My Crazy Housemate

Truth or Dare (3)

Truth or Dare (3)

3"What are you doing?" Chloe was the first to ask while Mia, Leo, Mira and James looked at him in shock. They had not expected that at all.     

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" The others chanted, oblivious to whatever was happening with the others.      

Benjamin was also stunned but he laughed awkwardly before turning to look at Mia. It was the two of them once again.      

Mia could not believe she was once again the centre of attention when she just escaped from one.     

Although she was curious to know what he thought about her, she didn't want to know like this.     

Her eyes went to Leo and she saw him looking at her face with that gaze she still couldn't read.     

"My intentions towards Mia?" Benjamin said looking at Mia's face who was also looking at him.     

"I like her."     

*Pffft* James who was gulping down his beer to avoid the awkwardness suddenly choked and spat it out in shock.     

Mia's eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped when he said it. He liked her? Unbelieveable!     

Benjamin just smiled at her and turned to face the others.     

Mira also looked really shocked. This was something she hadn't seen coming. She looked at Leo and saw him looking nonchalant with his gaze down but the veins in his head was clearly showing. This was it… he was jealous.     

"Why did you ask him that?" Chloe asked Jeremy who was frowning deeply. Benjamin liked Mia? What a joke!     

"Because I am curious and I know everyone else is also curious." He answered in a whisper. "I just didn't expect than answer." He said with a sigh as he looked at Mia who was still looking very baffled.     

"That was a nice confession. Let's move on!" Peter who had been cheering with the others said and pointed at the next person.     


The atmosphere was still very awkward for most of them but they tried to pay attention. Even Mira couldn't say anything to Mia.     

Jeremy's card was a dare and frowned when he read it out. "Sing one of beyoncé's songs."     

The others in the group laughed and and urged him to go on but he shook his head       

"Can you just ask me to tell the truth instead?" He turned to ask Chloe who shook her head at him. She wanted to watch his humiliation as a pay back for all the times he had been frustrating her.     

"Sing it! Sing it! Sing it!" The crowd chanted again as Peter gave him an empty bottle to use as a microphone.     

Jeremy laughed shyly before clearing his throat then he turned to look at Chloe. Since she wanted him to sing, he was just going to sing it to her.     

:musical_note:"You're just like poison. Slowly moving through my system breaking all of my defences with time.":musical_note:     

"Oh my fucking god!" The blond girl gasped loudly as he sang the first line and so did everyone else.      

Chloe's eyes shone in surprise hearing his voice. Never would she have thought that he had such a perfect voice! She was a terrible singer and this just made her feel completely bad for herself.      

Leo who had been lost in his thought turned to look at Jeremy and his sister and frowned at the look on her face.     

'He just got her in the perfect spot.' He thought to himself knowing how much Chloe liked singers.     

:musical_note:"You're just like poison     

And I just don't get it, how can something so deadly feel so right?     

I'm not sure of what to do, it's a catch twenty-two 'Cause the cure is found in you, I don't want it, but I do     

You're just like poison     

My affliction, I'm addicted, I can't lie     

Kiss me one more time before I die":musical_note:     

He conclude the song with a wink at her while everyone clapped soundly. Even Mia forgot about the awkwardness for a minute and just clapped.     

The boy's frowned when they saw the six girls around the table looking at Jeremy with so much surprise and awe.     

Jeremy sat down quietly and tried not to look at anyone but he looked at his side and immediately, Chloe looked away before reaching inside her purse for something.     

She was the next to pick a card so she took out a thousand bucks from her purse and was about to hand it over to Peter when Jeremy held her hand.     

"Come on, you should at least do something or pick a card and decide not to do it. Don't ruin the fun." He said with puppy eyes making Leo frown again while Chloe pushed his hand away.     

Leo couldn't believe Jeremy was currently adding to his problems at the moment.     

"I think I like Jeremy again." Mira whispered to Mia making her roll her eyes and look ahead. She had decided to not look at either Leo or Benjamin.     

"How did you get that money?" Mia suddenly remembered to ask her.     

"It was from Leo right?" She asked but tried not to grin too much.      

"How did you get it?" Mia asked impatiently. Leo wasn't sitting close to them so she didn't know how he did it but she was sure it was him.      

"While you and Benjamin were both staring at each other awkwardly, Jeremy told Peter to give it to me. You know.. so it wouldn't be awkward since Peter was the only one standing and moving the box. Then Jeremy texted me that it was meant for you." She explained quickly and they both turned to look at Chloe when she finally moved.       

Chloe relunctantly reached inside the box and took out a card. She scoffed when she read what was written on it. "If you are a guy, call your mother and tell her your girlfriend is pregnant. If you are a girl, tell her you are pregnant."     

She looked at Leo and saw him smirk at her. He knew she was never going to do something like that. They both knew who their mother was.     

"I won't do it." She said plainly making the blond girl and tag girl to sneer at her for acting so cocky.     

"Then I guess I have to ask you a question then." Peter said with a wink since he was the next in line and the last to complete the circle.     

"Hmmm… what's the worst day of your life?" He asked.     

"Oh, Come on..! Is this a grade school truth or dare?" A lot of people complained but Chloe's face already turned pale while Leo looked at her quietly.     

Jeremy noticed how her hands were tightly fisted beside her and looked at her with worry.     

Chloe sighed before answering..     

"It was the day.... I lost someone…." Her eyes turned misty and she swallowed hard before adding quietly. "The day I lost a friend."     

Everyone was quiet after she answered. No cheering, no laughing, no talking.     

She noticed it and forced out a smile. "That's it."     

Peter cleared his throat before announcing he was the last to pick for that round.     

"Spin a bottle and dance with the person the bottle points at."     

He read it with a smile before picking up the empty bottle Jeremy had used as a microphone earlier.     

He spun the bottle and most of them watched eagerly as it turned and landed on Mira making them clap.      

"I'm so lucky!" Peter said excitedly as Mira happily stood up. Peter was like her younger brother so she didn't mind it at all. She took his hand as they both danced to the music coming from the main room.     

James watched Mira who they all knew was a terrible dancer dance and his lips twitched with a smile.      

Meanwhile, Jeremy's eyes never left the sad looking Chloe while Leo's eyes never left Mia.     

"I hope you are ready with your tags?" Peter asked excitedly when they stopped dancing.     

"Time for our big kissing game! We have to move into the main hall" He announced.     

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