My Crazy Housemate

Do you think Leo likes me?

Do you think Leo likes me?

4"Dude! You are a terrible friend. I mean, you have Mia and Mira all to yourself? How come you never told me about Mia's friend being so pretty?" Richard asked as he sat down and continued to shoot Leo an accusing look.       2

"Look elsewhere man. Don't even think about flirting with Mira." Leo said with a glare.     

"Stop being stingy. You already have Mia. Just give me the Mia with the 'R' which is MiRa. You do not possibly want both women do you?" Richard asked as he narrowed his eyes to look at his friend suspiciously.      

"None of your business." Leo said with disinterest.      

Richard wasn't ready to drop the topic just yet so he continued..     

"I saw the way Mia was looking at you earlier. Something been happening between you two right?"      

"What do you mean?" Leo asked raising a brow.     

"Come on, you are smarter than this Leo. You like her and you know she likes you too. It was so obvious. Why are you holding back? It's so unlike you."      

"You are a love detector now?" Leo asked before adding..     

"What's even your problem? Why are you so interested in my love life?"      

"Because it is interesting! Just look at it.. it looks like a movie. Your sister put up your apartment for rent, a guy has been living here for months but you didn't show up until the first day the girl came to live here. You both hated each other but gradually began to like each other and now you love each other. I think I should sell this story to Mr Hilary. It's going to be the highest blockbuster of the season!" Richard Richard excitedly.     

"Are you done?" Leo asked indifferently making Richard frown. He didn't like the fact that Leo was nonchalant about the while thing.     

"Are you still in love with Cherry?" Richard suddenly asked.      

"Of course not! I told you to stop mentioning her name." Leo answered immediately with a disgusted frown.      

"Then why don't you want to move on? Because you think all girls are cheats?" Richard pressed. He couldn't just leave Leo on his own now. He wanted his friend to move on. It was his earnest wish.     

"I don't think all girls are cheats, besides I am not a saint. Look Richard, I need to get my life in order."     

"I can't start thinking about going into a relationship when I am really busy with work and is soon going to be traveling about for the next two years and if another job offer comes, then I'll just keep moving around. I already told you I'm never going to get married so there is no point in dating."     

"You said you weren't going to date any lady but keep sleeping around with them. When was the last time you did so or thought about doing so? Isn't it because of Mia?"      

"I don't want you lecturing me right now. Why did you come here? What was so urgent that you had to hurry here?" Leo asked pulling him back to the main topic.     

"She has pretty legs by the way. Reminds me of the first time I saw her on her sports bra and—"      

Leo quickly threw a pillow at him to shut him up. He didn't know why he was so against the idea of another person seeing Mia's exposed body.      

Yes, he also remembered that day. It was the first time he saw her looking like a girl in her sports bra, yoga pants, sneakers, hair braided in cornrows and the headset she wore.      

Even though he didn't like her then, he had been drawn by her beauty.      

"Haha! You are thinking about her. You are smiling." Richard said with a teasing laugh when he saw Leo deep in thought with a smile on his face.      

"I was thinking about food okay? Now tell me why you came here!" Leo said with a glare. He was pissed off with Richard's teasing. It was one of the reasons he didn't like Richard to visit him.     

He couldn't believe he had allowed his sister to leave with a boy because of this pig-head Richard.     

Richard suddenly looked serious as he began to speak.      

"Well, I was speaking with Elijah earlier about the casts and crew members of this new movie and I found something.. I'm not sure you are going to like it."     

"What?" Leo asked curiously.      

"You know it's a kind of dance movie and..."      

"I know all of that already." Leo said impatiently as he waited for Richard to talk.      

Richard said nothing for a few seconds and it looked like he was reconsidering telling him now that he was seeing Leo's face.     

"Well, the co-writer is... Cherry. She is also one of the choreographers for the movie." Richard informed him.     

Leo's face fell immediately he heard that.      


"I really do not buy this idea. I don't buy it one bit." Mia said shaking her head. She couldn't do it. She couldn't invite Benjamin and also allow Leo come there.      

"Just trust me Mia. I know what I am doing." Mira tried to convince her but Mia was not having any of it.      

"Forget it. Why do you want to involve Leo in your parties? He is far bigger than this and older than us. How can he agree to hang out with us?"      

"No one is bigger than having fun and going to parties Mia." Mira lectured.      

"But I cannot invite Benjamin. Hell! It's crazy!" Mia exclaimed.      

"I thought you had a crush on Ben?" She asked in amusement.      

"Shouldn't you use this opportunity to have some alone time with the guy you've always liked?" Mira asked in a teasing voice.     

She wanted Mia to be happy and although she liked Leo, if Mia ended up liking Benjamin more, then she would have no other choice but to do her best to matchmake her with Ben.     

"Stop teasing me Mira! It's annoying." Mia said with a frown.      

Mira moved to sit beside her before holding her hand.     

"Look Mia, you are just confused. Let me help you. You really need to know which of the guys you have a thing for. You obviously feel a thing for Leo yet you keep thinking you feel something for that Ben guy. I don't want you being confused anymore so bring the Ben guy over and I know how to get Leo to come to the party." She said with a wink.      

"I still think this is a bad...."      

She stopped talking and began to scream and laugh when Mira pounced on her and began to tickle her.      

" it haha haha" Mia couldn't control herself and began to laugh while trying to push Mira away from her body.      

"Tell me you are going to invite Ben and I will let you be." Mira negotiated.      

"I.. hahah cannot do hahah... stop it!"      

"Say it first!" Mira said with a laugh.     

"Fine. I.. I will.." She said in between her fits of laughter.      

"I can't hear you. Say it loud and clear!"      

"I will!" Mia said at the top of her voice.      

Mira tickled her once more before moving away. "I guess we have gotten to an agreement then." Mira said with a victorious smile.      

"That wasn't cool." Mia said with a frown as she wiped the tears from her face.      

"But it got me what I wanted. I don't mind." She answered with a shrug before asking..       

"Does Leo know Ben is your dance partner?" She asked curiously.      

Mia thought about it for a second before shaking her head. "I don't think I have ever mentioned that to him."      

"Good. Do not mention it to him okay?" Mira said to her.     

"Why?" Mia asked curiously. She just couldn't understand Mira.     

"Just trust me. Let's leave the surprise for him for tomorrow night." She said with a smile.      

She was really enjoying all of this.      

"What are you thinking?" Mira asked Mia when she noticed Mia was deep in thought.     


"You know I won't let you be just because you said 'nothing' so tell me. I am your fairy godmother. Bibidi bobidi boo.." She said wriggling her fingers in the air making Mia laugh.     

"Do you..."     

"Do I what?" Mira asked inquisitively.      

"Do you think Leo... likes me?" She asked in a less confident voice.     

"Isn't it obvious he does?"     

"I don't know.." Mia answered with a shrug as she looked down.     

"You know the kind of person he is and how he gets with women..."      

Mira nodded in understanding. "It's normal for ladies to be wary of those kind of men. But you know why it's difficult for us to stay away from those 'bad boys' or 'players'?"     

"Why?" Mia asked.     

"Because ladies like the idea of being the one to tame him. Just like men like it when they are the first to bring pleasure to an innocent girl."     

"So... your point exactly is?" Mia asked in confusion.      

"Don't you like the idea of taming him? Well, he looks pretty much tamed to me right now." Mira said with a laugh.     

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