My Crazy Housemate

Queen of Dance

Queen of Dance

3Seeing the rain slowly begin to shower, different people had different reactions to it.      

Mira and James relaxed on his bed as they both saw a movie together inside his room with the lights off and a big bowl of popcorn and coca cola in between them.      

Jeremy on the otherhand looked at the window with a big smile on his face. He had prayed for it to rain so Chloe would sleepover at his house again. Was God answering his prayers?     

He was startled when one of the workers suddenly appeared behind him.      

"What are you thinking about instead of arranging items at the counter?" The young man asked looking at him suspiciously as Jeremy stepped away from the window.     

"Just something." He answered with a shrug.     

"It probably has to do with the boss right?" He asked again fully in gossip mode. Although a lot of people did admire Chloe for being a hardworking young lady even though she had a nasty attitude, but seeing someone who loved her was something really shocking especially since it was very obvious she didn't like him back.      

"Don't be a gossip." Jeremy said as he lifted two cartons of orange juice in his hands showing his flexed biceps.     

The boy couldn't help but admire it as he shook his head sadly.      

"I can't believe every lady who comes here flirts with you yet you are hung over the boss who doesn't care about you. What are you always doing with her anyway? You are always seen leaving together. Are you like in a secret relationship?" He asked as his eyes slowly widened.      

Jeremy sighed before walking past him to get to work. He really wished it would rain really heavily then he would have Ellie call Chloe's phone directly to tell her she was scared and needed her brother home. Then, Chloe would have no choice but to follow him there. But he remembered to call Ellie to ask her to go home since she was at his neighbor's place who had returned from her travel.      

He smiled happily as he returned to work.      

Meanwhile, Leo looked at the window with a deep frown on his face as he prayed to the heavens for it to stop raining.      

The Deity was probably confused by whose payers he was going to answer.     

Leo couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Mia was going to be dancing with a man and it was raining!!!!!!      

Even though he knew her entire dance team was going to be there, he still wasn't comfortable with the idea as he watched the rain begin to fall slowly.      

"What are you so worried about? And why can't you tell me where Mia went to?" Richard asked from the couch where he was drinking beer.     

Leo remained quiet as he closed his eyes to pray to God for the first time in a long while.      


Mia ran into the studio panting heavily. How had she ever forgot to carry an umbrella!?     

Thankfully, she had a hoodie in her backpack and had quickly wore it to cover her hair immediately she was about coming down from the bus.     

She pulled down the cap and was surprised to see Benjamin sitting inside the studio alone.      

Even though he had said they were going to practice together, she hadn't thought deeply about it being just the both of them inside.      

"Hi!" He greeted as he stood up.      

He was dressed casually in a tank top and sweatpants with a simple shoe. She couldn't help but notice his arms. It seemed he worked out a lot. For a slender body, he had really great abs.      

"Hi! Is Mr B in?" She asked looking at the direction of his office.      

"No, he left a while ago. Has things to attend to." He said as he moved towards her to hand her a handkie to clean her slightly wet face while looking at her intensely.      

His eyes went from her head to her toes. It was the first time seeing her wearing a crop top. Although she wore a hoodie, she didn't zip it up. And her hair... It looked different.     

His eyes were beginning to make her feel uncomfortable so she coughed.      

"You look different." He said to her with his hand still stretched out.      

She smiled awkwardly before opening her backpack. "I have my handkerchief inside." She said politely not wanting to make it seem she was rudely declining his kindness.      

"The hair color suits you." He complimented as he withdrew his hand.      

"Oh.. thanks. Uhm... I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long. Traffic was terrible."      

"No, it's fine. I only arrived a few minutes ago." He said as he went to sit down.      

"You could rest a little before we begin. You can sit."      

He said tapping beside him at the bench he was sitting.      

Mia awkwardly went to sit beside him and managed to flash him a smile when she caught him looking at her.      

"So uhmm.. how's your campaign going?" She asked not knowing what else to say.      

"Great. Kind of tiring to be honest, but it's all cool." He answered with a shrug.      

"And how are you coping with school work? I guess it's not easy getting good grades and also dancing." He pointed out.      

"How... did you know my grades?" She asked turning to look at him curiously.      

He placed both hands on the bench and threw his head backwards.      

"It's obvious. You look like the really smart type so I just guessed. I guess it's true after all." He said smiling a bit at her.     

Mia was quiet before nodding slowly. "Well, thanks. I have... wanted to ask.. why are you doing this? Dancing I mean."     

"Why are you doing it?" He asked throwing the question back at her.     

She raised her shoulders casually. "It's something I like to do. Plus earning from it makes it nicer."     

He nodded in understanding. "I like to dance. There weren't many opportunities to dance especially when my parents doesn't support it."     

"So.. do they support it now?" She asked looking at him.     

"Nah. They don't know about this. They think this whole movement is for the SUG campaign stuff." He answered with a smile before standing up.      

"Are you ready?" He asked her.     

It was surprising he wasn't mentioning how she had ditched him yesterday and refused to answer his calls. She concluded he was a cool guy.      

"I just have to change out of these and I'll join you." She said.     

"I think they were perfect." He said looking at what she was wearing.      

"You can't dance in jeans?" He asked.      

"Well, I can." She answered.     

"The let's do this." He said with a smile before climbing the stage.     

Mia frowned slightly before taking off her hoodie. She tied her shoes properly before joining him on the stage.      

Her heart was  beaing really fast but she tried to be calm as she remembered Mira's words. "Just pretend it's Leo and do the dance with him. It's going to be good, trust me."      

She believed if she was able to dance with Leo, it wouldn't be so difficult doing so with Benjamin so she was able to feel a bit relaxed as he started the music.      

Mia went into position with her back to him and just like before, Benjamin went to her and touched her hand.     

She froze but quickly relaxed as his hand went up and down her arm before their fingers locked together.     

When it was time to turn around, she wasn't smart with it but Benjamin smiled to see she was finally moving along with him.      

They locked eyes and his hand reached held her waist. Her whole body stiffened when his hand touched her exposed skin. She remembered she was wearing a crop top and quickly jumped away from him.      

"I am so sorry." She said to him guiltily and he nodded in understanding.      

"I really need to change, I am a bit cold." She said seeing as the rain had increased.      

"Alright. I'll just wait here." He said without moving an inch as she walked past him to go carry her backpack. She didn't look at him as she went towards the changing room to change her clothes.      

She took several deep breaths trying to calm her nerves. This whole thing was driving her crazy!     

She changed quickly into a polo and sweatpant before tying her ponytail into a bun then she went out.     

"Sorry about earlier." She apologised again as she joined him on the stage while he looked at her from her intently.     

"It's fine. Dancing comes with a whole lot of things and one also gets to learn a lot. I hope you are able to drop all of your fears through this dance." He said genuinely.      

"Thanks. We can start now" She told him.     

She reminded herself that she had to do this no matter what. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. When her eyes opened again, it was filled with determination.      

"You can do this Mia Lucas, you are the queen of dance." She reminded herself.     

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