped talking and shrugged her shoulders.      

"Did he confess to you or did you confess to him? Come one, don't be a spoilsport. Talk to me... I am your bestie."      

"What are we supposed to confess? We just danced and then slept."     

"Together? You both slept together?" She asked again with curious eyes.      

"Can you just stop asking me that?" Mia asked with an embarrassed blush before lying on her bed.      

"I can't stop! It's the reason I came here instead of sleeping. Look baby, I have a plan for us for tomorrow night. You better brace yourself."     

"What's the plan?" Mia asked curiously as she sat up.      

"Well... it's going to be like a welcome party for James— actually, I'm just looking for an excuse to throw a party. And you are coming to the party."     

"I can't." Mia said with disinterest.      

"Oh yes, you are. And you are going to invite Benjamin to the party."     


"Because I am also going to be inviting Leo. Let's see if he's going to keep hiding his feelings." Mira said excitedly.     

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