My Crazy Housemate



2"Just look at her, do you recognize this princess?" Mira asked James with a grin immediately Mia walked into the café they had planned to meet.      

"Stop it!" Mia said with an embarrassed smile and moved to sit down but Mira stood up to hug her passionately until the people inside the café began to look at them weirdly.      

"You look so pretty. I still can't believe this is you!" Mira said showing her the picture with herself and Leo before looking at her from up head to toe. Mia was glowing!     

Mia looked at thr picture.     

They were both smiling at the camera and the caption under the picture read.. 'Guess who?'     

"Are you dating him now?"  James asked going straight to the point.      

Although he was also really surprised and happy to see Mia's new look, guys didn't always show much emotion the way girls did.      

"I am not. We just... went out." Mia answered with a shrug and sat down before snatching Mira's juice but when she remembered she was going to dance, she dropped it.      

A little food or drink before doing any rigorous thing made the left side of her belly ache her seriously.      

"Just went out? He took you out to shopping, gave you a complete makeover, and look at your hair." James said before pulling her hands to check her nails. It was neatly manicured with nude nail polish making Mira exclaim when she saw it.     

"All of this for you and you both aren't dating?" James asked raising one eyebrow.     

She couldn't tell them he had taken her to a really fancy restaurant to meet with a lawyer since they didn't know about the debt. But even though he had done all of that for her, she didn't think everything he did was necessary. Maybe changing her clothes was fine. But the hair, manicure, pedicure, shopping for clothes, shoes and even a new phone...     

Oh! Speaking of new phones.      

She opened her old backpack and took out the nylon with the phone.      

"I need your help setting this up." She said placing it in front of James and Mira.      

"No way!" Mira gasped and snatched the bag before James could touch it.      

"He bought you a phone!? Like for real?"      

"Look at me, Mia." James said turning her face towards him.     

"Do you think he is genuinely doing this or he is trying to buy your affection?" James asked as he looked deeply into her eyes.      

Even though he liked the idea of Leo being this sweet to her, he wouldn't take it likely with him if he was doing all of this because he had an ulterior motive.     

"I..." Mia looked at him and then at Mira who was also eagerly waiting for her answer.      

"I don't know." She said shaking her head.      

"And even though he is doing this to buy my affection... well, I don't think my affection is this expensive." She said with an awkward laugh.      

"You are scared you may end up like the other ladies he's been with right?" Mira asked as she held Mia's hand to comfort her.     

It was really risky falling in love with someone who was probably going to end up playing with your feelings.     

"You both stop saying nonsense. I just came to see you both since you asked me to. I have to hurry now to the studio."     

"I thought your rehearsals was by 11pm? It's just 9." James said looking at his watch.     

"Well yes. I have to practice with Benjamin before the others arrive. I really hope I do not mess this up." She said with a sigh.     

James and Mira looked at each other before looking at Mia.      

"He asked you to come earlier?" James asked suspiciously.      

"Yes." Mia answered with a nod.     

"Why?" Mira asked.      

"Because I snubbed him throughout yesterday when we were supposed to hang out, obviously. I do not want Mr B to be mad so I really have to perfect the steps with him before the main rehearsals begin."     

"Can we come with you?" Mira asked sounding slightly paranoid.      

"You know Mr B doesn't allow friends in his studio. I am going to be fine. Are you sure this is set now?" She asked when she took her new phone which James had been helping her set up.      

"Yes. Just make sure you update the system when you are free and if there is anything else, let me know."      

"Stop treating her like a kid. She can handle it." Mira said eyeing him.      

"She is a kid." James said with a grin and ducked when Mia almost hit his head.      

"You are just a month older than me you bastard! Stop thinking you are something." Mia said with a scoff.     

"You both are making me feel bad for being the youngest here." Mira said with a sad pout.      

They were both older than her with a year but she was the bossy one amongst them.      

"Aww. You don't have to feel bad darling." James said before pulling her closer to plant a kiss on top of her head. We still love you." He said with a wink making her grin.      

"Enough with the public display of affection you both. I gat to go." Mia said with an eye roll before standing up.      

"We should drop you off." James offered.      

"Nah, it's a different route from your place. You don't want to start going through the terrible traffic twice. You both have fun. I'll just go do my thing." She said as she lifted her backpack.      

"Alright. We'll go plan a party and play video games. In?" Mira asked James with a wink.      

"You are so troublesome." He grumbled but eventually relented as they all walked out.      


Leo checked his work mail for any messages and saw three new messages from Richard.      

'Pick up your call you bastard!'     

'If you do not turn on your phone, I am going to come to your house right now!!!!!'     

'You better turn on that phone before I kidnap that girl beside you.'     

Leo used his two hands to massage his temples as he read his messages.      

"Son of a bitch!"     

He was even threatening him with Mia now?     

He picked up his phone and turned it on to see tons of messages. As if there was a notification for Richard that Leo's phone was on, his call came in immediately.      

"You know you are a sick bastard who needs help! What's with those threatening mails on my work mail? Are you out of your damn mind?" He asked Richard immediately the call connected.      

"You are the one who's out of your mind. You sent me a picture of yourself and Mia and then you turned off your phone making me sick with curiosity the whole evening. I'm already on my way to your house but I'm stuck in this damned traffic."      

He said before honking the car noisily and repeatedly, making Leo pull the phone away from his ear. He hated sounds like that.     

A young lady whose car was beside Richard's car wound down the window of the back seat where she was sitting to yell at him.      

"We are all stuck in here together so you better stop bothering me with that broken horn of yours before I get you kicked out of that scarp you call a car."     

He was behaving like he was the only one who had something important to do in a hurry when they were all stuck there together. He kept honking his car every minute making her head pound.     

Richard was stunned. He totally forgot he was on a call and began to banter with the lady.      

Leo chuckled before hanging up. "Serves him right."     

After a few minutes, Richard called back.      

"That lady is nuts!" He complained.      

"If she wasn't pretty, I would have thrown her in jail or something."     

"You talk too much. That's your problem." Leo said with a sigh.     

"So, how did it go with Mia? You took her out for a romantic date?"      

"No, it was an official appointment."      

"And she was looking like that?" Richard asked with a tone of amusement.       

"I am going to hang up. Do not come to my house." Leo remembered to add but as he was about hanging up, Richard hurriedly stopped him.      

"I wanted to tell you... you remember that street dancing competition we both went to watch two years ago?" Richard asked.      

"Yea? What about it?" Leo asked as his eyes went to the picture of the mystery girl on the wall.      

"A new one is coming up soon. Very soon. Want me to get a ticket for us both? I noticed you liked it the last time. You could also ask Mia to come watch with us."      

Leo agreed immediately. This was probably a chance for him to meet his mystery girl again. And remembering Mia was a dancer, she was obviously going to like it.      

"Yes! Get three tickets."      

"Ah! I knew you were going to say that. I'll get four then."     

"Four?" Leo asked in confusion.      

"Mia also has to come with someone to make it complete." He said with a giggle.      

"Now come open your door. The weather is getting colder. I think it is going to rain soon."      

"What the hell! You still came here?" Leo asked with a displeased frown.     

*Ding dong*     

"Told you I was coming." Richard answered with a cheeky laugh.     

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