My Crazy Housemate

Mad with rage!!!

Mad with rage!!!

4"Well well.. if it isn't you." Chloe said looking at Jeremy while her phone kept vibrating.      

"Wh... what are you doing here?" He asked looking all flustered having been caught red handed.     

"What am I doing here?" She asked raising a brow. "I own this place. I can be anywhere I want to be."      

Jeremy could only pray and hope she hadn't heard his conversation with his sister. That was his only prayer as he kept looking at her like a thief who had just been caught.      

With her gaze still fixed on him, she answered the call.      

"This is Chloe King. Who is on the line?" She asked watching Jeremy's face as his lips formed a thin line.      

Chloe heard a little girl crying on the phone as she spoke.      

"This is Ellie. Jeremy's sister, Ellie Williams."     

"Oh.... Ellie." Chloe said forcing a smile at Jeremy who was cursing his luck.     

"I am scared. I am all alone here... it's raining and he still isn't back yet. Please can you come home with him?" Ellie pleaded.      

"You are scared and all alone and it's raining and your brother isn't back and you want me to come to your house with him?" Chloe repeated so Jeremy would know what they were talking about.      

"Yes." Ellie said before bursting into tears.      

"You don't have to waste so much tears acting. You should save it for when I kill your brother." Chloe said as she blocked the door when she noticed Jeremy was about to escape.      

" are you talking about?" Ellie asked in a quiet voice.      

"Your brother is here, want to say hello to him?" Chloe asked.      

Ellie could guess they had been caught and quickly disconnected the call leaving Jeremy to his fate.     

"Hi boss!" Jeremy said forcing a smile at Chloe.     

"You know you've got some nerves... making your little sister lie for you." She said narrowing her eyes to look at him.     

"She... wasn't lying."      

"You are such a terrible liar." She said glaring at him. "I heard children's voices at the background."      

"That's the TV." He said smoothly.      

"I am so dumb I no longer know how the TV sounds." Chloe said forcing out an insincere smile that told him he was done for.     

There was no way he could escape since she was blocking the only door.     

"What tricks are you planning to play? Don't you understand that you are not my type?"     

"David didn't seem like your type either." He said referring to her ex boyfriend.     

Chloe frowned when she heard him. "Well, I made a mistake dating someone who isn't my type and I do not intend to repeat the same mistake." She shot back.     

"And I am glad to hear that." He said with a smile as he regained his confidence again.     

"Glad? Why?" She asked in confusion looking at the smile on his face.     

What was wrong with him? Why did he always make her angry?     

"If you can date someone who isn't your type, I think you can also do that again. Besides, I think I am your type." He said flashing her a smile.      

"Are you trying to piss me off?" She asked through gritted teeth.      

How did she get tangled up with a delusional psycho like him?      

"Look, there are a lot of girls always around you here and in school... find your type amongst them and stop trying to piss me off." She warned and was about to leave the room. But he quickly hurried to blocked the door with his body and smiled broadly at her.     

"Aha! I see what your worry is." He said with twinkling eyes.      

"What are you talking about?" She asked with a deep frown seeing how he was not letting her pass.     

"How did you know about girls always around me? By chance... you watch me, don't you?" He asked with a teasing smile.      

Chloe scoffed in disbelief.  "Stop kidding yourself. It's not hard to see it when you make it so obvious you are enjoying the attention, now get out of my way!"      

"Is that why you've refused to date me? Because of those girls? You are so cute when you're being possessive"      

He said with a small laugh before touching the tip of her nose making her jump in shock as her mouth fell wide opened.     

This was the first guy she had met who was behaving this way to her. Wasn't he scared she may fire him or throw him out or lock him up in jail?     

"Are you crazy!?" She blew up at him angrily.      

"I'm sorry I made you jealous. But trust me, I don't like any of those girls."      

He said seriously making her sigh in frustration.     

She would have pulled her hair if she wasn't so concerned about the way she looked at work.     

"Look Jeremy..." She paused when she didn't know what else to say.      

"I'm sorry I tried to use Ellie. I just liked the fact you slept in my room last night." He said when he noticed she was tongue tied.      

"Oh..! And I already used your schedule to prepare our reading timetable. I'll give you a copy on our way home."      

"Can. You. Stop. Talking. For. A. Minute?" Chloe asked trying to control her temper.      

He scratched his ear and shook his head.. "I don't think I can. I just want to say all of it so you can blow up at me once." He said and didn't wait for her to talk before he said..     

"I was invited for a party tomorrow night. Party time starts by 9pm so I was wondering if I could leave work early?"      

"Then.. how do I go home?" She asked frowning at him.      

"I was wondering if you would love to go to the party with me." He said and held his breath.      

"You.. want me.. to go to a party with... you?" She asked looking at him as if he was crazy.      

"Yes.. it's a welcome party for Mia's friend. You remember that guy we saw with them.. James. Yea.. the guy you spoke to. It's his welcome party. So I was wondering...."      

"Are you mad!? Do I look like I have the luxury of time to attend parties with you?"      

Chloe almost burst into tears from the frustration. He had so much guts. She would give him that.      

"Your brother... your bother may be there also. What if he recognizes me and really wants to know our relationship?"      

"And you think he has the luxury of time to attend such parties? Just... just get out of my way and get back to work." She said massaging her temples.     

"She's scary." Jeremy said under his breath.      

"I can hear you." Chloe said as her face turned red from anger.     

He quickly opened the door to get away but turned back to say something causing him to bump into Chloe who was about leaving also.     

She sighed deeply and bit down her lower lip as she tried to contain her temper.      

"I just wanted to tell you that..." He looked deeply into her eyes and took a step closer to her making her move back and look at him with a confused frown.      

"I am never going to wash that bedsheet you slept on" He said with a cheeky grin and ran away when he saw her open her mouth.      

He could hear her screaming angrily inside the room and burst into laughter.      

"Come back here! I am going to kill you and kill myself!!!" Chloe yelled as she flung the door open.     

When she came out looking mad with rage, she noticed some workers looking at her and also at Jeremy's back.      

They couldn't help but wonder what the boss was doing inside that room with Jeremy.     

She marched into her office angrily and for the first time in a long while, she took out a can of beer to gulp down.     


"You should have told me to come pick you up." Leo said to Mia immediately she entered inside the house.      

He took the umbrella from her and helped her carry her backpack which surprised her but she tried not to let it show.      

"Why are you still awake? It's 2am." She said looking at the wall clock.      

"I was waiting for you. I thought you were going to ask me to come pick you up."      

He looked her up and down, her clothes were slightly wet from the rain and she looked cold.     

Immediately after her rehearsals, she had left the studio without looking back. Thankfully, Mr B had given her an umbrella when she refused to spend the night at the studio with the rest of them.      

"Go freshen up. I'll make you tea." He said before heading towards the kitchen.      

Mia looked at his retreating figure. 'This is weird'. She thought to herself as she called him quietly.      

'What is it?" He asked turning around to look at her.      

"My bag." She reminded him.      

"Oh! Here." He returned to where she was standing and gave it back to her while smiling awkwardly.     

"Thank you." She said with a smile.      

She didn't know how else to thank him for everything. He had done more than enough and she was feeling really indebted.     

"I'm sorry." She said looking down.      

"For what?" He asked looking at her in confusion.      

"For wetting you."      

He looked down at his clothes. He was completely dry. He was about to ask what she was talking about when she suddenly hugged him.     

Leo's eyes slowly widened in surprise as he stood there stiffly.     

He was finally wet!     

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