My Crazy Housemate

What. The. Hell!

What. The. Hell!

4"Ehm.. do I have to style my hair? I thought I was only going to change out of these clothes." Mia said when they were about to enter inside a room.       2

"My dear, we have to. This is part of the services Mr King paid for."      

"He paid for it?" She asked in surprise.      

"Yea.. I guess he told you he owns this place with his brother right?"     

Mia nodded.      

"He still has to pay for the services." She said with a wink before pushing the door open.     

"I'm sorry dear, but you have to get your hair and make up done first before we go pick out some clothes for you. The stylist has somewhere he has to be so he has to leave really early." She said before giving Mia and apologetic smile.     

"Darling, this is Mike." The lady said to Mia when they entered inside the room which looked like an executive salon.      

"He is the best stylish here. He is going to make you look pretty while I go handle some things in the office."      

"Hello, I am Mia." Mia said before extending a hand out to Mike.      

He was a tall muscular man and it made her wonder how he thought to be a stylist when he could have been a wrestler or something.      

"Pleased to meet you,  my lady. You look even prettier than I expected. I hope I can be able to please you." He said with a smile before kissing the back of her hand.     

"Do not mind him. He is just being modest." The lady said with a smile and began to leave but Mia called her back.      

"Anything sweetheart?" She asked Mia curiously.      

"I didn't get your name." Mia said to her.      

In case the lady didn't return before she was done, she needed to know the name she could ask around for.      

"Oh! Call me Alicia. I don't mind you adding 'Keys'." She said with a laugh making Mia also laugh.     

"Alicia Keys. Sounds nice." Mia agreed with a nod before Alicia disappeared, leaving her to Mike.      

It was then that Mia took note of the place. It was really huge. There were about seven customers inside— six ladies and a young man. And the ladies weren't giving her a friendly look at all.      

"Wow! When was the last time you styled your hair?" Mike asked in obvious surprise as he carefully studied her hair before he took some locks in his hand.     

Mia smiled before shaking her head. "I guess I was around fourteen then."      

"Goodness!" He exclaimed before chuckling.     

"How would you like to style your hair then? Any particular style you've always liked?" Mike asked her as he began to use a pointer to show her different hair styles on a large TV screen opposite them.      

"Uhm... I really don't know. Just anything would do." She answered with a shrug.      

"You came with Leo King?"      

One of the ladies suddenly asked when she could no longer hold back.      

Mia turned to look at her. She was pretty and as much as she hated to admit it, she kind of looked like the type that would suit Leo. She had rollers on her head and stuck out her face out of the hair dryer to ask her with a glare.      

"Yea." Mia answered casually before turning to sit comfortably while Mike handed her an apron to wear.     

"Why?" The lady asked in a voice loud enough to draw everyone's attention.      

"Just let the girl be, Quin." Mike told the girl who was obviously trying to bully Mia.      

"You stay out of this Mike! This is between us." The lady said as she began walking towards Mia.     

Mia never would have believed that she would be faced with something like this. It was just like she had seen in the movies. This was probably one of his past flings or someone who just have a crush on him and was trying to attack her for being with 'her man'.     

"I am asking you. Why?" Quin asked in an intimidating voice as she folded her hands in front of her chest.      

"I beg your pardon?" Mia turned to ask her making her scoff.      

"You've got some nerves. Judging by how you look, it's obvious you are from the slums. You dare think you can just snag up any rich guy you want?" She asked with a sneer.     

"Yes." Mia cut in. "I think so. And I know I can. If you have a problem with it then go deal with it over there." She said pointing at where Quin had been sitting.      

"W...wh.. what?" Quin asked in disbelief as she looked Mia up and down.      

Everyone including Mike looked at her in surprise. She looked so innocent and quiet yet so fierce and intimidating.      

"Do you know who I am?" Quin asked with her face burning red from anger and embarrassment.      

"I do not care who you are so do not bother me." Mia said before turning to look at Mike. "Have you chosen something for me yet?"      

Mike looked at Quin and then at Mia before smiling. "Yes. Just relax."      

"Thanks." Mia said with a smile before shutting her eyes. Nothing else concerned her. Not even the annoying fly who was just about to cause trouble.      

She knew how these rich girls behaved. She had always been around them after all. They were very weak and all they knew were their parent's money and connection. They liked to feast on people's weaknesses and that was what she was never going to allow.     


"Wow! You look... stunning!" Alicia gasped in surprise when she saw Mia.      

Mia's black hair had been completely transformed into a brown ombre which suited her just well. The make up she wore made her look entirely different and perfect!     

Mia had also been surprised to see her reflection after her hair and make up was done. She looked like an entirely different person and almost hadn't recognized herself when she saw her reflection. She only hoped Leo would recognize her.      

Speaking of Leo, he must have been waiting for so long and she suddenly felt uncomfortable. She had spent close to three hours inside the room with Mike while he did his magic and stretched the life out of her hair.     

"I knew it! I knew you were a beauty queen. Have you ever considered being a model?" Alicia asked as she began to pick up some clothes.       

"No." Mia answered politely.     

"Aww.. that's a little sad. You could have made a really good model." Alicia said before picking out two gowns to check them out.     

"So how long have you been dating Leo?" She asked as she kept checking out the gowns.      

"Sorry?" Mia called in surprise making Alicia turn to look at her.     

"Aren't you dating Leo?" Alicia asked. "How long has it been?"      

"Uhm.. no.. not at all. We are just... friends."      

"Friends?" Alicia asked with amusement dancing in her eyes.      

"Yes." Mia answered with a nod as she clenched her fists beside her.      

"Okay then." She said with a cheeky grin before looking at the gowns again then she turned to ask Mia..     

"Are you comfortable wearing skimpy clothes?"      

Mia almost laughed. Well, she did wear skimpy but they were usually shorts. She didn't know how she was going to go about gowns since she hadn't been comfortable in the short skirt she wore during Benjamin's party.     

"I don't know. Probably... or not." Mia said with a shrug.      

"Good. Then try this out." She said before handing over one of the gowns to her.     


Leo had been inside his car with his laptop as he edited some pictures when Alicia called him to let him know they were done.      

He grinned as he quickly left the car. He was so eager to see her and what they had transformed his little Mia into.      

He kept strolling in and stopped when he heard Mia's voice.      

"No.. you are totally getting it wrong. I don't need these much clothes. I am fine!" Mia complained in confusion seeing all the shopping bags some assistants were following her with.     

"Mr King asked us to do this. We are only following instructions." Alicia said.      

Leo stood frozen on the spot when he saw her.     

He hadn't realised his mouth was open until a fly almost went in. His eyes almost fell out of their sockets as he looked at her.     

Her hair, her face, her clothes. She was completely different. She wore a short yellow bodyhug gown with V-Neck and had a white coat draped on her shoulders. On her feet were a pair of black ankle boots with fur around the ankle area and she held a clutch in one hand.      





He didn't know when he stood in front of them but he slowly reached for her face to touch it. He wanted to be sure it was her and not his mind playing tricks with him.      

Hell! She was.... indescribable.      

"I told you he was going to be stunned." Alicia said with a wink as Mia looked into his eyes.     

He removed his hand from her face and poked her cheek gently.     

He just needed to be sure it was her somehow.      

When she flashed a small smile at him, his eyes widened.      

"What. The. Hell!" He exclaimed.     

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