My Crazy Housemate

A party?

A party?

4"Well, we are here." Jeremy announced when he got to the last bend before the King family's house. He was to stop there while she drove the rest of the way home since her house was just around the corner.      

"Yup!" Chloe said nonchalantly as he pulled over.      

Jeremy turned to look at her for a few seconds and she looked back at him wondering why he was staring..     

"You look tensed." He said when she opened her mouth to talk.     

"I'm fine." Chloe said returning to her usual cold voice before she got down from the car.     

She was still a bit tensed from seeing Leo earlier. He was probably going to call her soon.      

"See you at work tonight then" Jeremy said before getting down also.     

It wasn't like other jobs where they had to take a break at weekends. In fact, sales at the mall was higher during the weekends.      

"I wanted to ask earlier..." Chloe said when she stood in front of him.     

"Do you usually leave Ellie all by herself... everytime?" Chloe asked curiously.      

Ellie was too young to be left alone and with Jeremy always working late, she couldn't imagine how the girl lived on her own.      

"She goes to school." Jeremy answered.     

"And when she is back from school?" Chloe asked.      

He had guessed correctly. Chloe liked kids and she seemed to like Ellie. Hallelujah!     

"She takes ballet classes immediately school closes."      

"She walks down there on her own?.... Alone?"      

"No. It's on the same path one of her teachers take home so she usually drop Ellie there then I go pick her up just before my evening shift starts."     

"So what about at nights? Leaving her alone... do you think it is safe?" Chloe probed.     

"I know it's not and I do not intend to but there is nothing I can do. But she usually isn't at home all the time. She usually stays at my next door neighbour's house when I'm not around. The lady travelled to the countryside but would return today."      

"Hmmm... well,okay." Chloe said with a shrug.      

"You should try to create time for her some times. She's still a kid." Chloe said eyeing him.     

"Yes ma'am!" He nodded before holding out the door for her to get in.      

Just before he closed the door, he said.. "Thanks for staying over last night. I hope it rains again tonight so you will follow me home again."      

He said with a shameless smile causing her to scoff at him.      

He really never gave up, did he?     

She opened her purse and took out some cash before giving it to him.     

"I already mentioned I do not—"     

"Take it! You have to keep stopping here everyday. This is something I must do. So hurry home and go play with Ellie. See you later."      

She didn't wait for him to say anything else before she got inside her car and drove off.      

Jeremy looked at the money in his hand and looked at her car which was speeding off.      

He had a good feeling about his relationship with himself and Chloe. He had to hurry home and go make plans with Ellie.      


"You mean I am going to be working for the next two years alongside Cherry?" Leo asked just to be sure he perfectly understood what Richard was saying.      

"That's it." Richard agreed in a quiet voice. Even he didn't like the idea one bit.      

"This is crazy." Leo said raising his head in disbelief. He didn't want to see her but now he had to be touring around with her for the next two years?     

"I can't stay in the same place with her." Leo said shaking his head. "I can't work with that girl."     

"You can't say that Leo." Richard said sitting up.      

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and Mr Hillary has already accepted to work with you. You can't just back out now." Richard said in a pleading voice.      

He knew how important Leo's dreams were for him and couldn't stomach the fact that he suddenly want to back away from it because of her.     

"It means I have to be stuck with her." Leo reminded him in a disbelieving voice.     

"We have no choice here. This is something you have always wanted. You can't just let it go because of her. She is also pursuing her dreams. Do not limit yourself because you want to avoid her.. come on!" Richard schooled him.      

They heard the two girls giggle again and Leo looked at Mia's door. What was so funny that they had both been repeatedly laughing?     

The door was suddenly pushed open and Mira came out with Mia behind her.     

"You are leaving?" Richard asked looking at Mira.      

"Yea. Just came to see Mia and invite her over for a party tomorrow night." Mia said with a smile.      

"A party? Who is having a party?" Leo asked curiously before looking at Mia.     

Mira smiled even more seeing he was already showing interest.      

"It's a welcome party for James at Westend bar tomorrow night. We just want to have fun.... and get drunk." She added in a loud whisper.      

"You boys can come over if you are free. Everyone is invited." Mira added.     

Richard turned to look at Leo, waiting for him to say something.     

"Is it going to be a big party?" Leo asked with a slight frown.      

"Not really. Just me, James, a few of our friends, Jeremy, Mia, Benjamin, In case you are comin–"     

"Benjamin?" Leo asked in surprise before looking at Mia who had been quiet since she came out of the room.      

"Yes. Benjamin. You know him?" Mira asked with an innocent smile.      

"It's enough. He doesn't have to know the details, besides, they are too busy to attend parties like this." Mia said as she pulled Mira towards the door.      

She suddenly wasn't liking the idea of Leo being there.      

"You don't have to see me out dear. You should go study or do something inside. I'll call you later." Mira said before kissing Mia's cheeks and stepping out of the door Mia opened for her.     

Mia was about to close the door when Mira's head suddenly popped in.      

"Remember the venue. Westend bar, room 1-1-3. 9PM." Mira said loud enough for Leo and Richard to hear before winking at Mia and disappearing out of sight.      

Richard suddenly didn't have anything else to say and also left leaving Mia and Leo inside.      

They both stood close to the door, looking at each other awkwardly for a few minutes before Leo asked..      

"So.. you are going to the party?"      

"Well... James is my friend." Mia answered with a shrug. "Guess I have to be there."      

"....." Leo said nothing.      

"Look, you don't have to come if you don't want to. She was just being silly. You should have things to do other than coming to—"     

"You may get drunk or not able to find a taxi." Leo explained quietly with his hands inside his pocket.      

"I have things to do tomorrow but I'll try to be there if I can."      

"Oooh.." Mia said in a low voice.     

"Benjamin... are you..." Leo paused and scratched the back of his head.      

"Are you both like... friends now?" He asked while trying not to sound interested.     

"W..hat? No. No no no. Not at all." Mia quickly shook her head.      

"But you both keep in touch?" Leo asked again.     

"Well... some–thing like that." She said with a stutter before turning towards her room.      

Leo looked at her back with a frown. She was really keeping in touch with him? Why hadn't she mentioned it to him?     

"Uhm.... Are you going to be busy?" Leo called after her.      

Mia's heart skipped a beat and she slowly turned around to look at him.      

"When?" She asked.      

"Like, are you busy right now?" He asked.     

Mia remembered she needed to read so..     

"I have a lot of books to read and cover up blah blah blah blah." She rambled and rambled and rambled on until she realised she was talking inside her head and not out.     

She looked at him and he looked like he was waiting for an answer.     

"Uhm... I am free. Why?" She asked. Did he by chance want to take her out just like last time? She asked herself as she began to feel butterflies inside.      

"Cool. Wear something nice. We need to go somewhere." He said and winked at her before heading to his room.      

When Mia got to her room, she remembered one of the biggest problems she had was... her clothes.     

She kept throwing everything around as she looked for 'something nice' until she finally settled for a polo and jean... as usual.     

When she saw her reflection on the mirror, she shook her head in disapproval but there was nothing she could do about it.     

She slowly opened the door many minutes later and kept her face down in embarrassment. Leo was already waiting for her in the sitting room. He was stylishly dressed in a white turtle neck, black pants and also wore a coat. One look and she could tell his shoes and wrist watch were really expensive. His hair was even styled which was quite surprising since he always left his hair messy.     

Now, she felt even more like an idiot looking like this.     

Leo looked her up and down once before nodding.     

He wasn't surprised at all!     

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