My Crazy Housemate

Truth or Dare (2)

Truth or Dare (2)

4Everyone watched as Mia stood up to pick her card.     0

"I can feel your anxiety from here." Richard teased Leo in a whisper but Leo didn't say a word and just watched as she picked up a card.     

Her eyes slowly widened when she saw what was written on the card.     

"Come on, read it out…" Peter urged her.     

Mia didn't look at anyone. Her eyes were still fixed on the card and her heartbeat increased.      

She remembered the rules again. If she didn't do whatever was written on the card, the person beside her was going to make her do a dare. And if she didn't want to do any of them, she had to pay a thousand bucks. Where was she going to get such money from?     

"How…" She gulped down saliva as she read it out while her friends watched her with curious eyes.     

"How would you describe your… first sex--ual experience? And who did you have it with?"     

"Wooooah!" The others cheered while her friends became uncomfortable, especially Leo.     

Mia's eyes quickly went to him and saw him looking at her with an unreadable gaze.     

Whatever she had with Leo, could it be considered as her first sexual experience? She wondered nervously. He was the first person for her but she wasn't sure she could mention his name here. She was also skeptical about saying she had never had it before since Leo had told her some perverted men would see her as their prey once they learned she was innocent in that aspect.     

But she couldn't tell the truth. She also couldn't say it was with Leo. Hell! Her friends and classmates were here including Leo's friend and sister. Benjamin was also beside her eagerly waiting to hear her answer.     

She decided to go for the alternative and pray Benjamin would give her a lesser dare because she didn't have a thousand bucks to pay. She worked for many hours to be able to earn such amount and wouldn't be so stupid to spend it here.      

"Come on! We are waiting!" The tag girl said impatiently.     

Mia thought about lying instead and just mention some random guy's name but she always found it difficult telling lies and she wouldn't want people to see her as that type of person.     

While she was in a state of dilemma, Leo moved his gaze away from Mia over to Chloe who was also looking at him.      

He seemed to be communicating something to her but she looked at him in confusion, not getting what he was trying to say.     

She saw him take out his phone and began to type so she took out her phone from her purse and saw a message from him pop in.     

She looked at him in surprise before nodding.     

"I guess Benjamin would would have to ask me a question then." She said with a nervous laugh before throwing the card on the tray with the other used cards.     

"I don't think that's a good idea." Richard whispered to Leo who was frowning.     

"Oh.. me?" Benjamin asked rhetorically as he stared at Mia. He hadn't been able to look at her face since the incident with the condom.     

"So dude.. tell her what to do." Peter said while the others cheered and anticipated.      

"Jeremy?" Chloe whispered to Jeremy and he turned to look at her in surprise. It was the first time she was talking to him since that incident earlier.     

"Yes?" He asked curiously and she moved closer to whisper in his ears making him feel goosebumps all over his body when he felt her breath on his ear.      

"So Mia … uhm.." Benjamin pulled his ear as he thought about what to ask her.      

"Just tell her to kiss you or do something. Ya'll are making this game boring." Peter's girlfriend complained with a sigh.     

"Okay… I dare Mia to…."     

Mia's heart began to beat really fast as she waited for him to say it.     

"Mia is going to pay the money." Mira said aloud with a smile just as Benjamin was about to say something.     

Mia turned to look at her in shock and confusion. Pay? Where was she going to get that money from?     

"Really?" Peter, James and the three other girls asked in surprise.     

"Yes. Really." Mira confirmed with a nod.     

 Mia's face was flushed as she looked at Mira. Was she trying to embarrass her? Where was she going to get the money from?     

"What are you doing?" She asked Mira in a quiet voice but Mira took her hand and discreetly handed her some cash notes.     

"What is this?" Mia asked as she looked at it in surprise.     

"The money. It was passed to me for you. Just use it." Mira said with a wink as she urged Mia to hand it over to Peter.     

"Who gave it to you? I can't just…"     

"Just do it. The money is going to James anyway so we can take it back from him." She said with a grin before pushing Mia.     

Mia loked around in confusion and then her gaze landed on Leo who was looking at her with a bright glint in his eyes.     

It was him. It had to be him. She concluded.      

Peter approached her with a big smile on his face and took the money from her which she relunctantly released.      

"Wow! That was a sly move." Richard whispered to Leo with a cheeky grin while leo nodded briefly at Chloe.     

All the while, he kept a straight face like he was not interested in whatever was happening there.      

"I knew he liked her." Jeremy said when he saw the exchange between Chloe and Leo. He had been the one to pass the money to Mira.      

"Yea." Chloe answered curtly before looking at Benjamin who had an embarrassed smile on his face.     

She kept wondering what he was doing here beside Mia when Amara, Ben's sister had told her Benjamin had a girlfriend.      

The next person to pick a card was Benjamin.     

He picked a dare.. "Make a romantic marriage proposal to the person on your left." He read out.     

"Do not even think about it!" Jeremy said immediately making everyone including Chloe to snicker.     

"I know you are happy the card didn't say 'the person on your right'." Richard teased Leo again making Leo regret allowing Richard to sit beside him. But truthfully, he was greatly relieved.     

Benjamin shook his head as he looked at Jeremy. "I can't do that." He said with an awkward laugh.      

"So I guess you have to ask him a question then.." Peter said to Jeremy while everyone waited for his question.     

Jeremy looked at him seriously before asking.. "Remember you have to answer honestly.... what is your intention towards Mia?"     

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